Arab male now living in USA for school AMA

Arab male now living in USA for school AMA
When I lived in the Middle East I had a dungeon in the basement of my house where I kept 4 women I called my "pets" ask me anything
*i respect americas laws against this and would never do a thing like this here

Really? B isn't curious in the slightest?


What did you do with the women when you left

Fuck off sandnigger

As long as the women were not white i dont care but if any of them were white then i must avenge my race by honor killing you

Sold them to a friend . I bought them in Dubai

>things that never happened: the thread

3/10 bait

They are white 3 Russians 1 Ukrainian went to Dubai to dance be dancers


>hey are white 3 Russians 1 Ukrainian

thats not white you stupid sand nigger fuckstain

anyway proceed with your fanfiction

Hahaha you don't think we have sex women in Arab world? Hahahah

For how many camels

So human traffic? I know economic diversification is good, but can't you just sell oil instead? Also, greentext a story or go eat a bullet

Most dancers and sex workers come from Eastern Europe not a fantasy just wanted to share. It is frowned upon in western cultures to do this but we Muslim believe non believers kafirs are meant for this just being real

Sadam that you?

The list of things you people fuck
>other men
>little boys

Lol thats not true.


>I had a dungeon in the basement of my house where I kept 4 women I called my "pets"
not so g8 b8, faggot

No camels
>be me vacationing in Dubai meet with friends
>visit well known brothel in hotel
>attractive white women everywhere
>fuck a few with the power of a million suns
>ask the owner how much to have them come back with me
>greedy fucking Kuwaiti & me come to a price agreement
>he delivers to me 2 weeks later
> basement is not a real dungeon it's nice toilets shower at a beds
>steel door, no windows & security cameras let me check at all times.
>also speaker system

Do you belong to a wealthy family? Did you bought them from a pimp, or saw them working an managed to kidnap them?

Yes yes yes no yes

Read above yes my family is wealthy I have my own house on our family compound

AMA huh? Why does a white american come on Sup Forums and make up a ridiculous story like this? Bored with life I assume?

How much have you paid for them? I mean, there were some better girl who costed more than the others?

Pics or it didn't happen

I'm from the UAE glad you fags are so dumb you don't think men can buy women in my country.uou could have asked me anything but you're so
Bet you don't think using bitches for sex like we've done for thousands of years is possible lol I got to get ready for my day now so enjoy yours being virgins lol bye

I smell a lie

This thread sucks.

How old were they? For how much you sold them?

Do you legitimately think this is believable? Oh boy..

#1 I'm not a virgin, #2 I'm half arab and I've been to the UAE a few times. Yes you can buy women in those countries, I just don't believe someone who talks about it on Sup Forums.

Someone is mad. You can buy women everywhere not just there. But you have to come up with a beter lie.

So what did you do to them and how did they react? Just give us all the information in one solid greentext plz

How easy is it to fuck children over there?