How did he blow the tank up with a pistol?

how did he blow the tank up with a pistol?

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American bullets are folded 1000 times.

He shot the glowing weak points that all boss enemies in ww2 had

He actually shot the c4 block that was placed onto it.

He had them exploding rounds from Deus Ex HR.

you mean C3.

He wasn't alone

Its a bug, the pistol is doing little damage like 3-5 and the tanks armor gives about -50 to damage at base, the health goes from + to - health through a flagging error, that amount of - health counts as a critical strike, destroying the tank instant. The said they would fix this, but my guess is we have to wait for WW3 to see it actually implemented.

our lord wills it

Are you fucking retarded?

The next scene shows that the tank was shot with a rocket at the same time as he shot it with a pistol.

Christ, do I really need to spell it out for you millennials

I don't think you've seen the film

He rolled a 20

The bullet goes into the barrel, and hits the primer of the missile that is loaded into it.

It's a common tactic in war.

He didn't, the tank got hit by a bomb at the same moment. That's why you see planes flying overhead as soon as the thing explodes.

I honestly thought this was what had happened when I was 8 or 9.

In Call of duty blops zombie mode when you upgrade the pistol you get exploding rounds. He had the upgrade

I think they had c4 already in wwii

why wouldnt this work?


Good luck triggering a whole C4 block by shooting it.
Plus unless that tank had 20 kilos of C4 all over you are not popping it, best case scenario you damage a separate component like engine, tracks, turret sights/50cal or main gun if you placed it correctly.


I always thought it was the air reinforcement that did it.

That's not how I remember it.

Well, even if you were extremely accurate enough to shoot in the barrel and hit the shell. You'll still be hitting the front of the shell, not the back of it where the explosive part is.

He was a big guy

You mean the front part that hits the target? How much force does it need to set off the explosive?

The Tiger tanks front army was notoriously thin and weak, and is one of the main reasons so many of them were knocked out after the first hit.

>During and after World War II a number of new RDX-based explosives were developed, including Compositions C, C2, and eventually C3. Together with RDX these incorporate various plasticisers to decrease sensitivity and make the composition plastic

A plane destroyed the tank.

In case you didn't know this is a troll thread, now someone will say that was a German bomber.

He shot the gas tank. They copied the idea from American Psycho.

he got a critical hit, bullets can explode and deal lots of damage at times

.45 ACP

Rewatch your own youtube link , fool.


It's one of the most notorious plot holes of the last 20 years

No wonder the Germans lost if they fought like they did in this movie.

No shit retard we were talking about IF he shot in the barrel. You're 100% autistic if you couldn't comprehend that

I remember why i hate this board.... fucking retards

It took me years to realize that it wasn't Steamboat Willy who stabbed the jew.

see you tomorrow. ;___;

? The plane's didnt fire rockets or drop bombs, they were doing a low flyby to scare the Germans into retreating. Remember that aviation was only 2 or 3 years old at this point so Germans were still naturally scared of planes as they sort of looked like airborne predators.

I dunno but this historical inacurracy always bothered me

>Remember that aviation was only 2 or 3 years old at this point so Germans were still naturally scared of planes as they sort of looked like airborne predators.

The tank was low on HP and he got lucky

El oh el

ugh...... are you like, serious? dear zeus this board is retarded -.-

So you knew before, but you stuck around so long that you forgot? Sound pretty terrible, like a senile woman who can't recall that it's her husband who keeps beating her


Underated post


With the same Amerifat logic that made the towers explode, even the one that didn't get hit

The Tiger was bit by an attack dog in the exact moment he fired his pistol.

artilleryman here. you could hit it with a hammer and it wouldn't go off (even though they did just that with the mortars in the same battle). The fuse has to spin a certain amount of times before it is activated. Once activated though it doesn't take much we still have older fuzes that you can't fire in the rain because it could set them off.


The tank didn't melt though.

360 no scoped it.