Just a daily reminder, there are more than 2 genders

Just a daily reminder, there are more than 2 genders.

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Mental illness

I really only think there are 3. M, F, and bi. anything else is just ridiculous.

>Triggered cis white male
Go back to tumblr, you right wing sjw.


have a word with yourself mate.

Gtfo shill

there are only 3, straight, gay, and bi.

Yep hypocrisy is a funny thing isn't it OP?

going head first for the bait

Nah man
Bi is bisexual and it refers to sexuallity
There are 3 sexualities- homo hetero and bi
For genders there are only 2


>Triggered landwhale
Go back to the sea, you fat dyke

Ironically, actual physical conditions such as Kleinfelter syndrome (XXY chromosomes instead of XY or XX) generally /don't/ result in transgenderism. You'd think it would if anything would.

2 genders you niggerfags you got a dick or a pussy anything else is a short of a chromosome you retarted trannazis

I disagree with your opinion but it affects me in no way so gay it up!

some people aren't born with either


democrats are so dumb. Im so glad trump is president. If you dont like it move to mexico before the wall is built.



Sucks for them pull a hitler, also go back to tumblr you cringy dissapointment

So he' sgoing to use the wall like Russia, to keep his own citizens from running away? I knew he was sucking Putin's putin.

>to be gassed

a coin has more than 2 faces

>tumblrfag for pointing out genuine medical anomalies
your obsession is embarrassing


there is 2 unkown genders, both or none. But,those go under those 2 genders.

Hell Sup Forums My gender is a 1944 P-51D Mustang. My pronouns are RATATATATATATAT (when I'm stafing *giggle*, BRRRROOOOOOAAARRRRR when I'm at full power (if you know what I mean), and 'Stang when I'm feeling flirty on an escort mission with those B17s..

My triggers are ME-262s and anyone who thinks Dornier Do 335 Pfeil is sexier than me.

means that they are:

Mistakes or:


it sounds like a lonely religion

y'know if you know who john money is you dont want to ever say gender

no, herms have both and one works, some people are born with no dick or womb
not gonna pretend like its normal though, they are malfunctions

everytime some shit like this comes up just say

JOHN MONEY a sick sjw gender retard who did some very genderrelated experiments 2 little kids


Oh, they all start that way.

Only thing embarrassing here is your existance


If thats an animu I would totally watch it.