How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_box_paradox





When the first ball comes up gold, you know straight away it can't be the box with two silvers.

Both wrong.

Try again.


When the first ball comes up gold, you know straight away it can't be the box with two silvers.

That's true but the answer is NOT 1/2.

Try again.

50%, same fucking thing


You can't be this dumb.

The answer is NOT 1/2 or 50%.


Some of these questions can be counterintuitive a la the Monty Hall problem, but this one isn't. There isn't a credible mathematical explanation for why the answer to this would be P=1/3. The fact that there are three boxes is actually irrelevant because our given information only makes it possible for one of the two boxes with at least one gold ball to have been chosen.

Thus P(second gold) = P(number of boxes with two golds)/(P(number of boxes with at least one gold)

And thus, P(second gold) = 1 / 2, because all of our reasoning takes place after the first gold has already been seen and taken into account.

If the question were to ask what the overall probability would be of choosing the box with two golds with no knowledge of contents, it's quite obvious that the answer would be 1/3. But giving the information about one ball in the box absolutely removes the box bereft of a ball of that color from all forward consideration. Anyone who believes or tells you otherwise should probably spend more time in the real world learning and less time arguing with idiots on Sup Forums

There is also no credible mathematical explanation for why the answer would be 2/3. If you think otherwise, argue with your probability skills and not with your caps lock.

Explain how.
By taking a gold ball either you picked the box with 2 gold balls or the box with 1 gold and 1 silver, the 2 silver box is out so 50% chance that box has another gold ball.


DISCLAIMER: This image is bullshit and I'll explain why

Whichever dipshit created this wanted to convince fools that the answer is 2/3. It's very simple to see the egregious error: The two "check mark" examples picked the same box. We are talking in units of boxes here, not balls. There are not three possible units with the information we've been given... (tbc)

Check em

Here is how it should look. Pretty obvious id say.

Are we really this stupid? Look at how many boxes contain gold balls. Two. You picked one. One divided by two is 50% chance. EZ


Obviously, we are this stupid

your answer is bullshit but i just wanted to say i never understood why someone would choose to type 5 characters i.e. 66.7% to represent an approximate answer when you could type 3 characters i.e. 2/3 to represent an exact answer. i think there is some interesting psychology behind it // some people just too dumb to think in simple fractions


op is a faggot, as per usual

I am much smartness juice, the answer is cabbage

>There isn't a credible mathematical explanation for why the answer to this would be P=1/3

That's because the answer is 2/3.

>There is also no credible mathematical explanation for why the answer would be 2/3.


>Explain how.
By taking a gold ball either you picked the box with 2 gold balls or the box with 1 gold and 1 silver


>the 2 silver box is out

>so 50% chance that box has another gold ball.

The answer is 2/3.

Once you have picked a random ball from the box and it is gold, you are TWICE AS LIKELY to have the box with 2 gold balls.

This is because there are 2 ways to get a gold ball as the first ball from the all gold box and only 1 way top get a gold ball as the first ball from the 1 gold-1 silver box.'s_box_paradox


>This is because there are 2 ways to get a gold ball as the first ball
only if you're unrealistically autistic

Bertrand's box is if you draw a ball at random and it happens to be gold (...) then the probability is 2/3. I agree with that. However in this question the pic stated that we DID draw a gold ball. Thus your screenshot doesn't apply.

Conditional probability. If you pick a gold ball on your first pull, it's more likely it came from box 1 than box 2.

No, you stupid cunt. It's a mathematical fact.

>Bertrand's box is if you draw a ball at random and it happens to be gold
Exactly the same as OP question.
>draw box at random
>draw random ball from box
>it's gold


Retards will never understand OP, just give up.