Who wins?

who wins?

18 Sup Forums gold for whoever gets the right answer with proper explanation

That depends on how much magma are we talking about here.

1 magma you fucking autist. look at the picture

but how much is 1 magma

you should know that 1 magma = 3 white.

It says how many magma right on the fucking picture you dolt


1 you fucking downy

>doesn't know how much one magma is
Kill yourself newfag

1/2 of 2 magma

ok, relax. i just don't know how much 1 magma is. what do guys you mean by 1.

Dude it obviously is Trump.
What is with these fucking new fags

1. Goddamn fucking idiot.

well lets say all the magma that exists in the earth is = to '1 magma'
1 eel is ~20kg
20 000 000 000 000 000 000kg of pure wet noodly cooling power
eels > earth

It's a single magma, how is that hard to understand. Jesus

>what do you mean by 1

Are you familiar with numbers?

>What do you guys mean by 1
Literally the number 1 (one). You're a fucking idiot.

thr picture clearly states 1 magma, not the earth, faggot

People like you deserve to browse a chan with nothing but "or else mom dies" posts for all eternity. Delete system 32 and 360 away from Computer.

Eels win

like 1 gal of magma? 1 what. i don't get it

still though, eels > earth

the eels dumbass

but if I 360 ill be back at my computer you fucking idiot!!!!!

Just a single magma. One single magma. Pls.

one magma vs 2 mega hitlers
who would win Sup Forums

That's not even magma in that picture, it's lava.

>he doesn't understand what 1 magma is
>assuming he's not gonna say "don't you mean 180"

Holy shit dude. 1 fucking magma. not a gallon, not a pound, just a single magma

>>obviously 2 mega magma


this fag here again. i'm very confused. i don't get how much 1 magma is. please help me and don't troll.

1 what?

3 minus 2 magma


They're all fucking with you, dude. Jesus.

8 magmas divided by 8 magmas

Found the retard
Or is this double bait

the hyper-space paraboloid of the southern intergalatic stellar quadrant.

1 unit of magma, you're a fucking idiot...

welcome to Sup Forums, 13 sheckles have been deposited into your account. keep lurking

found the motherfucking motherfucker

Also: Who the fuck was talking about cooling something down?

i found this on the net trying to solve this problem. fuck you all


lol at the neckbeards who think 1 is a unit of measurement and not just a quantity. Make bait gr8 again m8

Electric eels cant kill that which is already dead. Magma wins.


>gr8 and m8

but spelled out "bait"

newfaggot or autist?


magma: noun
hot fluid or semi-fluid material below or within the earth's crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling.

with that we can safely assume there is at least 1 magma under earth's surface, as magma by definition cannot exist on any other planet

1 quintillion would be far heavier and more massive than earth, therefore heavier than 1 magma.

1 quintillion eels win because of sheer mass


1 magma is more than enough

>implying this battle is won by mass

thats what you say and yet here we are

1 quintillion eels will collapse to a black hole under their own weight, sucking in the magma and throwing it into a parallel universe, where it burns to ashes in a sun. Eels win. Oh, wait, the magma is already burning... Then the magma may win if it finds a way back.

about the same as 2 lava but sideway

1 magma > enough

black holes are do to singularities, and eels are not single points in space.

try again autist

>implying this is a battle
>implying a black hole is a gate into another universe

they would not collapse into a black hole you retarded fag where the hell did you go to school America?

Fuck you're mother yu motherfucker



Me too I'm confused, what is actually 1 magma really? Is it only one entity or what?

Dude. What

Eletric eels are stupid though, they'll just swim arround and provoke the magma with useless electric shocks even though they should know magma is ground type.

have you fully comprehended the number system. Literally a single magma

Spot the Jew fag

its the number between 0 and 2

But how can magma be single though?

1 / 3 of a white

The whole number between 0 and 2

Do the math, faggot. If 1 eel weighs 5 grams, then 1 quintillion eels weigh far over 9000 quintillion tons. That's more than enough for a black hole.

Well if we assume that the goal is to cool down the magma i like your approach, but you fail to understand that 1kg of electric eel doesn't cool down 1kg of magma. That would depend on the temperature coefficients of magma and tissue.
But then i read on Wikipedia:
>Magma (from Ancient Greek μάγμα (mágma) meaning "thick unguent") is a mixture of molten or semi-molten rock, volatiles and solids[1] that is found beneath the surface of the Earth, and is expected to exist on other terrestrial planets and some natural satellites.
Fuck everything, the assumption that magma exists only on earth is wrong.

Geologist here, one magma is one silicate molecule heated to the sufficient temperature

So does 1 magma win or the eels?

Dude, what are you on about? Did you smoke cannabis or some shit?

Oh shit. Then the eels don't stand any chance.

Can someone please cap this! Oh god my sides are orbiting saturn by now..


If the eels ambush the magma eels would fuck it right in the pussy

>implying the magma wouldn't already have ambush plans

1 Magma = all possible magma in the universe
magma wins

And what is when the eels are really smart?

for fucks sake dude. not all magma in the universe, that would be multiple magmas. just one single magma you autist

But what if, all the magma on earth is 1 magma?

then they don't fight
easy walkover for magma

then the question would say "all the magma on earth" and not just one single magma

fuck can y'all read or what

But is there REALLY one single magma? There can't be one single magma.


>eels are smart
>eels wait for magma to cool
>magma cools and becomes rock
>eels create power to run paper mill
>paper beats rock
Eels win, and op is still a faggot

How come I'm wrong? Please explain to me.

but you can always create more magma (via explosives and chemistry) so then amount would be greater than all maga on earth we have now
how is that possible?

1 octillion lawn mowers would not even make up 0.001% of Canis Majoris.

But what about if eels atack at night?

best post