Ask a guy who is too fat to wipe his own ass after taking a shit anything

Ask a guy who is too fat to wipe his own ass after taking a shit anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

Does your ass attract flies

Have you ever had sex? If so gives details. Also how old are you?

can you even masturbate?

Who wipes ur ass?

No I shower daily

34, Yes I was married for a year. I have been fat since I was a kid but things went downhill fast after she cheated on me. Gained about 200 lbs since then.

Are you ever going to try to lose it? And can you give us a day in the fat life?

Joe Fleischaker RIP

Yes I actually have a pretty good sized penis, its just hidden under a mountain of fat. Standing up its basically inside me but if I am laying down and hard it looks like pretty much any other dick posted here.

I do but it is a real struggle. At home its pretty much impossible to get all the way. I fell on ice walking home from work a few years ago and injured my back and since then I cannot bend enough to reach all the way. My hand stops at the edge of my asshole.

I shower often and I try not to go at home. I am able to wipe fully at restaurant toilets, they are higher off the ground and have more space If I squat and spread my legs out really far and brace my arm against the toilet seat and bear down I am able to force my arm back far enough to get a good wipe. It's still painful though.

how did you get to be such a fat fuck?

do you want to lose weight?

do you enjoy being a fat fuck?

do fat women offend you?

have you ever eaten human flesh?

have you considered being a competitive eater?

Do you remember the first time you were unable to wipe your ass? We're you just like....fuck it, wiping my ass is overrated?

has this gain of weight made any social difference (approaching strangers for infos, making new friends)?


I've been trying to lose weight since I was a teenager. I lost almost a hundred lbs when my parents sent me to military school. I was almost fit enough to join the army I thought about doing it. If I could go back now I think I would it would probably have kept me thinner.

Regular day for a fatty

>Be 480ish lbs (specialty scale I bought to weigh myself broke down and haven't replaced so its a guess but its close)
>Have bad sleep apnea. Did a sleep study and they said I stopped breathing for minutes at a time. I would have died within six months if I didn't start using a cpap machine.
>Can't sleep in a normal bed because its too hard on my spine, the only place I can be comfortable is a lazy boy recliner, I have to sleep in it as well.
> Takes all my strength to force myself to a standing position, showering is very painful on my feet.
>Apartment is covered in dust.
>Every morning after I shower I have to go in a closest and cover myself in corn starch baby powder (the regular kind shreds your skin when you sweat it around after a while). Making sure to later every fold around my chest/stomach/groin or I will get a bad rash. This powder gets everywhere and there isn't much I can do about it.
>Basically have to wear the same thing every day. Basketball shorts and generic black Tshirts from big and tall that cost 3x as much as normal clothes.
> Lost my management position at work because I couldn't handle all the hours on my feet.
> Am miserable as fuck and it just builds up every day. Can't get a better job because can't handle the physical stress, am treated like scum of the earth at work and am used as the scape goat for anything that goes wrong. Go home depressed as fuck and there is no one to talk to or do anything with.
> Lost all my friends because they moved away or don't want to hang out with me because all I can really do is sit on a couch and watch movies or play video games.

post nudes

When and why did you decide to become morbidly obese?

>Sometimes I order a pizza just after I ate because I am so lonely and enjoy the brief interaction with the delivery person.
>Food is on my mind from the moment I wake up till the moment I go to sleep. I can eat an entire pizza and be thinking about eating and be hungry 30 minutes later.
>Think about suicide all the time but I convince myself that someday I'm going to lose weight and my mom would be really sad if I died.

How do you do it?

How old are you OP?

Have you considered getting a Gastric Bypass?

people don't get sad when they rid of a burden

Have you developed diabetes yet?

How have you been fat your entire life and can't take 480lbs? I was near that weight for three years and could still jump. The only time I got really winded was going past a mile while walking. Not even tall - 5'8". Us lifelong fatties usually have a ton of strength from carrying it around like it's normal, so I'm not too sure how honest you're being.

how did you get to be such a fat fuck?
No real one thing, my mom has an eating problem as well, she used to bring me pizza in the middle of the night when I was 7-9 years old (I think because she felt guilty eating it all herself). Everything that happened growing up good or bad was celebrated or comforted with food. I had a hard time relating to others and food just made me feel good. It was a slow process, It won't make sense but getting morbidly obese just kind of sneaks up on you. Its like a frog boiling slowly to death in a pot of water. You don't realize how bad it is till its too late.

do you want to lose weight?
>Yes, I dream about life being skinny every day.

do fat women offend you?
> Not usually, I mostly feel sorry for them. Rude ones though make me pretty angry.

have you considered being a competitive eater?
> I have actually but where I live its not really a thing and I am trying not to do anything that would worsen an already bad situation.

I am a pretty social person, never had problems talking to people. I would say the main thing it has done is taken away my ability to go out in the world and be around other people.

Do you have a beautiful set of plump Pepsi-tits?
If so, may I nibble on your nipples while you fap
yourself to the ultimate obese orgasm?

Why not make fatfriends?

You can do it dude! :)

Have you considered getting a Gastric Bypass?
> I have but I have done a lot of research on it and the side effects are horrible and it is a lifetime thing there is no ever going back to normal. I would only do it as a last resort.

No somehow I have dodged that bullet for now.
But I have started getting edema in my feet and legs. It started right after christmas, really scared me. I have been trying harder and if I do well for a few days it goes away.

I could jump if I wanted to but it would hurt coming down and be terrible for my joints. I was a lot more mobile 2 years ago but I had a bad fall on my back during an ice storm and fucked up a disc in my back and it has taken away most of the mobility I had. I can only bend so far and its like I hit a brick wall and literally cannot move any further. I can't get surgery for it because it would be too dangerous the doctor said I would have to lose at least 100lbs first. I am not lying I wish I was making this all up.

have you lost sensation in your penis yet?

i lost sensation in my penis once i got to about 450 pounds. but i slowly am regaining sensation now that i lose weight.

i am hoping to regain it fully if i lose enough weight.

Shit dude, I'm sorry to hear that. You know we all make fun of people but sometimes we forget the actual human being underneath. I wish I could help you but the best I can offer is advice. Make a plan to lose weight but start NOW, don't leave it off any longer.

You know I believe it takes only 16 days of getting into a new routine to make a new habit. Start slow and make small goals.Once you start losing weight it'll massively increase your confidence.

Best of luck buddy!

I believe you. Doesn't take a very big harpoon to keep us down at that weight. Godspeed, Obesanon.

Ya the girls at work always joke about me having better tits than them. I play it off and laugh with them but inside its one of the things I am most ashamed of.

Thanks, this is the first time I have ever really come out and spoken to anyone about my problem. Friends/family just kind of pretend it isn't a thing. I haven't given up hope and I spend hours brousing /fit/ and trying anything I can to help lose the weight. So far the best I have gone without relapsing is about a week.

Umm not really, my orgasms feel kind of shitty though, like the pleasure burst doesn't really hit as high as it did when I was younger.

yeah, i am tellin ya man, when you lose weight it starts to come back and you are like "maybe this is worth it after all"

Dude if you want to turn your story around you need to make small changes. Baby steps. Take the first one, drop softdrinks. Even diet or light.

Hope so, honestly right now I just want to lose enough weight to be able to work full time again. I think if I could lose 50lbs I could do it and then I could afford a better place and save up for a car so I could get a better job. Just wish I had a person irl to help me. Every person I see in success stories had a wife or family that supported them and I have no one. There is only so much I can do to distract myself at home and I am fighting my mind to not devour everything in sight all day long. The battle gets so tiring.

Ya thats been a big problem, I get so down and think I have no chance unless I radically change and try to go on a hardcore diet. It never works for more than a few days. I have started trying to cut out sugars which is really fucking hard because its in everything. I have started looking at nutrition labels though and am trying to count calories for the first time. It seems to be helping.

Do what you need to do man, get better, prove the fucks wrong.

Whats your favourite thing to eat? Do you drink or smoke?

Any upsides to being obese?

I know its stereotypical but I love a good hamburger. There is just so much variety with condiments/cheeses/meats/breads. Also love chinese food, I could eat General Tso's and fried rice every day.

Don't smoke I think its ghastly, my ex wife smoked and it was horrible kissing her after she smoked.

I don't drink much but thats more having to do with not being able to afford it. If I had the money and was healthy I would probably drink, all my friends do. But I don't have any need to drink, my only addiction is food.

Yeah hamburgers are great, especially with blue cheese.

I love blue cheese, there is a local place that had a blue cheese burger that made this sauce that mixed blue cheese dressing with horseradish and chunks of real blue cheese. It was to die for.

Have you considered not eating? For someone your size you'd lose about 10 pounds alone in the first week if you only consumed like 800-1200 calories daily.

Dude that sounds awesome. I now feel hungry.

You're obviously miserable and hate yourself and your life. Do something about it. Eat less. Eat better. Move more. Stop looking for excuses and do something before your fatness kills you.

Go here:

Wipe your ass thusly...on the weekends cut two inch wide strips of a cheap towel about 2 to 2.5 feet long, then tie a knot about 9" apart with one on the ends. After shitting, slide one strip under your leg and pull it into the crack of your ass. Keep as much of it in front as possible. Pull it backwards until your other hand has to let go......use two if needed...put in baggie and toss into trash can on the way out the door...also...spread your asscheeks apart as far as possible and that will minimize shit smearage, thereby making it easier to clean up...also make the rag strips slightly moist before using.......Profit

Omg... I hate that that actually sounds like that would work. I think this post is the best motivation I have gotten out of this thread to make a change. If I get desperate enough to actually do this I'll make another thread with pics.

did you consider trying an anal wand?

Don't do it dude. He sounds like he speaks from experience. Don't go down that road. Use it as motivation to lose the weight and wash your own ass.

This is tl:dr and fucking disgusting, but the one thing that rings out in my mind... is... that... amid... all of this.... you don't think you need to lose some fucking weight so you can live a semi-normal life as a human being?

not sure if troll--but if not, get your ass on a Keto diet--eat healthy fats, avocados and sausages, with zero carbs.

Start losin that weight relatively easy.

get more info from or whatever other Ketogenic diet website you like

gluck. don't die at 40. get healthy you fatass

Why exactly would a diet with zero carbs work any better than any other diet out there?

so in a jist, under normal physiologic conditions, your body consumes carbohydrates first and foremost, and then converts those carbs into a form for long term storage--meaning fats.

excess carbs get turned into fats.

if you are in starvation're consuming no fats, and no carbs. So what does your body do? starts mobilizing the fats that you have stored in your body. Those fats fuel your peripheral tissues, and they leave metabolites called Ketones--which will then fuel your brain.

So that ^^^ is what happens when you go into enter (non nutritional) ketosis...not the healthiest thing for you because you're still not getting your nutrients (electrolytes, and vitamins)

if you start a ketogenic means that you're eating zero carbs, and only fats from health sources (leafy greens, avocados, olive oil, steaks)

what happens here is that since you're consuming zero carbs, nothing you eat will get converted into fat (unless you're eating a fuck ton of's just gonna get stored) So since you're only eating're only metabolizing fats...those fats being the ones you're eating...and the ones you're storing. This is how you lose weight on a ketogenic diet.

Also, because you're actually consuming will enter NUTRITIONAL ketosis, meaning you're gonna get all your electrolytes and nutrients, while feeding your brain on ketones, and all the while losing actual body fat.

also, your brain runs more efficiently on Ketones...most people find that their cognitive abilities are enhanced while on a keto diet...they feel hungry FAR less often...bc fat burns slow, and you'll have a constant source of energy.

The first week in keto sucks'll likely have a "keto flu" but afterwards, the shit is bomb.

it's a bit more expensive than a regular diet bc you're eating only proteins and fats, but it works very very well.

Additionally, it's been shown to reverse type 2 DM

Medfag here.

If you don't eat any carbs your body uses fat for energy

Got any more info that I can read before this 404s? Diet plans and shit?

Checking out the reddit page, I'll give it a shot, not much to lose at this point. I love bread though, gonna be rough.

Look up the Atkins diet

of course homie is a good start--they have a wiki on the right side of the page with tons of info

also, keep in mind this doesn't preclude you from bulking and getting buff either, check out

i apologize for only sourcing reddit in this, but within those subreddits there are a fuck ton of threads for diet, exercise etc.

The research is backed up and there's a plethora of physicians that recommend this diet. It's not your typical MarthaStewart TRY THIS QUICK AND EASY--type of diet

haha i feel you man, i did it for a few months only just to cut weight, and i weaned myself back onto a healthy carb-permitting diet.

if you're a bit overweight--it's a great way to kick start things before returning to a normalized diet.

but if you're quite obese, definitely stick to it for at least a year and you'll lose significant weight--while eating tasty shit like steaks!

Thanks Sup Forumsro

Not fat but just my .02 cents. After about 3 weeks of really hitting the gym, destroying your body and being sore, it gets addicting. After 7 months of deployment I went from 150lbs at 5'8" to 175lbs of lean muscle with very poor nutritioning, and this wasn't stupid ass weight shit. It was all HIIT cardio intensive bodyweight workouts. Once it gets addicting its like a snowball, I would be mad if I didn't workout. Just hang in there Sup Forumsro

thanks for being another example of why i dont support free healthcare

Where you live at OP. If be glad to take a fat ass under my wing to help workout. Not in amazing shape but I'm sure I know enough to help you drop 100lbs or so.


Get the bypass i did it 8 years ago best thing i ever did for myself!!!!!!!