Is this good for a 18 year old?

Is this good for a 18 year old?

Not at all. You should be using Crest.

It's pretty good, but I only seem to get it when it's on sale.

No kid. It isnt.

If that's travel size toothpaste, no
If it's the family size one, yes
If it's regular size, idk.

You're fine, dude. Don't sweat it.

Whitening Toothpaste is it?

Crest is just as crappo.

Tom's of Maine is where it's at!

Not even, it's cavity protection.

OP, it really depends what you're looking for. Being 18, you have a lot that can still happen with your teeth, so for longevity of your oral health, cavity protection is probably best. Are your teeth already in good shape? If not, whitening will give you a better social stigma, but it may not do justice depending on the foods that you eat.

ITT: travel sized things

You do realise that toothpaste is made for your teeth right? IDK why it's anywhere near your penis. DO NOT PUT ON PENIS.

Anyway, show us your teeth.


crest is better

The toothpaste is fine, it seems to have its cap still attached...

Better than remenbrant shit or whatever it is.


op here. i ment my penis not my toothpaste and no its not travel size

I wasn't worried before, but after this, make sure to offer fries with everyone's orders.

Better than Aquafresh, but proper brushing technique is the most important thing

Yep. Tom's is all natural, no sweeteners or other crap.

I love the peppermint, in particular. Leaves your mouth nice and fresh.

Damn straight it ain't travel sized, that ugly dick is going nowhere!!

That bleach bottle isnt empty..

Nah, Tartar control is better


>Is this good for a 18 year old?

It doesn't really matter what your age is, Colgate is not a good brand of penis cream.

Google for "Steve Martin's penis cream" instead.

you get cavities in strange spots

Do you really know? Is that really the best one? There are so many. Also which is best soft/hard/medium brush? How do I choose? Do I want with fluoride? What if I have to choose between fluoride and tartar control? I drink a lot of cola should I go for the acid neutralizing one? But that doesn't have tartar control. Do you know? Someone has to know.

its mutilated

You could use Sensodyne instead or Crest as some others have pointed out but it really depends on how well you take care of your teeth.

>Is this good for a 18 year old?
No, by 18 you should know to brush your teeth with a toothbrush, not a cock

>says "18 year old"
>cocks growing past the age of 16/17

yes, but why do you throw your underwear on the floor?