Couldn't find an OC fluffy thread. Oh wait, here's one

Couldn't find an OC fluffy thread. Oh wait, here's one.

Other urls found in this thread:






God finally!!!




What the fuck?
Take this shit to your autistic faggot pony board you fuckin cum guzzlers
















Drink a gallon of gasoline and swallow a match you fucking gay autism fuckboard

Are you not entertained?

Kill yourself fuckboi

Fucking your mom, i guest.





Get the dog's dick outta your mouth you fuckin double nigger




Get this fagatory shit off my b
Fuckin cancer spreading niggers


this has become the best thing about Sup Forums



Wow you actually called me what my dad calls me. Dad?







go on


Remember, the Mods love this stuff so be sure to show it to them.

If your fluffy had babys what would you do? What if it had a rare Alicorn and it refused to take care of the munstah baby?

What if you had a 8" dick up your ass? What would you do?

we don't need this fucktard.
I never post if this newfag who don't know how to start his own thread and post his shit here.

Cut the mother's legs off, blind her chemically, pop the ear drums, and allow all foals to thrive. Once weaned, curb stomp useless milk bag, and sell alicon.




I always love fluffys in the wild. Retarded Pikmin.

Can a fluffy have an accent on top of their baby talk? If so what would a british fluffy sound like

like a fag

The talk is programed right into them so it can be one of the two

A fluffy would have to be around the accent for at least a generation and even given that I doubt it. They would be even more hard to understand.

Second possibility is limited edition or special editions of fluffys that have funny accents that could be understood.


>he doesn't realize we hate pony faggots more than he does

A few tips to write how fluffy ponies talk? Like if regular internet slang isnt difficult enough for a non native english speaker, writing like that making comics gets me mad

Out of all the retarded shit that this place generates, this is the only thing I think I'd actually do. Racing of the little bastards and making small customizations like this.


think of it as a lisp and child/baby talk.
water = wawa, dad/father = daddy/dada
legos = wegos, rolling = wolling.

screams are "eee" or "scree", add in chirps and peeps for foals.

must be new to fluffys





beta uprising.



Not much out right torture tonight, I'm impressed, keep it up!


I miss him

You mean brainless saw torture?

I like more sophisticated stuff then that


Fucking newfag, these threads have been on Sup Forums forever now and you just now start to say something.

Have a good feel, user

Nothing like a pit of morloc-fluffies


this one is better.

It's like a cheesy moment from FF

>we hate mlp
>we would get banned if we posted this there
God damn newfags.


no problem!
Cutscene before boss fight, the stars are right!

Yay, dust_collector. How goes it?

I'd be happy to have more fluffies, especially cute little babies! And if there were too many to keep/share with friends, I could give the fluffies difficult/impossible tasks and then squash them as a punishment for their failures.

If the mother refused to feed an alicorn, her other babies would make for excellent bargaining chips. Feed the alicorn first, her other babies wait in a bowl until its finished. And every good thing the mother ever got would all be presented as rewards for taking care of the alicorn, even if it was something normal like feeding.

A fluffy adventure eh? Only the brave may tread here.

Probably not Dust. She posts her stuff with her own filenames not the "saved from Sup Forums" generated ones.

Which doesn't mean Dust isn't here. Maybe.

Me too. I love slice of life stuff about them trying to live in an environment their happy-go-lucky selves aren't made for.

Well, Yippy is here but I ain't feelin' the storybro vibe tonight.

newfags, lurk moar or fucking off yourselves.

Nice. As long as something happens I'm good with it.