Why did Samuel L Jackson's character constantly bring up race throughout the movie?

Why did Samuel L Jackson's character constantly bring up race throughout the movie?

Goes to show you niggers hated whites irrationally even in the 90's.

when you've been an oppressed minority for 250 years you kind of pay attention to race issues

because he is a racist

He lived for 250 years? No wonder he's cranky.

Sounds to me like they should go back to Africa and live free.

It's funny when blacks do it but oppressive and holocausty when whites do it.


based Willis

I was born in America, this is my country.


>John McClane: I'll put my foot up your ass, you dumb, mother...
Zeus: Say it! Say it!
>John McClane: What?
Zeus: You were gonna call me a nigger, weren't you?
>John McClane: No I wasn't!
Zeus: Yes you were! What were you gonna call me?
>John McClane: Asshole! How's that, asshole!

Mace Dindu blown the fuck out.

What do you call the hair style on the right?

here's how I see it

>white writers and white director
>decides to put a "racist" black guy in the movie
>over the course of the movie the white action hero wins over the black guy's trust

give me a break.

And if it weren't for Whitey, you'd be in Africa somewhere dying of AIDS.

Because that's what blacks do.

the Willis

The Jews brought the majority of the slaves to America, so I thank the Jews.

Or Die Hard.

perm died hard

Why do Americans think they're better than everyone else? You're just lucky, fuck your entitled attitude.

You have a point.
Still a good movie though.


>I will create a full fictional play in my head based on a very small amount of information, and then proceed to get mad about it

Is this another movies that couldn't be made today thread

>very small acount of information

no. I can check the writers and director + I've seen the movie so I know the plot. that's a lot of information to base something on.

You want the real reason? He was scripted to.

do you consider bruce willis to have a large head, to the point that is not ideal for a woman to be smitten by his forehead, or is it just short of being too big?

>hating the pale slug race that enslaved you, "freed" you, then proceeded to treat you as subhuman well into current day is "irrational"

I'm going to enjoy you raising my son.

Why do both of these niggas got matching hairlines