How many beers would it take

How many beers would it take.

Women like this is why i fuck dudes

None. I'm a community service minded individual.

All of them.

id probably get alcohol poisoning

a Pacific Ocean of beers and viagra


seems suspiciously 9gag'ish

eh I bet she fucks like a lunatic. feminists and fat girls are the two most depraved sexual partners so a combination would undoubtedly be worth my time.

heheh all the beers hehehe i'm so internet and quirky hehe

it would take my life

I like fat girls but I'd pass out long before I'd want to hit that

I've banged many fatties and my day and my dry spell has been long enough that I'd be game.... but I suspect the real obstacle here would be the smell. That and the hairy pits.

ON second thought, even I would have some misgivings but after a whole bottle of vodka, I may consider it.


Jessi Slaughter?

fuck beer, i would need at least 20mg of morphine, two pills of viagra, a brown paper bag for the face, a gun to kill it afterwards + a solid witness

id puke and pass out first

Fat women need love too.

They gotta pay.

But fat women need love too.

enough to kill me so i dont have to. ive done some pretty bad stuff with some fairly gross chicks but i could never be drunk enough for that swamp monster.


Time to go gay

We would share a bottle of wine while walking on a moonlit tropical beach. Her soft hand resting in my shoulder.... shall I go on?


Not sure, because I've never drank myself to death before.

it takes one to know one

I'd definitely die because of alcohol poisoning.

probably not beer, but viagra for sure

this and

gonna need something stronger than beer

1 pint of methanol, to make myself go blind

Luckily you'd die from that, unless you start drinking ethanol on top of it.

too damned much way too damned much

I've fucked worse after a night out
>desperation overwhelms anything with a dick

Also what do you guys think her ass tastes like

>How many beers would it take.

None. A mouth is a mouth.


As many as my number ^>

amazing considering every woman is not this ugly. I'd suspect at least 75% of anons or gay/bi


Id need a full ego death and a couple shots of retrograde amnesia, and thats just to get past the lingering after effects of the trauma.

About 106 bottles to down that whale then a final empty one to knock her out. Or did you mean how many beers would it take for me to be ok sticking my dick in it? The answer to the latter is 3 beers. I'm extremely depressed


How about a gallon of Irish rose and a couple crack rocks?

As much as possible

Infinite beers. Never gonna stick it in anything that could lose a fetus in its folds for 3 months.

At first glance 6
click thumbnail BOOOM
1 Keg


I would die from alcohol poisoning first.

that much beer doesn't exist

Sorry I dont drink


i would blow my load in her mouth. fuck it.

Well, if noone finds out... Uhhh 8 or 9 bottles

I would get alcohol poisoning before it would be enough

Too many

If you've never fucked a bigger girl, you are missing out. If she's a feminisr, she's easy. Be at least 5'8", profit.

At least enough to make me pass out
There would be no detest unless "she" somehow woke me up

I would dry anal rape her for the lulz.

All of them!

Beer is too weak for this shit. I'd skip right to the bleach

An ass that fat will always be sweaty and moist.

damn daniel.

I'd let her suck me off. But fucking? No way...

bring 2 large towels:
one for the ass, one for afterwards you've taken a shower where you cried to yourself for 2 hours

after a bottle of whisky and a few beers she'd probably be drunk enough to sleep with me.

dubs means it's true. well played user

blowjob? 1
sex? not enough beers in the world

she'd give top tier blowjobs but i'd be worried my dick was gonna get bitten off

Three could take her I reckon.

Oh I thought it said bears sorry.


Me being dead

You guys are fucking pussies. I'd bend her over and give her the D like she was barely passing her gender studies class.

all of the beers
all of them

its impossible breh
the amount of beers required would be higher than the amount of beers (12) it takes for me to get whiskey dick

How many beers are in a keg?

i browse 9gag and reddit for laughs

Beer? I'd have to be straight fucked up on the hardest liquor available to the point where I'd die of alcohol poisoning before i ever did.

Like 3.5.


enough that i couldnt get it up = profit

imagine if you will those podgey fingers around your shaft after whilst shes in front of you on her knees .
you look down and see a curtain of flab hanging covering her thighs and those distended sweating breasts flopping to the sides
you look up to she her open her mouth and begains to draw you into her black and yellow toothed mouth while all the time looking you in the eye , you note the beads of sweat on her brow and a slight trickle running down her cleavage heading south from the folds of skin in her neck


just no

10 shots of everclear, that orc won't take me alive

Well that's clearly not enough.

Are we guessing her weight? OP did not specify what the beers equal. we all jump to the conclusion of sex, like a bunch of troglodyte's.


Without further context, it's the most logical conclusion

Wouldn't bang, but would definitely let her give me the succ. Gobble that shit up like its her last supper.

all of them

I'm gonna need to IV some whiskey And put a plastic bag over my face

Thats not even true. Fat chicks are horrible fucks

I second that

we'll bang, okay