< My X

< My X
>4 '10
>Cuts hair like a little girl
>Is from Russia, doesn't speak English very well
>Obsessed with sex
>Calls me Daddy in bed
>Literally will have sex for over an hour and she will whine and fake cry for more and beg me
>Doesn't know how to wipe her ass, no one ever taught her (she's an orphan)
>Terrible hygene
>Begs me to take care of her and be her Daddy

Was she trying to coax me into becoming a pedophile? (She was 22 in these pics btw)

What's the weirdest shit your GF does/did?

more pics

I think she may have had MPD. Sometimes she would do the "take care of me Daddy" orphan schtick. Sometimes she'd act really ghetto (she moved from RUS to Philladelphia, learned ENG from ghetto trash), but she was oddly racist at other times. Would call blacks niggers and monkeys and shit. She was raped by a gang of blacks.


keep posting pics

Here she is when we first met and she wore a ton of make up/dyed her hair/was super ghetto

Whenever I visit my girlfriend, she always, without fail, will have a plate of brownies waiting for after we have sex.

But she's also a cuck and has on more than one occassion, asked me to fuck her roommate. Not sure which is weirder

She is putting some fucking weird fetish shit in those brownies.She gets off on knowing you ate her period blood or some shit.

100% true, search these images. They aren't pulled from the internet. I have nudes of her on my phone but super low res. Her ass was amazing. SUPER petite build with a huge ass.

Here we are after we had been together a couple years and a ironed the ghetto out of her.

how did you meet her?

You didn't deserve her.

>>Doesn't know how to wipe her ass, no one ever taught her (she's an orphan)
>>Terrible hygene

Why she stopped?

she sounds kinda hot tbh



We weren't compatible. I was into the whole kinky little girl thing in the beginning when I was on a lot of drugs, but once I sobered up, it kinda weirded me out.

When I say she was HYPER sexual, I mean we would have sex for an hour, and 20 minutes later she'd walk into the room with nothing but undies and high heels on, and try to seduce me again. Over and over and over and over again. She was DTF 100% of the time. I've never met anyone like her. We were together 3 1/2 years.

Here she is after she put on a little weight.

Nah, I used to have really bad canker sores and I got really intimate with the taste of blood. She's not doing that shit.

Met at work. We worked 3rd shift at a fast food place together. We slowly became friends. We would go smoke weed in my car together. One day she asked me to take her to the mall, I ended up banging her that day.

Before we had sex the first time, she straight up asked me if I had a big dick. I showed it to her, and she was happy. Then she said, we can only have sex if I agree to be her boyfriend. She was one of the oddest people I've ever met.

Low res or not, post em!

My girlfriends have never been that weird. There was one girl I refused to say "dating" but was consistently fucking who was a solid 2 points below me. So I obviously had all the power in the relationship (could call her up and say I had morning wood, she would come over and fuck, then I'd say I had shit to do and she would leave). She would let me do ANYTHING. I think the weirdest thing was when I took her V-Card there was blood on my dick and she got all self-conscious and sucked it off before I could even say anything.


It was gross dude. One time she asked me during sex "Have you ever eaten ass before?". Grossed me the fuck out. She wanted me to lick the shit off her ass... She would bend over before doggy style and there would be straight up smears of shit all over her asshole, she would then proceed to laugh, and wipe her ass right on front of me.

Ah wot a dirty cunt

I'm a really attractive dude when I clean up. Since high school, I have had literally any girl I wanted. I consider her one of the most attractive girls I've ever seen. Shitty low res pictures from weird angles don't do her justice. She was stunning.

Ass ass baby

Probably won't be doing all that tbh. She has been embarrassed and demeaned enough in her life. On the off chance that someone knows her, or may someday know her, I won't do it. Besides my phone is really old and the photos are REALLY shit.

get her unwashed & unwiped shithole on kik, there will be a tongue for her

Keep posting Your shit right here right now

what did you fucking take these photos on? the very first nokia with a camera?


Cmon people, speak up. I know yall some freaky mother fuckers out there. Whats the weirdest shit you or your girl were into??