Damn, that's some powerful stuff

Damn, that's some powerful stuff.

I hope you guys go buy a ticket to pay at least a little for your crimes.

Other urls found in this thread:


Do they think shit like this will solve racism and end racial tensions?

>birth of a nation
>has nothing to do with the birth of a nation, just a relatively inconsequential slave uprising
Why didn't they make this about the Haitian Revolution, again?

>It's another white guilt flick

No. It's all part of the plan.

is that Eric Anre

was listening to a podcast with some racist black guys, they said they were tired of slavery movies, found it demeaning and depressing.

No its idris elba

what podcast? taxseason?

>he thinks the jews want to END racial tension
Who the fuck do you think is fanning the flames?

>braindead primitive niggers being capable of creating a nation state, a "birth of a nation" if you will

False advertising. I'm suing.

I don't get the symbolism, do they mean america was founded on hanging slaves?

Why not make films about black history that has nothing to do with white people?

The irony being they never shut the fuck up about slavery. Kinda like how feminists never shut up about rape, but have a hissy fit whenever rape shows up in a movie or TV show.

Black Men Can't Jump (In Hollywood)

by racist I mean they're latently anti-white and blame all of societies problems on white men, but not like black panther tier.

Isn't that title already taken?

I know how the niggers feel. I'm an Irism Catholic and over here, all of the songs and music by Irish artists are about oppression and death and how shafted we got. On days like this especially -sundays- you'll find tired old farts drinking in pubs listening to dreary ass Irish rebel song and drunkenly reminiscing about their IRA youth.

Several of my friends fathers to this day do the same.

We Irish can make kick ass jigs if we try, but like niggers we're more acustomed to complaining.

Wait, Sup Forums hates this movie?
Fuck you, you racist inbreed fucks. This is why Reddit is the intellectual and superior site.

>to pay at least a little for your crimes.
When are niggers going to start paying for all of the native american land they farmed on when they were freed and they had to force more indians out of their territories just to keep the black man happy?

Even though Natives adopted black children out of slavery and they helped fight for the north. Once the war was over, niggers started forcing them out of their territories and into smaller reservations.

It's funny though that blacks are now claiming that Indians were making them slaves when in reality they had been adopting them and freeing.

They think it will make money. You ignorant, delusional retards who think shareholders and CEOs largely give a fuck about politics are fucking hilarious. They make movies about slavery because people pay for them and watch them, and they get free advertising from retards like you who turn seeing them into a political statement. You scream and cry until the people who (rightfully) despise you write blogs, tweet, and pay to see a movie they otherwise wouldn't pay attention to. The irony and the fact that the irony is lost on you is pure comedy fucking gold. This is exactly why Sup Forums shitposters are literally SJWs. You are the dumbest people alive.

Can we get Pepe on this poster?

wouldn't say that's racist tho, it's just that it's easy to blame someone else, and the thing is that they get support in their claims and they do get disadvantages in some instances

Because black people never wrote down their own history

If you don't go pay and watch this masterpiece, you are a racist KKK piece of shit.
The world will move on with liberal progress without you, so you better kill yourself, you white trash.

That's everyone though. The white people who hate blacks are always going on about white genocide, even though it's literally imaginary. At least slavery actually existed and is a completely valid thing to be bitter about it, as opposed to "interracial advertisements are causing the extinction of whites through forcing them to stop breeding! and these gullible simpletons are the master race!"

And let's not forget that these same people are still going on about how muh Jews supposedly killed Christ and bring it up in half their retarded propaganda, even though that happened 2,000 years ago, if at all.

> Random white families are just like Nazi exterminators.

That faggot Nat Turner even said his masters treated him well. He was a wack job who's rebellion he recieved in a phrophetic vision.

>Dr. Marxist

why do black and white people always get generalized? no such thing as black or white history, every culture has it's own history

they purposely used the name of the classic, which is in the public domain, so they can trademark it for their anti-white movie.

in short, more jewish dirty tricks.


I'm guessing you mysteriously don't think of all the countless movies about white history, white heroism, etc. as being "pro-white." You literally define things according to your feelings to fuel a victim complex, rather than using logic. This is why Sup Forums tards are blatantly social justice warriors in their way special way. Of course Hollywood is going to look "anti-white" if you circle jerk on Sup Forums lies about movies that fuel your victim complex and pretend the ones that don't don't exist. If only you had a single functioning neuron, Sup Forums tard.

R/movies is not playing around.


Will 4ching ever recover?

>That's everyone though. The white people who hate blacks are always going on about white genocide,
So a small minority and not ''everyone'' then.


It's a small minority, but it's the same people who are always going on about blacks and Jews having a victim complex. If you don't see that as pure comedy then you're simply unintelligent. You can't write irony that thick.

Dr. Marxist, I agree. Also our Reddit is much better than this shithole.

yes, it was very intentional



>white history, white heroism, etc.

Please tell us, what;s the point of this movie?

Which part of my post even vaguely implied I'm a Marxist? This is another reason Sup Forums shitposters are very clearly just a different type of social justice warrior. You're the tumblr of Sup Forums. You get confronted with the logical equivalency of tumblr and Sup Forums tantruming and your response is whichever buzzword comes to mind first. Kill yourself.

We're talking about how prominent it is for blacks to never shut up about slavery and you feel the need to bring up a small minority of angry people on the internet who are treated as a joke.

Why are you so desperate to shift the attention to them?

Slavery ended by the time my ancestors came to America. They came to the north too. I'm not even remotely related to anyone who could have oppressed blacks.

Do you ever shut up about your Sup Forums boogeyman? You're just as bad as them.

Tough to make an inspiring film of voudou cannibals raping their way through the white population. Unless you're Eli Roth, I suppose.

Another film for the alt right to get triggered over. Great.

cause as we all know racists didn't exist before alt rights.

Read the thread, you mongloid

You're from Reddit and you know it. At least don't try to hide you trip, Dr. Marxistm, you fucking faggot.

It's actually a very pro Christian movie (Hence why Fox funded it) & not really a White guilt movie

So expect it to be ignored at the Oscars for obvious reasons

Are you saying Sup Forums created SJWs, like how George Bush created ISIS

>opposing this is racism

Holy shit, Reddit is much worse than I expected.
Are these the same people whining about Sup Forums? Pathetic.

> & not really a White guilt movie
Is it really possible for a slavery movie to not be about white guilt by default?

You could have some black slavers in it too

>Jews started slavery in america
>Pay the jews for this movie

Clay pottery

It never even occurred to me to feel guilty about slavery because I wasn't there. For it to be about white guilt the guilty party has to be a moron of one kind or another who likes to make absurd generalizations about people across generations and minds. The fact is that you NEED to feel guilty about slavery, because if you don't you can't logically push all your neo-nazi propaganda about blacks and Jews being hiveminds or whatever nonsense.

Maybe I'm going to the /x/ side, but what we see in the US now is the fall of the Roman Empire all over again.
Foreigners in the military, germanic tribes/mexicans causing problems in the borders, Visigoths/blacks doing criminal stuff at home, alphabet soup agencies/Praetorian Guard selling the country for the highest bid, useless wars around the world...

>It never even occurred to me to feel guilty about slavery because I wasn't there.
Who's talking about how you feel?

>browses a board full of neo-nazis
>sees a trend of people claiming that mainstream history is wrong and actually it was the Jews
>They literally rewrite every historical event so that the "true" story is "DA JOOZ."
>you're too stupid to see this for what it is

it's amazing

Is this movie portraying Nat Turner as a hero that should be looked up to?

Wasn't he a lunatic who received a "vision from God" that told him to kill white people and many innocents died because of his actions?

>You scream and cry until the people who (rightfully) despise you write blogs, tweet, and pay to see a movie they otherwise wouldn't pay attention to
Yeah nah, the amount of people who even know and care about going against mean Sup Forums aren't enough to make a movie successful. Look at Ghostbusters 2016.

"Guilty" is a feeling you absolute fucking moron.

Half of the votes on IMDB, literally HALF, are manchildren voting Ghostbusters a 1. You're a moron if you think people didn't notice that. The "most downvoted youtube video in history" was literally a Sup Forums neckbeard crusade.

Dr. Marxist from Reddit, pls chill.

What does that have to do with the fact that how you feel is irrelevant here? It's about the movie that we're talking about. If a comedy movie tries to be funny but you don't laugh, does that mean that it isn't a comedy?

The parallels you're seeing aren't all that unique

Lots of great powers go down this way

It's always happened this way, It will always happen this way. Vast majority of people never learn from history, just a few depressed people who can watch the same things happen again and again.

What? Did any of that rambling make any sense to anyone?

you browse a board that screams about kikes and has entire folders full of anti-Jewish propaganda, and you can't see through their attempts to conveniently rewrite all of history so that the real troof is DA JOOZ.

A pan to the face is less obvious than that. Christ.

Good job not saying anything against what I said, the fact that there's not enough people who give a damn to make the movie successful.

>poster depicts the hanging of a black man
>has the exact same name as a famous movie about the ku klux klan

This doesn't seem like the best way to market a pro-black movie. People who see this will think it's a remake of the original movie or something and avoid it.

He's saying this "I'm a Jewish Kike, and this movie is going to bring us lots of money, and racial division, oh and I'm a retard too!"

That goes both ways. Pretty sure the NYT review aimed for the opposite reaction.





What people did notice is all the shameless backing and praising the movie got all on the fact that it promoted girl power, especially thanks to the James Rolfe incident. Sony tried riding the controversial backlash train but it backfired spectacularly.

The type of person who would feel guilty about slavery is the same type of person who blames people for what their ancestors did and so on. Feeling guilty for slavery requires a certain mindset that extremist rightists and leftists have -- a mindset which defies all logic and enables them to make claims like "Whites are Nazis" or "Jews are bankers" even though each claim is retarded from a statistical standpoint. A very small minority of Jews are bankers, and a very small minority of whites were Nazis. Reality doesn't come into play though for Sup Forums justice warriors or social justice warriors, only narratives. Your entire narrative is reliant on your penchant for conveniently assigning blame or glory according to an agenda.

>black ghosts killing black people

The funny thing is that slavery is more prominent today than ever, and that it's african nations who own them, but never have to respond for that, it's their culture and must be respected.

And that part of the south is the most populated area with black people. What does that mean? Hmmm

>A very small minority of Jews are bankers
Not true, the jews are overrepresented in certain fields and that's why people sperg out about them.

>black people are such criminals
>they couldn't even help themselves and stole the name of a racist movie for their film


When I was in high school everyone was always calling attention to African atrocities with t-shirts and shit. Days of silence. You're so full of shit it's coming out your ears you fucking crybaby.



>The type of person who would feel guilty about slavery is the same type of person who blames people for what their ancestors did and so on

The people who feel guilty about slavery are the same leftists that you see today claiming that more people should feel guilt about it. The same ones who spreaded the term ''white privilege''.

Jews had a part in slavery in USA & Hollywood tries like to shift the entire blame to christians in jewish run Hollywood

Hence the term "shifty jews"

Whites are also overrepresented in every field you mongoloid. That's literally why neckbeards call them master race. They just don't use the word "overrepresented" because that's reserved as an emotionally charged propaganda word to be used against muh Jooz.


>it's not true that they're a tiny minority because they're overrepresented

Do you even understand what this word means you fucking retard?

Cool anecdote, do you see anyone nowdays ever even bringing to attention that fact instead of white guilt? Oh yeah, Kony 2012, that sure turned out great and didn't make people have disbelief for slavery-related things happening in Africa today.

This shit needs to happen faster. In the past without mass globalization and immigration from the other side of the world, when great civilizations fall, at least you can rebuild them.

But now everyone will be mixed brown bastard plus many ethnicities hating each other in one place. You can't fix that shit.

People have always hated jews because of their actions.

You realize whites are the majority, right?

you really cannot fathom anyone saying mean things about the poor jews without also visiting the meaniepants Sup Forums board?

I'm not even the Sup Forumsack you were arguing with you fucking mong, There are only 18 million jews on this shitty ass planet, and yet they hold a significant amount of positions of power, and that is coming from a jewfagg living in Kikestan you fucking retard.

I feel sad for the decent people in the US, but you reap what you sow.
The useless wars in Middle East, North of Africa, Southeast Asia and other places killed millions of innocent people. It's shocking that, after Vietnam and Iraq, the US is still considered the good guy. From the 1940's to the 1960's the US promised to invade us 3 times, tried to divide my country 4 times and even promised to bomb the big cities because we had a nationalistic government, but some of my countrymen still fall for the "America's Freedom" story.

>whites are overrepresented

Completely false, and this is only something an unscrupulous Jew would say.

Overrepresentation means that your representation exceeds that of your population. I notice this a lot, Sup Forums tards think a majority can't be overrepresented. It's comical how dumb all of you are. The entire "master race" argument is that whites are over represented in everything, they just don't use that word. You are literally less intelligent than the dog next to me currently licking its own ass.

quiet, jew

Forget that retard. Yo can show him as much history from before 1939 as you like and he still won't get it.
Jews try to control the host country by banking or media, the natives dislike it and hate it, they think it's parasitic, jews gets hate it.
It's not rocket science and it's was pretty common before WW2.
Now it's the same shit, but the natives don't hate it because of WW2, that's all.

Jews are 1% of the population.

Whites and white males are vastly overrepresented in the US government. They're vastly overrepresented in median income, in the world ranking of billionaires, in innocents slaughtered. You're a halfwit.

Are people seriously not getting tired of these movies?

Again, completely false. Stop spewing lies. The Federal Government is literally an affirmative action jobs program.

If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know that the FedGov eliminated the civil service exam in 1980 for this reason.