Possession kino thread

possession kino thread

>it's bad on purpose!!!"

What a meme!

pleb get out

you have shit taste

She's the Eva Green of the past. Kino on top of kino.

eva green is overrated as fucking hell idk what you faggots are thinking

Possession: Unwatchable performances (entirely the director's fault). Amateur-ish script. Scenes go on entirely too long with no sense of natural instinct for pacing. One of the most overrated movies of all time. The creature was cool the two or three times they showed it. Also one of the worst, most nonsensical student film endings I've seen.

I felt fucking awful for her. She was giving it her all for this terrible movie and you could tell she was kind of in pain because of the awkward position she was in but the director kept on going and going wayyyyy too long because he heard that's how Kubrick got the great "insanity" performances from The Shining, but it's just inferior in every way.

its supposed to be surreal

she was great though. its different than the shining. both are great

It's strange to understand why Possession of all films has a dedicated shitposter

Then the surrealism is poor and obnoxious. And it is different from The Shining: The Shining is actually well-made, well thought out, and iconic.

Zulawski was a shit director. Just trying to spread the gospel.

its directed differently. zulawzki is not like kubrick

the shining is atmospheric and possession is toxic

Just kill yourself, retard

>possession is toxic
I'll say. Toxic like a putrid garbage dump. Good lord what trash.

Go visit your father's grave Xawery.

>I'll say. Toxic like a putrid garbage dump. Good lord what trash.
the easiest thing you could have said 0/10 (You)

>I'm totally not mad at you. Let me reply to let you know how not trolled I am by you.
See, this is REAL horror! It's like, the unknown is what scares us. When you begin to lose control and can do nothing but suffer, THAT is what's really scary man! Zulawski is like a gifted genius for realizing this! Isabelle Adjani is so brilliant too! Look at her crazy eyes! You can tell she's giving a good performance

someone post the webm and btfo of this dumbfuck

Well, pitiful, thread is wasted. Maybe another day the designated autist shiposter won't be around to kill it.

Maaaaan you just don't get it. It's not real horror, it's like, we are all trying to maintain control, but when control is lost, like, it's really SCARY. Possession is not a horror in the traditional sense, but a subversive psychological drama, with sociopolitical allusions and personal parallels to the director's troubled existence. In a way, we are all struggling for control. Look at how she struggles in this scene. THIS is real terror, and it's not like the BOO jumpscares that you sheeple beg for in your movies, but this is the kind of terror that stays with you for MONTHS! Raw, existential dread.

>he thinks this is what the long take is about

>walking through alley see this
wat do?

Dude it's like deeper than that man. The audience is like being held hostage and forced to witness this unholy event. Oh my God I can't even HOW CAN ANYONE NOT LIKE THIS BRILLIANT FILM?!?!?!??!

>Ironically posting another goat scene

good one. There is nothing remarkable about Possession unless you like overacting, cheap body horror, and nonsensical scriptwriting.

>nonsensical scriptwriting
>he watches film for the plot

>what is style

I don't "watch film for the plot", I just recognize a terrible script when I see one and Possession is it. The ending was so awful a film student could have made it and I wouldn't have batted an eye. What the fuck was this Polish hack thinking with that car chase?
You're an easily impressed drone who probably claws at his eyes gesticulating like le retarded German motorcycle man in this shitpile. This movie has no style.

Poor man's India Eisley.

#1 literally who

#2 looks like a fat annoying spic

>another Possession thread ruined
I am doing God's work. Fuck you all for perpetuating this worthless movie as an arthouse masterpiece.

Kys asap

How is she anything like eva green beside somewhat having pale skin.

Go visit your father's grave Xawery.

Not all nonsensical, unintelligible film is kino. I also watched this movie drunk, though, during a snowstorm.

Eurotrash shock value thread?

>guys look at my movie where every scene is more disgusting than the last ;^))) can i have my Palme D'Or now?

I like this movie better than everything by Zulawski but Haneke is definitely a shit filmmaker.

>Hi, I'm Michael Haneke. I am a director of such subversive and thought-provoking cinemas as Cachay and Funny Games. I have a severe hatred for modernity, and the West in general. I think white, upper-class Europeans need to take a step back and examine their choices, realizing how everything they do effects others across the world. Romanian people, Somalian people, I could go on. My magnum opus is The White Ribbon, a chilling work of critical theory which posits the rise of German fascism was a result of evil puritanical Christians. God I hate Christians, almost as much as I hate Europeans. And modernity. And the Western hemisphere. #blm.

>Hating on based Haneke

Legitimately praising Michael Haneke and his worldview is practically screaming to the world that you want an Arabian man to rape your mother.

ive only seen Cache and parts of funny games

Cache was really a pile of shit, no way is he better than zulawski

>Hey, Possession
>looks like a nice thread
>enter it
>some aspergers guy is shitposting like crazy
Well, that's what I get for expecting good things on Sup Forums

>and his worldview
Literally who gives a shit?
His movies succeed on the allegories and messages he tries to make, just because I don't agree with them (and I don't to many of them), doesn't make his movies shit. Focus on the art, rather than the artist.

>his movies succeed
yea at making me want to go postal

>feeling a strong emotional response towards a movie
He did his job, and he did it well.

His movies are a lot less SCREAMING than Zulawski's stagey piles of shit, which makes them easier to watch for many reasons. Cache is horrible though.

>possession kino thread
>this looks like a nice thread
You're the worst thing about this board and you don't even know it.

no im angry at the movie im angry at him for being a shitty director

>His movies succeed on the allegories
No because they literally fall apart under the least bit of scrutiny. White Ribbon is an auto-fellating mess that suggests Nazism came out of a backlash against puritanical Christian society. It's an inept, irresponsible commentary, and a completely hollow parable. (unanswered questions = modernist genius, right?)

>being a shitty director
He's not though

ITT: The failings of the mental health system


I haven't seen The White Ribbon yet, but your post suggests that he's a bad director because of historical inaccuracies instead of the directorial and storytelling techniques he uses to convey his message. Inaccurate or not, it doesn't invalidate his directorial skills, he's not a historian.

If he's not a historian or a sociologist, then why make a movie with such a specific agenda in mind? He tells about the rise of totalitarianism not from a perspective of research, but from the perceptive of Critical Theory. Critical Theory is intellectual toxic waste. That is why the film is laughable. If he wanted to trace the roots totalitarianism he would of made a film about Hegel and Goethe.

You're mentally ill. The referred director and your 'opinion' on him doesn't matter for this conclusion.

Tragic that this type of person finds Sup Forums as their big lamp.

>You're mentally ill
Zulawski was mentally ill. Don't hat me for seeing right through his bullshit.

>Critical Theory is intellectual toxic waste. That is why the film is laughable
argumentum ad hominem

argumentus youreafaggotus

>mfw when I was tricked into watching this
I started to have my doubts when she began to sniff used tissue full of fresh semen

>has no face

great rebuttal

Sup Forums is truly one of the worst boards

Is it that hard to pose a webm? It's 2016 for christ sakes.