Rate my wife Sup Forums. Trips gets her tits

Rate my wife Sup Forums. Trips gets her tits

You guys suck haha

Or you can just post them

Might as well roll

Trips for tits!


quit being a cuck

Tongue my ass


Gotta make it a little interesting. I love my wife and the sex is great even after 3 years. Just gotta make you work for it.


Would fuck that mouth and tits/10, she's pretty hot. Post moar of her.

She has nice eyes. But I'm sure her butthole is nicer

let's see em

Trips guys.

And yes I know. I scored. I'm not a looker and been a Sup Forumstardi since 05. Charisma goes a long way

What color are her nipples

You do realize I can type "topless women" into Google, right?


What color are her nipples Yay


Here we go!!!

winrar winrar where's chicken dinrar

Winner. Nice and pink. She can only cum if I suck on them

good job you did it


who's google and why does he have topless women?

Her tits and nips look great, keep posting more. Any cumshots on those?

Meh tits, she's cute though...

she is very cute

more of her plz

rolling for some ass

I would like more if you have any :)

What would you guys do to them.

Only nude I have. She had a bad experience when she was young with nudes on the internet. I have those but don't wanna v&'d

Someone actually rolls trips.
Someone actually awarded said nude.
The honor.

you can still get v& if you have them lol

damn, im jealous :)

First suck on her tits and bite them until she winced.. then proceed to fuck her face and watch those titties bounce.

Don't worry about that user. Those are on an old razr buried deep and far away.

Great smile and great tits, you're a lucky man

Beautiful tits

If you guys are patient I'll dig through my old phone and see if I can find some more nudes

I'll toss you a bump and wait patiently

Love that wedding ring your wife wears

Big man gives an adult a hickey. You're very secure in your relationship.

looks like a rash lol


Not cheap but I can swing it. Richfag here. In fact quads will buy a full priced steam game of choice.

No rash or hickey. Idk wtf that is. She has light Aryan skin. I push on it and it turns red. We do have pretty rough sex. Her ass has red hand marks for days after we fuck.

Also I can't find one of those vintage old ass iPod chargers for my old 4s. So glad I went with an S7 now. Checking my old old gphone to deliver.

Just wanna make you guys happy.

More of what you'd do to my wife

thats an awesome cat,

Did not pay attention. She was in VA for corporate training and left her rings here. She works in a lab and canot wear them.

Let's see this 10/10 tits

I'd shotgun that beer then take her to pound town

Glad you guys think she's hot. I love her to death and she's great.

Had better in the past. And she can have her moods. I guess that's 99.9999% of gf and spouses though. I mean fucking orange sack of shit trump got Melania or whatever. What's your excuse Sup Forums

rooolliinnn quads

Y'all look happy, good for u

Tripsity trips for tits

Wish I had more nudes to offer you Sup Forumsto. Went through 5 old smart phones no luck.

At least you use me as inspiration. Doesn't matter how much an ugly piece of shit Sup Forumstard you are. Girls are self conscious and desperate. Put yourself out there and you can get a gf or even a waifu. Girls do not like anime. Do not bring up anime or their vag will turn into the sahara. BZs like a man who takes charge, tells them what to drink at the bar, money and just a positive attitude. It will make them wetter than an otter's pocket