How does it feel having fucked up your whole country four can?

How does it feel having fucked up your whole country four can?

Other urls found in this thread:

Does it feel nice?

Actually our country is doing fine. It's the other countries that are fucked up.

I'm not American.

it feels not so good, but that picture is extremely misleading

Obama and the liberals fucked up the country : Trump is trying his best, working hard, day and night, to fix it

Actually its not.

Fix it by violating your own constitution. As millions of your own people protest in the streets?

You´re not landing that one fellow faggot.

How do you reckon, faggot? Putting America First = Fucking Up Country?? Who gives a fuck about the liberal PC bullshit?! He can keep loving America all he wants, we don't care if Eurotrash, Mexico, Snowflakes or anyone else is offended. This isn't for them.

Thank god im not american.

Explain how the constitution has been violated.

Pro Tip: You are a faggot and you can't because it hasn't. Some libtards may be offended (Waaahhhh!!!) but no laws are being broken here.

>being racist
>loving america
>implying those are at all related

America is thankful as well.

Tell me how being racist isn't American... LMAO
You obviously have no concept of history.

By discriminating against people based on religion and where they come from.

ask her

It is perfectly constitutional...look it up faggot. The President has the right to ban ANY CLASS of immigrant from our country for any reason whatsoever, if he deems that person to be a potential threat to our country. Get over it.

Germany is one of the largest exporters and manufacturing economies in the world. They are much more successfull at it than USA :-)

>repost from another thread
It's a business strategy planned decades ago. Create an enemy and use peoples fear to reign.

Furthermore, most terrorists are Muslim and from a certain area of the world. We didn't make that shit up, it just is. Quit being a pussy and admit that America has the right to preserve itself.

The attourney general disagreed. Who was an expert in law. In case you don´t understand simple things. Which I assume you dont.

The governor of Washington also disagrees. And infact, do you see the millions of your fellow citizens protesting? Thats a sign something is wrong. But you´re just sitting inside your trailer fapping to cp

yeah thats right but Merkel is fucking the whole country right now... Rapefugees welcome

Good, they are also way more successful at getting their women raped by refugees. Is there an award for that?

Faggots like you in here crying about Trump when Obama raped the country and the planet for 8 years.

> Interim Attorney General. Who was an Obama appointee. Disagreed because she's loyal to her party and Trumps AG confirmation pick is being delayed by the Democraps as usual.

Fixed that for ya ;)

You don't know me, and obviously your assumptions suck. Mind your own country, because you have no idea what you are talking about watching through your cloudy little telescope. You never will...since you will never be American.


pic related

Again, the Attorney general doesn't make the laws...the world is full of opinions. However, I am an expert on everything, and I say it's fucking Constitutional, shitbag. And, the fact that the Governor of Washington doesn't like Trump only makes me like him more. Thanks for clarifying.

feels great. hope he gulags the liberals for real.

Actually it is.

There's already an America hate thread going, you dumb foreigner. Go infest Sup Forums until you and all the other Euro cocksuckers learn to hold your shitty little union together.

didn't take very long for this one to break down into "yer a HOOSIER cuz ya dont live on the west coast and ya voted for that DEVIL MAN!!!!" mode

maybe work on that a little bit if you want any kind of respect at all

just kidding, we still wouldn't respect you even if you made sense

Don't worry fag our "loss" is your """"gain""""

Now all those subhuman Muslim savages can go to your country. :)

We made it great again u pussy
Now try and keep up

And those places most of the terrorist come from are not on Trumps ban list.

You're right, we need to ban the rest of them because as it is they don't get better than the ones we already don't want, and they are mostly all war-torn shitholes so go figure.

"Golden age of Islam" my ass.

Nevertheless, deposed because she disagreed with his desires. Being appointed to her job by another president is not a reason to fire someone.

the good goy of Sup Forums shilled for the right guy

You know what happened in some major islamic countries not long ago? Something called Arabian Spring. Which was a movement to depose a dictator.

Where is that happening right now? In your own USA.

If you deny what millions of people are protesting against in the street, you are living in a vacuum.

Fbi and Russia did it

>Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
You stupid dipshit.

oy vey!

Its Sup Forums you fucking re four can is another site for...Things

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Trump's conflicts of interests are actually unconstitutional.

Bottom line is that the Democratic Party nominated one of the most corrupt candidates to be pressed on the American public in the last hundred years. Proven to be despicable and criminally entitled. Trump flat TOOK the Republican nomination from a teetering old machine full off RINOs (for the uninitiated that is "Republican in name only") and ran on a populist platform that appealed to a working class and middle class that has been dispossessed for years, working to feed and support slackers and illegals, and he won. What you are seeing is the One Worlders action plan for the potential that one not of their own has grasped the wheel, with every intention of righting the ship. Obama has doubled the national debt, cuckolded the US publicly world wide, fomented failed states and generally made a complete mess of foreign affairs and used Executive Order to force economic models that stripped the workers of more income that any before it. None of the Executive orders signed so far have violated the US Constitution. It is the primary duty of the Presidency and the Government to protect the country against all enemies both foreign and domestic. The travel ban does not impact US citizens, therefore is not unconstitutional. Indeed Obama, Bush and Clinton did the same thing with no outcry. Again, this is the Soros and corrupt One World Order bunch's playbook to do all they can to ridicule and discredit Trump as early as they can in his tenure. They tried the same thing throughout his candidacy. Did not go so well for them, did it? The American people put him in office based on his promises, nobody need be surprise that he has hit the ground running keeping those promises. With all the uproar about the Travel ban only about 100 were delayed, and only one denied entry after further vetting, all within 48 hours. Big whoop! Media paid to go mad stirring up masses of unemployed youth and aging baby boomers looking to re-live their glory days.

>Rome, 50BC-100AD
>Unparalleled territorial expansion and development
>Means for civilization built by hand, mountains split in half just to distribute water

>Islam, 600AD-2017
>Conquered all of North Africa, Anatolia, up to the Balkans, and all of the Middle East
>Turned them into stoneage shitholes

>USA, 1861-1865
>Bloodiest civil war ever fought happens, resulting in abolishing of slavery and the beginning of civil rights development for people who have never for a second shown appreciation

>Saudi Arabia, 2017
>Slavery still holding strong and civil rights are nonexistent in the Middle East at large

>Middle East, 2011
>Arab Spring occurs,violence flares across the entirety of North Africa and the Middle East
>Terrorist cells are galvanized into ravaging torn countries
>Even for countries where the government was replaced the countries are still Islamic shitholes

>USA, 2017
>Some liberal arts major fucktards hold up signs about black lives mattering and threatening revolution when they can barely open a pickle jar

It will surprise no one in the rest of the civilized world if Trump will be deposed before his four years are up.

like grapping them by the pussy

What kind of bad logic is this? "Violence flares"? LOL. they deposed a dictator you slut.

More like, someone was telling the truth and you disagreed.

Feeling great again because we are making America great again.

Islam itself is a call for dictators you retarded cunt. You're hardly much of a Muslim if you aren't strictly for the ideal of a dictator. It's a facet of their very religion.

Read a book some time nigger.

Well they needed to do something with the war machine after they lost world war 2.

grab them

Bill Clinton here; this hasn't happened in decades. Man I miss the interns. Thanks for fucking up another chance at intern pussy you faggots.

You are not very smart are you.

Why don´t you read about the crusades.

You Trump cucks do realize he's a conman right?
Not just saying that because he disgusts me, if you look at the big picture it really couldn't be more clear cut

>megalomaniac real estate mogul notorious for fucking over every investor and business partner
>openly liberal-centrist for most of his life, goes to the Clinton wedding for fuck sake
>starts planning to run republican by hopping on the birther train which he knew was BS but appealed to Obama haters
>suddenly this NYC native gives a shit about fly-over states
>actually wants to fix the system after fucking its loopholes to death with jew lawyers for decades
>at rallies he just says 100 different controversial things, maybe 10 of them he thought of beforehand, a couple that the crowd liked that he'll keep using, then he drops the other 90 opinions that resonated less with the crowd
>this is how he reads you people, he has to do that because he is out of touch average americans (DUH)
>says he going to drain the swamp
>hires cabinet with collective net worth more than bottom 1/3 of all americans
>won't divest from businesses because tahts what he cares about, his and his own.
He doesn't care about America or you you idiots you got played.

What, you mean the counterattack against Islamic jihad that conquered and subjugated Christian lands out of zealotry and a thirst for blood, loot, and slaves?

Yeah, why don't we talk about the Crusades? Maybe mention how they were motivated by the torture and murder of Christians on pilgrimage.


They were a response to Islamic invasion

Take your 84iq somewhere else

You are living in an alternate reality. I will enoy seing your country fall apart.

>muh crusades

Boy you really are a retarded cock-sucker.

First off, the West developed EVERYTHING. EVERY-SINGLE-THING of value in the world today.

Second, we are living in the greatest civilizations earth has ever seen while Muslims, who purposefully made their own lands total dogshit for centuries are begging to be let in and do the same here.

The stupid shit people did for Christianity says nothing good about Islam, we've grown out of our religious dogma, Muslims haven't.

This is without mentioning the crimes of Islam are far greater than Christianity ever was.

You want to know how Muslim conquest works? Every adult male is either enslaved and castrated, or slaughtered outright. Pregnant women and babies are put on pikes to terrorize villages into capitulation.(guess who taught Vlad the Impaler) The only people truly kept around are women who can be raped. You should be glad that Muslims were stopped at Vienna, because otherwise all of this good shit in your life right now would have never happened.


it will surprise only a bunch of faggots when despite all the cry online nothing of what you say actually happens

god im glad I wasnt born in that third world excuse for a country. Gynaa should just ball up and nuke the cunts

well I mean maths is quite important. and coffee. and universities. and music. and optics. hospitals too but I spose muricans dont really know what those are

Stop blaming Obama! Your country has been fuct up since JFK was in power. Make American great again? You were never great to begin with. Corrupt, war mongering self righteous, Christian radicals are a normal thing. I'm so thankful I'm not American!

Im sure americans are glad you arent one of them either

>muslims invented coffee, education, medicine, and optics


First off, every advancement ever made in Islam was done by Persians - who were great well before Islam came and fucked their shit up.

Second, any advancement done by Islam was never done for intellectual purposes. It was all in some way used for religion until a completely anti-intellectual mentality took over the Muslim world as a whole for favor of dogma.

You lefties have no concept of scale or contribution, you just have a never-ending hunger to suck brown dicks. If you had any sort of sense whatsoever you'd realize that single zip codes in Boston have contributed more to the world in every way than the entire Muslim world has done in a thousand years.

I wouldn't expect a leftard to really know anything, though.

Yeah you are going to be fine.

Holy shit i know nothing about Trump but damn he must be strong to be able to not have his head explod by a punch from no other then wonder woman, damn!

Everything you are using right now, from your computer, to your phone, to your red Trump ballcap, is made in China.

its ok, we arent banning chinese, we are banning terrorists

In Europe we let immigrants in. Most of them are just as bad as people say. They will be a huge problem for years. We fucked our selves really good.
Thank god that you have a president that cares more about your safety than his own public image.