This is perfection. Discuss

This is perfection. Discuss

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Nope. You equal less than 1% of the population. That thing looks jew



Fake boobs

That is the closest thing to an actual futa I've ever seen, I'll give you that.

I do not think that it is.


got that beat

Where are the real c/d or traps???

dont like girls with dicks or boys with tits at all. nevver rly understood wat u see in it ? do u consider urself gay or?

we like to say were not gay, but were fucking faggots

Yeah. Longer hair would be nice. Maybe wider hips too. I'm curious whether there are boob job scars or not. Bras or bikinis are usually a red flag.

Im a chick that wants a dick. Some boys like it for the same reason, but the opposite.

wish I had both. Futa is more my style but its a degrading thing for me too... different for everyone though.

understood. so its an inbetween state for you?

well chickwhowonnadick imma guy and have banged my share of girls. seems like its so much more fun to have a pussy. just saying.

it started out as this taboo thing, like wow a chick with a dick, so I got off on the thrill, and the feminine features. After awhile tho I come to really enjoy cock, but I still love pussy and tits and big lips and feminine features. So I'm bi?

This is the dream, just a little more reasonable size wise.

no, this is perfection

oh god yummy yummy

seems legit. i can understand the fasination becoming a norm.
would u bang a normal dude? if so bi, if not your just into dickchicks ;)

I probably would not fuck another dude, but I would fuck a trap no hesitation

haha. im not feeling that at all ;) but i can understand why u want it, best of both worlds and all that shit xD
pic of ur own pussy for the hell of it ? ;)

theres one problem. it has a dick

Also, just to be clear, I enjoy cock in my ass more than pussy, but both can get me off, just wish I could fuck my boys ass to... make him really shoot a load across the room...

imagine seeing pic related when you come home and you know there is a sweet, waxed asshole to lick while I get diamonds and a sopping wet pussy to slam your cock into while I furiously rub my foreskin up to pull my pussy lips tighter to give you a better fit...

Nothing is hotter I swear.

>Let's argue taste

>you can't argue taste.

Ok op

pic related.

I pontificate that your fascination with the male genitalia means you have perversions of a homosexual nature. you might consider countering with "but its a feminine penis" however that just shows your absolute focus on the male parts you want to engage with.

had you shown the man in the picture with no genitals (black bar, Photoshop, etc) we might believe there is still some hope for op as his attention is on the overall form rather than one specific part.

but nope. you left in the dick. you called him perfect. you're a faggot.

TL:DR pic related.

haha yee ok . its the feminin aspect then i guess. wouldnt fuck a trap for money man xD
kissed a dude once to see what the fuzz was about. wasnt for me

oops, this was meant for you too.

sometimes tho these hypnos get me in a particular mood, and all I want to do is wrap my lips around a fat cock. No homo.

I steal appreciate it bb ;)



Wtf is wrong with me? I'm just horny I guess.

no way to and taken anyway. But lets say this one is close enough.

How is that perfection

A. Tits are nice and all but come on... kind of the lower tier girl part

B. Cant stick my dick in a dick so no pussy is a big drag. I love to lick a wet sweaty pussy. I love the way pussy smells and tastes

C. something very off putting with fucking the mentally ill

So not perfect at all. Its just some mentally ill fuck face that had bags put under his nipples, grew his hair long and put some makeup on.

I am a bisexual, which some would argue also falls into the category of a faggot, so yes, you are correct. However, it's not the dick that I find perfect, if that were the case then I might as well have posted a regular man. I appreciate the blend of the feminine form with the masculine genitalia, and consider the presented picture to be my personal ideal of the perfect sexual partner.



> wrap my lips around a fat cock. No homo
haha made me laugh so hard. still respect what ur saying. it just doesnt make sense in my head at all. even a too butch girl wont make my engine start. Littlebrother was always clearly gay, even from small age. might have pushed me further in the other direction, who knows

There aren't any chicks with dicks. Just dudes with boobs.

Good for you. Now sauce

OP is alright but

Big-dick era Bailey is mai waifu

Hot honestly, loss for words is one of my favorite turn-ons.

> lets say this is close enough
well this is close enough to me then - pic very (not at all) related ;)

dashes are on my favorite -turn-ons-

more plox.


You're a faggot. Discuss.

how did you know I secretly love bestiality?

read the thread we already accepted this lazy fuck.

It's boys with tits. There are no girls with dicks.

you do realize that woman get dick transplants sometime you fucking dense loser?

They 9 times out of 10 never look natural. They're usually boys with tits.

But your 2nd statement is false.

Sauce sauce sauce sauce

We always tend to find one another at some point faggot



the fucking dream

Smells like poop


Perfection or not that's a dude and that's that.

On a related note however, something did come to mind recently. Why are primates the only mammals where females don't have a penis? In all animals where penises are even present, both males and females have them. Check out your dog or cat or horse or whatever the fuck you want. It's kinda weird to think about.

It's a basically an enlarged clit and it's called a pseudo-penis. And are you sure it's every mammal other than primates? I don't think that's accurate

women have clits too you could argue thats a pseudo penis

>dick isn't 3 inches wide and 30 inches long

This is now a containment thread

Some have what I have only known as "Pee-holes", which are like a dick but not protruding from the upper vaginal crevasse. I.e. dogs. I don't go around checking out dogs, I'm just one of those guys that thinks traps are gay but was hit with a weird realization. Still convinced traps are what they are, but the wholeness penis argument may not be as valid as presented. At one point, we were all female, and yes the Clitoris is exactly just a pseudo-penis. A tiny pseudo-penis. Interesting enough, it's the primary "spot" on women besides the very back, which makes me wonder if it's the same kind of stimulation as a man jacking off.

Well, the fact that their enlarged is what separates the clit from a pseudo-penis. But whatever, it's inaccurate to call clit a penis, whether it's enlarged or not.

>Check out your dog or cat or horse or whatever
What the fuck are you smoking? All those female animals have vaginas.

Yeah, I think you could liken clitoral stroking with dick fappin.

I'm turned on by femininity, not genitals, that's why I'm straight. Cocks are the superior sex organ. They cannot lie. They are had when aroused, ejaculate when satisfied, and provide an easy sexual interaction. Vaginas are just unformed dicks with an atrophied head they call a "clit." I love fucking pussy WAY more than fucking ass, but I love sucking dick way more than I like eating pussy. Dick-girls are inferior to real females for regular sex, but a dick girl is more honest to fuck and more fun to suck.

And a dong ahead of it mate. Not like a legit penis, but a protrusion used for the sole purpose of taking a piss. As said in , just a "pee-hole".

Hey man, if thats what you dig, have at it. Like I give a fuck what some nerd on the internet likes.

>have a big dick
>decide to become a tranny

Do I have potential?

Ok, for the live of God, will someone please hit me with sauce!

more proof that lamias give the best hugs



If you're turned on by femininity, then being attracted to OP wouldn't exactly be in stark contract to your proclivities. Despite the penis, he could easily pass for a female.

Bit too much penis for me.

Really cute tbh

>Despite the penis, he could easily pass for a female.
Note: Before you faggots start hurr-durring, obviously I meant he could pass for a female if the penis wasn't visible.

Aren't girls with penises... Just boys?
~your loving mother

Kek I remember that pic

lol fag you like sucking cock

Not bad but body should be slimmer and cock more feminine.

"get diamonds" NOT A GIRL, just a HOMO.

Madfags pls go.
Traps keep posting em.

I'm Horny to sit and suck on that.

naw, Im a grill

I just wanted to keep it short because I had to run and fuck my ass with a dildo while I imagined my boyfriend and his younger brother fucking me like pic related when we were all 10-16 yrsold

I'm not a homo, just fucked.


German Shepard or something like that

THANK YOU !>>>!>>!

no problem honey

Tits or GTFO.


traps are so confusing. Like is it gay to get a blowjob from a hot tranny before you realize she's/he's a tranny? I mean technically it is right but yet you thought it was a sexy girl.

So much confusion yet i would let them blow me every time. rip my sexuality.

please RT everyone.

I'm going to jerk off to this thread before Trump makes it illegal.

