C'mon, a quick rekt thread before bed

C'mon, a quick rekt thread before bed.

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Jump in any time.



Lets go, Tetsuo!


Wait wait slow the fuck down what's a bed


Wtf is happening

Keep posting

Just consider it a figure of speech. It means off cycle.


I wanted it to pop

Wow. Is that a special effect for a movie?

Skull was crushed, so I think that was the person breathing -- air wasn't coming out of the nose anymore.


good thing he was wearing his helmet

I'm having a hard time grasping how his whole forehead and eye skin isn't attached to his skull.

That webm makes me a firm believer in the Hindu Code and the philosophy of "when it's your time to die, it's your time to die." That's a pretty surreal set of improbable circumstances that would have to align for such an incident...

ohmyfuck. that doesn't end well

Holy fuck that file name

that file name

Holy fuck. Story? Victim is bleeding like crazy down his arm even before the guy shows up. That's fucking savage.

correct file name: bad day at work.png

For me it's the bicyclist that gets crushed by a big sign, then lit on fire, then run over by a big truck. Someone will have it.

thank god it was a gun free zone.

Naw. Similar yo what happens when you blow your nose when it's broken. His breathing is causing air to build up between his skull and face.


Yeah, I know the one you mean, but I'm on my phone. There have been a few in this thread so far that really make me stop and think.

did he die?


when inflation porn goes too far

It was probably a knife free zone too...

That "das it mane" moment.

One would assume.


Rawr xd

What do you know? Mototard going to hard.



Subcutaneous emphysema.

Tfw you hold a sneeze in

faggot bikers deserve what they get

What's the story here?

supposedly he was a thief that got caught

Why the fuck are rekt threads always so slow? I'm at work so I can't contribute but god damn post it if ya got it.

osha wouldnt be happy about those



all i can think of when i see this youtube.com/watch?v=SUNt8E8EWrA


as someone who has operated a forklift a lot, I dont really feel sorry for him, what a stupid retard. doesnt help that he's stereotypical asian who cant drive

i love these, dindu nuffins getting rekt

ay i bet i look pretty cool with my dual wielded pistols oh shit I'm dead


>when the kush hits you


This one?

this one is very satisfying

yeah nigga wasnt even holding them sideways, what a wankgsta

thank Christ that guy's ok

goddamn I hope that kid was ok...

he logged off

holy shiit that one guy, so unlucky

why the fuck was he carrying a gun without a round in the chamber, i dont get it. condition zero is condition hero, that's how I carry every day.

Old guy obviously spent considerable time at the range. Nigger probably no so much..

They're usually killed like this because they're dumb and think they can control a situation

and they leave...

Nope. It's the other one with the bicyclist that gets crushed by a big sign, then lit on fire, then run over by a big truck.



>before bed
I don't even know how many days of my life I've been spending watching rekt clips and vids before going to bed. I regret it every time. Maybe I'm a pussy but they don't give me the comfy feeling I like when going to bed. I sometimes even dream about what I've seen before. One could say that I should know better and not watch rekt threads right before going to bed. But I don't.

This one?

Pretty sure the bic in his pocket busts. Hard to tell in the clip, I know.

Thats how you blow your dick off


Seriously. I don't get it either. Why bother carrying a defensive weapon that isn't instantly ready to go? I have Springfield XD, so mine are more like condition one, but still ready to draw and fire....If I didn't live in Los Angeles. Condition four in a locked container is best most can ask for. Pretty much useless to defend a life with in most circumstances.

I was just messing with ya. It was the first one.


brutal, im ruined you fucking edgelord faggot kid.

if there is a good argument for gun owners against sjws, is that fucking video

I know, if you said not that one either I was gonna post this and say something like if you look close you can see the kid on his bike get hit by a sign.


nah, but you definitely would



Nice, i carry the XDs 9mm. also have a XD40 service, but i dont carry it

looks like swat to the left of the house.

geat idea ever trayvon, try to steal a gun shop

anyone got that video of the cat getting set on fire?

What was that guy doing over there anyways? Is there a story to this?

haha, nice dubs


what stirs your hate for niggers? surely they can't be all bad




He was very very late for work... Flood or no flood, Dell would find someone else in a heartbeat

sadly you cant really argue with them, they dont have the mental capacity to comprehend evidence and logic. ironically they are all about "common sense" guns laws.