ITT: Most spent hours in a game

ITT: Most spent hours in a game
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Pinche manco autista, ponte a hacer algo productivo. Juego meado

Si estas en Sup Forums sos igual de autista que OP


>most hours

I prefer to concentrate on many games than play a single one, so here's a list. This is of course excluding my 1000+ hours in GW1, 1000+ in GW2 and I dunno how many in Eve Online.

i also have around 9,000 in World of Warcraft

Tony hawk 4, Xbox TF2, Halo 2 doesn't record hours on steam and id bet they have more hours then this.


Staying interested in a game past a thousand hours seems highly autistic

Staying interested on an imageboard full of shitposting seems highly autistic

You have never played dota, do you?

maldito marica

well, I have a life :^)

You have never played Dota.

Would not recommend blade symphony.

I liked Path of Exile



dude do you ever leave the house ?

sometimes, there are seasons that i don't play at all for months just excerside and do social life, then get boring at that and go back to play 16h per day in vacations

You've spent 284 days worth of time on playing Dota 2 like holy shit man

well in my defense people in my friend list have the double of that or less but at least more than me.

I've played skyrim everyday for at least 8hrs a day for the last 4 years, but I don't have a steam log because I pirated the game.

Are you atleast good?

I have well around 1,5k-2k hours in world of warcraft. But Blizzard doesn't wanna record their shit.

2nd most time is without a doubt Warcraft 3. If not more.

And then dota2. I also have a alt account

That is not in your defense, you inbred shit.

That's 11,680 hours my friend

Just look at those people, I bet i don't even make it to the top 1000 with my hours played

Work much?

Not good enough to be a pro player, but i'd say im not bad either.

Rank, my dude?

I loved GTA4 kek.

Legendary Eagle feel free to add me

Over 20,000 Hours
Pic is only characters lv100+ and on my main realm. Pic is also a little outdated now.
(inb4 lol no gold, at this time i had multiple gold capped bankers)

Destiny on xbox one, about 2,009 hours. Team Fortress 2 at just under 800


Why won't they bring back Markaz Monolith user?

I have a bad habit of getting into free to play games
My most played is probably warcraft 3, been playing that since I was 11. I'm 21 now.

Fucking mobile

Aftermath and Karkand are my favorite expansions. So many memories.

>all those medic service stars
we would've never died if we teamed up

My computer is shit

Haha yeah I was top medic. I played a shit ton of Rush so I was always trying to keep our tickets when we were attacking. Got really good at infantry and played a lot of metro/bazaar



If you played bf1
Have you also not felt IT while playing?
I moved back to bf4 after a couple weeks of 1.
I feel like I'm alone in that decision

Forgot to mention this is my second account, brother uses my original which was made before they started tracking hours and shit.

About half of my GMod hours were achieved at work.



211 hrs ff8, 190 hrs ff9

Runescape, back in the day( 2010) I figured I had at least 3,000 hours, member sence 2001. Runner up would be TF2 at 1,203
Third prize to Spiral Knights 897 hours.

top 3 game of all time

>well, I have a life :^)
everyone does, that joke isn't funny anymore

I have almost 4300 hours in CS:GO, SMFC rank.



Jesus dude, that game is cancer in pretty much every way, not worth

>login to main wow account
>400+ days


I agree completely...yet I keep going back for more

There's a lot of supple young boys on steam these days.

You are beta tester in smite?

Yeah i put like 200 on it and stopped, idk why i even played that much

I am I used to play it back in the day before it was really plebby and le epic.
I used to create all kinds of machines on sandbox servers, host servers with long distance friends, and we would build houses or giant robot houses ect, for fun, or create planes ect. And I also used to play a shittone of DarkRP before every dick tim and johnny used to go on and minge, and servers had less restrictions


1309 hours on ark survival evolved. Topping the 1200 I put into skyrim...

I used to play this then when Gamers First bought it I was playing and while I was driving I slammed into another person's car, tipped it over and then suspiciously got banned the next day.

fuck was meant to reply to you

was when it was still in beta

Smite was easy to beta test, not that big of a deal kek.

Is it odd I have this many hours in skyrim and still haven't beat the main story line?


If you mod, no.
If you don't, yes.

I hate it now, trying to sell account with all beta tester thing and skins (103) but its impossible

dota lmao

how is this even possible without being pro?

Think I have almost the exact same in Dota 2

smite turned into an unbalanced and toxic mess real quick

Cause it's really not that big of a thing. Lol. I mean I could sell my Steam account for over $10,000 if I really wanted to because of my low Steam ID (the one that you see in Valve games, not the Steam profile ID) but I don't want to.


I see your point gentlemen; i shall ride my fedora to new horizon. Stay classy

yea what mmr are you?

Over the years I have about 3000+ hours in WoW. Haven't played in months though so eh.

I trying to get some items from games like tf2 or csgo and then trade for some other shit, btw still waiting for rocket league items can sell it in steam market

I had a shitload of CS:GO stattrak skins but I decided to sell them all and buy a shitload of different games because I realized how unimportant the skins are.

3,5k in warframe H A L P

Build wall

About 4k hours in WoW id say.

Yes, i know didnt change any situation in game

Also played somewhere around 6k hours in FFXI and like 2k in WoW.

Holy fucking autism. Its not a job, man.


figured out how to check the rest of the shit

This is my Highest

The playerbase is cancer, and its a bit p2w, but fuck APB is fun at times. The concept is so good, i wish someone would create something similar with less p2w aspects and more up to date graphics. But getting the gunplay so perfect will probably never happen.

I cant believe people play that for more than 4 hours total.

meh pleb, although I love terraria.
I have countless hours in wow (playing since 2004) and stopped playing like a year ago, enough is enough.

And this is some of the steam games.

Also more than 500 hours on Oblivion and skyrim (was playing them cracked before getting them on steam)
Maybe 2k hous on Diablo 2?

Needs a dev that's trustworthy too as GFirst sucks cooooooock.

I like your list boi.