New loli thread old one was derailed

New loli thread old one was derailed

>more like this please

Other urls found in this thread:

Who would do that

Nigga I ain't opening that shit

Great idea! Nigger dick is only attracted to white lolis


Hell yeah

Someone who really, really likes black cock






I'm going to have to assume you started this thread since OP only posted once, with a stealth nigger dick

Well looks like I won't be having a quality fap tonight. All the more reason to hate Niggers though

I'm actually on mobile so I can't contribute I was just hoping people would come along

as if we needed a reason. So much black dong ITT it's like Sup Forums circa 2014

anybody like these loli guro gifs? got a few i can dump

dumb phoneposter

*not really guro, you know what i mean

I like loli user-kun

please do good sir

No, Beast, we don't.

will do

I mean, I do, but you'll prolly get shit on for it.

Guro is pretty niche. That artist makes great gifs though.

I hope you're happy I'm going to bed without even getting hard


this one made me feel kind of sick

good, it should be good for you

>you'll prolly get shit on for it.
don't tease me like that. You're right though. Doesn't exactly fit with the theme of the thread but my loli stash is kinda limited so i'm trying to contribute

Post moar

there's some rumor about author 'Rustle' going to lost his vision(eye sight)

so sad he was cool


>kinda sick
lightweight. jk i see where you're coming from.
stop posting gay shit for the love of fuck and i might

stop bullying loli


Lmao, it's all good man. Post what you got.

It's super late, I doubt very many people are lurking anyway. Especially with all the black cock.

Yeah, I heard that's why a lot of his girls look so similar. Apparently because he can't see very well.

Wonder how he got to be such a great artist if he has such poor vision, anyway?


>stop bullying loli
what's done is done, the gifs are already made and those lolis are now in a better place

man this reminds me when a spidy tried to derail my threads twice who ever OP is the only reason your threads get derailed is you dont outpost the nigger dicks step up your game

bread needs more cute

I get the whole thread derailment thing
but WHY? do you have so much gay and BBC porn saved up?
are you a faggot? or did you have to force yourself to collect all this stuff?


I'm jerking off while posting




just ignore him my inquisitive friend


I dunno if you're here, but I don't feel like replying in the old thread, so hopefully you are.

Kinda makes me wonder if it's a sign of the general populace getting gayer (or more "sexually liberated") or if it's just Sup Forums.

I mean, if you're willing to look at so much gay porn, and then save it, and then look at it AGAIN to post it, you HAVE to be a faggot, right?

At that point, if he says he isn't, he's just deluding himself.


No U


but if he is an actual faggot
then it's hilariously ironic that he's so unaccepting of other peoples' fetishes


can i get the sauce on this mother fuker? geezuz...


I fucking love this one, so goddamn brutal man. Jeez.

And the post-death pissing is probably my favorite thing about the hanging/suffocating fetish in general.

Nigga dick


can someone post some Loli being fucked by BBC?
it would make for some amusing derailment of the derailment

dont have any myself


Just par for the course for these threads.

Wasn't too long ago that (seemingly) the fast majority of people on this board would be at the very least castrated for being faggots.

It's just a bunch of revenge bullshit. They need to feel like they're above someone, anyone.




I am, yeah. Bait in this site's DNA, in varying degrees according to the board. being mainly on Sup Forums i usually would say that the trap posters are a jewish psyop to destroy the nuclear family but that's just me. The truth is obviously more nuanced.
Some people are just party-poopers. We've all lurked long enough to know that strictly hetero guys can have gigabytes of nigger dicks just to pis people off
yeah those gifs are insane, wish i had more





i want make loli OC
i never told this any one before
chink tablet and 2 computer device is only thing that i got
no education no money
my work is lack of skill too sad
but i decided to start project



now that you mention it, i wonder why i named it katiesinz, that's jennaJ isnt it?

as long as the loli is a qt and pattable go for it

Whoa this is nice. Post more of this.
Who is he?







Fuckit just post the absolute gayest fucking picture you have if 69 ill fap to it can't fucking sleep anyways



I dunno man, these are scary times for the strictly heterosexual man AND woman.

I dunno how convincing post-op tranny genitalia is, but it really fucking bothers me that I could be dating someone who looks like a girl, but was definitely born a man.

Then I look at shit like Sup Forums, and all the people now saying they're "pansexuals" and it makes me wonder if I'm not as open-minded as I thought.

I dunno, this is off-topic, I guess I'll stop now.


i like where this is going






/r/ing a loli for my 5 inch penis.



not gonna mentioned it mayu is great waifu
he loves only one person



