How much longer until this gets a proper TV adaptation?

How much longer until this gets a proper TV adaptation?

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Fuck off

Didn't it have a movie a few years ago?

The movie is actually pretty good but different than the comics in the strangest way possible.

Its like, they took the basic plot, set pieces, and characters, but completely changed the 2 main characters and gave them different personalities alltogehter. Its jarring to watch it coming right out of the comic.

They turned Scott from some self-righteous asshole who doesn't recognize his own wrongdoings into a quiet and awkward dweeb who for some reason is really good at fighting. They turned Ramona from a girl who is just trying to find her place into some massive cunt who treats everyone like garbage, but for some reason is still praised by everyone in the movie. Its amazing to compare the 2 versions of her because shes just such a fucking cunt to scott in the movie you would think that he killed her in a past life.

Other than that its a pretty solid adaptation. They cut out some major plot points, characters, and side stories as you would imagine, but its about as good as a single movie adaptation of 6 whole graphic novels could be.

Either make it an adult swim 2 season series or let it go. The movie was a pretty good adaptation. We don't need more Scott Pilgrim in the world.


The movie improved on the mediocre comic.

>they cut best girl



It should feature the TRUE ending

A Netflix or Amazon Prime series would be a blast.

Yeah, it's a bit weird how the movie pretty much inverts Scott and Ramona's personalities without changing anything else of the plot.

But it's still one of my favorite movies, I wish that more films had that visual style.

I don't think a live action TV series could have that same mood/style for a whole season, so I guess animated series is the way to go.

I blame Michael Cera. He has no range, so Scott's character just had to turn into his usual dopey Cera character.

My thoughts exactly, like did they pick him just because he has the same hair color as Scott and is a recognizable name?

Supposedly the kid who plays Neil was originally going to be Scott, but they chose Cera so that way people would actually see the movie.

Not sure how true that is though

I guess I see that, since Cera was kind of "bankable". Whatever.

I don't think Young Neil guy would've fit, they just needed someone that was more energized and less "skinny quiet hipster dweeb in skinny jeans"

>some massive cunt who treats everyone like garbage, but for some reason is still praised by everyone in the movie
Well no shit since she's fucking MEW.

The animated short explaining Scott's relationship with Kim was literally 1:1 perfect with the comics. It's flash animation sure but if they put some real effort into it it could be perfect. Keep Wright on as director, or at the very least as Creative Consultant.

at least she showed up in the animation

Young Neill is awful. I hate how they changed the line:
>Knives: And what do you play?
>YN: Uhh, I just live here
from the graphic novel to:
>Knives: And what do you play?
>YN: Uhh, Zelda, Mario...
in the movie. It's a horrible choice to change it to and it annoys me to no end even today.

Pic related is best character by the way.

>dat shit art style

>murriturd entertainment

Here, I searched it up for you faggots


There's absolutely nothing remarkable about this slut.

>he thinks this is shit art

>They turned Scott from some self-righteous asshole who doesn't recognize his own wrongdoings into a quiet and awkward dweeb who for some reason is really good at fighting. They turned Ramona from a girl who is just trying to find her place into some massive cunt who treats everyone like garbage, but for some reason is still praised by everyone in the movie. Its amazing to compare the 2 versions of her because shes just such a fucking cunt to scott in the movie you would think that he killed her in a past life.

Spot on. Basically the characters were dumbed down for the american audience who like retarded archetypes that remind them of their retard selves.

Also Scott Pilgrim is like 7 years ago. Fuck I feel old.



The changed a line that would have been cut otherwise into a joke. What's the big problem.

The problem is that it's big bazongo tier forced nerd signaling

it's cringeworthy and shows how nobody on the set actually played more than one videogame. it feels like they're trying to pull the big bang theory audience.

the original line was fine and a perfect example of the dry humor in the graphic novels.

The whole comic is made of gratuitous videogame references.
You choose a weird thing to bitch about.

>it's cringeworthy and shows how nobody on the set actually played more than one videogame
But somehow 1UPs, save points and SMB3 references in every volume don't. Ok.

western mangaka are terrible artists and storytellers

Who let this fag in?

>no arguments
>resorts to namecalling

this is not me and i'm willing to offer an argument. a 1up, savepoint and smb3 references arent as forced in your face. the sentence about ''zelda... tetris...'' shows how the writers and directors never played a videogame in their life which makes it cringeworthy to me.

I'm sorry, I forgot we were in a formal debate over a really cringy line at the beginning of a scott pilgrim adaptation.

I really don't see much of a difference. If I remember correctly from his DS you could even hear Zelda music.
Would have been less cringy if he said that he was playing Radiant Historia or Strange Journey?

yes, yes it would. it would even be less cringeworthy if he just said: ''the legend of zelda''. it would show that the writers at least gave one shit about what they're telling.

Who the fuck do you hang out with that specifically says 'The Legend of Zelda' when talking about Zelda games?
Are you autistic?

Wow, umm... Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask... Tetris: Ultimate Edition... It's kind of a big question...

you called another user out on just calling you a name and not offering any arguments in this post and now you just called me an autist without offering any arguments, you fucking hypocrite.

It wasn't me dummy.
More than two people can have a conversation you know?

No, pretty sure I just called you an autist for sperging out over the same shorthand pretty much everybody uses when talking about the Zelda games.

I can't remember where, but somewhere in the home media release (either one of the commentaries or a making of) Edgar Wright talks about wanting to initially cast Cera after watching him in Arrested Development. At the time when the project was conceived fifteen years ago (roughly), he was too young, but when things finally got going he went with Cera.

A animated Netflix show would be 10/10.

>Who the fuck do you hang out with that specifically says 'The Legend of Zelda' when talking about Zelda games?


this desu. Something with a bigger budget than the adult swim short, but with similar energy and style

In an ideal world, Id want it actually well animated too. the short wasnt badly animated, but I would love, for once, something that isnt the Bojack Horseman style thats computer made and just looks cheap and dumb

Its possible. I would love to see something like this style. Not that I don't love o'malley, but I think that his style doesn't translate well to animation. Plus, it would be a nice twist to give the series a different look

Stephen Stills was gay all along!

This thread makes me wanna go read em all again. What's it been like 5 years?