No YLYL thread? let's go

no YLYL thread? let's go

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trying too hard faggot, ease up

Sorry, I'm new at this.

good memes right here, boys. good autism

I usually hate kids, but I want to bash that woman's skull in with a fucking garden hoe

Agreed, these videos piss me off more than any other Rekt videos







this is autistic but its still worthy of being in YLYL i think, depending on your interpretation of what is considered YLYL material. It is also cringey, depending on your interpretation of what is considered cringey, so it would also qualify for being in a cringe thread, but as of right now, there is no cringe thread, and therefore, i am going to post this youtube video link in this particular Sup Forums YLYL thread right now at this very moment. I may also post the link to this particular YLYL/Cringe video in another Sup Forums YLYL thread, but i am still internally debating as to whether or not i should do this. i am now certain that i will also do that as well because i want you to laugh or cringe at this video because i consider myself to be a very nice individual who likes to entertain people by presenting them pieces of media which may or may not be to their liking, but i am hoping that it is to your liking
>inb4 anyone tells me its not to their liking

What the fuck happens to people like that? Do they just break mid way of doing something like that? Or once they start do they figure "well i've started, might as well get in a few good ones." Absolutely disgusting. That being said I did chuckle when she straight up hoofs her from off screen. I can condemn her all I want but I'm still a bad person for laughing.




didn't the dad beat the shit out of her or something and put her in hospital? based if true






yea the dad fucking destroyed that mom




defintily OC. but so much content . it's too dense=;




Wish we got that on video. Fuck that bitch.




This is easily the worst ylyl thread i have ever seen.




I picked a ring out for you OP because you're a faggot








pedos all look the same. Their is no rational reason to be abusing young boys...period.




Well fugg my doot!


Dem titties doe


I don't get it?

I worked at dominos for 3 years and that is clearly not a picture of a pizza that has been served to a customer. The pizza is sitting on a metal table of which there are 2 or 3 in every store. Also the shaker next to the pizza is a pamasian shaker, which is usually kept in the back or by the oven. So this is just some dumbfuck employees making a nazi pizza and trolling.

She could suck my dick anytime.

Way to be a hero somebody is triggered.... You want an award for explaining the truth?


Pathetic start so far.


can someone give me context or link to more info . something.



Gitgud@spidey newfaggot.

I went from laughing hysterically to being really really fucking disturbed

Declares spiderman thread.

>posts three images

I just realized that was a woman. I thought it was a dude!



shut up

thats not even how it happened you fux

Fewer sounds like Fuhrer.


Shit thought something was going to come out

Mien fürur






I am a hero. If you only knew that you would think differently about it. Some people have stood against me in life, some have fallen, and few have stood the trail by fire. Out of all my friends I am known as the most agile, the rogue, striking at night and in the pitch black of night. I would warn you to watch your step carefully my brother, and watch it very well. I am the wind.


listen in at 3:32


Now make one with Ace Ventura




