Hawaiian Pizza is the absolute worst thing in the history of the world of Pizza

Hawaiian Pizza is the absolute worst thing in the history of the world of Pizza.

Your opinion is wrong faggot

fruit dosnt belong on a savory dish


Tomato is a fruit you autist

So true

Than you're faggot ass shouldnt Sup Forums on the savory 4chans.


fuck you


Why are you niggers bitching?

I really like anchovy pizza, make a meme about that faggots..

>Tell a bitch Pinapple pizza is stupid as hell
>says she likes it.
>tell her she's stupid
>says it is her opinion
>tell her her opinion is stupid.
>asks me why my opinion is better.
>tell her cause it is the ethical one.
>asks if it is cause I'm a man.
>"Yeah. Why don't you go march about it."
>it's been 3 weeks. She won't talk to me.
>she was an 8/10 too.



Kill yourself

Never had anchovies, cant complain without having tried it


Thank stop bitching about some pineapples.

It's actually really good with anchovies and pepper flakes. Spicy, sweet, greasy and salty.

My wife loves it with jalapeños too. Doesn't belong on pizza however, if I'm high as fuck I'll eat it.

mods mods mods



pizza anywhere in the world outside of NY is the worst thing in the history of pizza. basic bitches

To be fair, pineapple pizza tastes just fine
Ham pizza tastes fine too
The two combines are absolute dogshit though

Lol all New Yorkers say this, as if they've even been out of the goddamn country before. Theres always somewhere better.


wrong. fuck off.



Did you know only %9 of people know a Pepper is a fruit and not a vegetable?

NYC > Italy

i found two posters who have never been to either


Chicago is the worst thing in the history of the world of Pizza. they turned quick handheld street food and turned it into a disgusting midwestern US casserole, an abomination.

all they have is pizza,new york is a pile of liberal shit

That's retarded. Vegetables don't have seeds.

you shut the fuck up you ignorant, pig-shit, genderqueer assmonkey. my local place is bomb as fuck

wtf is a pepper.

>People that are not informed don't have to believe in facts supported by evidence.

I live in Megenta, Lombardy
eat shit Amerilard

You shut your fucking whore mouth faggot op. Hawaiian pizza is the shit when done right

Idaho fag wishing he lived in a real place

did you know 94% of gay dicks smell like your mouth?
pic related

your pizza is shit

>when you think your superior to america,but your country is somewhere nobody has even heard of

and the ugly people losers smell like shit and the ugly people losers is lame cause force people to like the ugly people losers the ugly way and the ugly people losers smell like poop

he didn't even spell it correctly

Don't eat it then. Pizza is different for everyone that's why it's good.

Come yto manchester mate, theres so many pizza places, they're all so desperate to steal custom from each other that they'll perfect their craft and are always improving to give themselves an edge.
Try an all day breakfast pizza with egg base worked underneath the cheese crust. Simply divine.

Try a fucking garlic chicken calzone with the rich butter holding the flavour of the meat juices and herbs together.

Fucking normie, go dab to soulja boy cunt

I actually like it

Have to agree, it has no place in Western culture or society. Perhaps in some nigger or brown people countrys it could be deemed acceptable but for the majority it is unpalatable.

>culinary skills

It's okay.

It's the best


>tfw anchovy + pineapple = WIN

>caramel apple crisp pizza
>fucking dessert pizza

You're right. Pepperoni and pineapple or bust

That's the secret, it's not the british making them lol. It's either Paki's or itallians.

So consider your chips officially pissed on :)

I prefer the cheese pizza it's good & that's cost nothing

yeah but it's really boring too

I bet you do

My nigga. My go to, always

Pineapple and jalapeño is where it's at, plebs.

Doesn't belong on Pizza.

...Wheres the fucking meat?

Totally agree

Fuck you

Throw whatever meat you want on there if you want. Pineapple and jalapeños are the foundation.

>fruit dosnt belong on a savory dish

>Sweet/tart doesn't work with savory

You're an idiot.

If there isn't at least 3 forms of meat on your pizza, you deserve Hawaiian pizza.

people who enjoy hawaiian pizza deserves to get beheaded by isis

The pineapple is amazing, I would change that Canadian bacon (just fucking ham) to real bacon though. Canadian anything is just wrong.

you are king! go combine with black olives!

It's my favourite

as much as I like pineapple on pizza, most places really do suck at making "Hawaiian" pizza and put the shittiest fucking ham

retardation at its finest

if you go to England to eat, as long as it's not an actual fucking Englishman cooking, you're probably going to be okay

yeah, fuck no
people in italy can do amazing things with bread, tomato, and cheese
pizza is not one of them

all I wanted was a good damn pizza the entire time I was there -- what I had wasn't terrible by any means (and the other food I ate more than made up for the lack of satisfactory pizza), but I could have stayed at home in the States

funnily enough, there was an Italian place (italian run, too) I'd eaten at in Lisbon that had much better pizza than I'd been able to get in Italy, so maybe it's the fact that everyone who could make good pizza left the country
shit, it was the best pizza I'd had anywhere

fuck off, deep dish is ace

if there is more than 2 forms of meat on your pizza you should get aids, to help you with everyday activities because you are fucking retarded

OP is a fag. This has been proven.

you're wrong, i've made worse. currently working at one of the nations fastest growing pizza chain, MOD, where ppl can make their own. some people make disasters far worse the hawaiian

Cheese pizza is the best OP

Worst combo you've ever seen?

>>if you go to England to eat, as long as it's not an actual fucking Englishman cooking, you're probably going to be okay

Dont mistake national dishes for culinary skills. Does a chef cook nothing but dishes from their country?

Annnd here they are.

You live in a dumpster fire that no one knows exists.

Cheese pizza is as plain as the people who buy them. They should be launched into buildings.

Mmmmm, i like em fresh :)

Fucking funny post. Also ham and pineapple pizza fucked your mothers

I want to buy you a beer friend. That's my thing, I get it with ghost pepper cheese blend. Hot and sweet at once.

You're a fucking salad bro. Go pick some plants to put on your pizza and find a different thread to shit post in.

Go somewhere else, pedobear.


Refrences all the posts in every thread..

>not getting the implication.

You're about as fresh as Will Smith is...currently.

>stop liking what i dont like - the thread

jalapenos, pinaple, black olives, tabasco. uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Delicious cheese pizza should be enjoyed as a small portion, very fresh and dripping with juices.

holy shit fam. like unbelievable shit. anchovy oil rub as the base, sun dried tomatores, mozz, anchovies and meatballs, artichokes and garbanzo beans. i was like nigga are u fucking high m8?

Pretty obvious really.

I do pepperoni, pineapple, onions, ghost pepper cheese, with jalapeños. I like the sweet with the hot. Then I drown it in pepper flakes.