This movie

This movie.
I don't know what I expected, everything was incredibly boring and confusing. Can anyone tell me why is this shit so deep for me?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's a commentary on civilization. I thought it was interesting.

Did you even try? It has a lot of visual storytelling, and that could be a problem if you're the sort of person who likes to get spoonfed.

Literally 2deep4u. Your IQ is just too low for this.

I did try, from what I can gather is that humans don't know shit about space and we get really old and then become space childs again.

this movie is the biggest pleb filter there is

>Implying you understood Kubrik's points and ideas at first

What are your favorite films?

In space anybody can dance.

Are there wrong answers?

>incredibly boring and confusing

So stop thinking about it, and go on with life.

>Can anyone tell me why is this shit so deep for me?
No, not really. What is deep to me, is probably not deep to you. This is one of my favorite movies I appreciated thinking about it on my own with the help of no one. So no, it is impossible to convey why it worked for me, and not you.
You either get it, or you don't, and stop depending on other people to think for you because you're a lazy thinker.


The problem with 20-something's is they NEED a n attention grabbing hook every 10 seconds or they drift away. Quick cuts and frantic cartoons trained them. Atmosphere, tension, setting the scene, symbolism - who gives a fuck if "nothing happened", right, fuckbois? Well the film is still saying something even when there's no excitement. You're missing out on films just because they aren't cut up into fun-size candy bars, prepackaged and easy to swallow. Eat something you need to chew on or stick to baby food and candy.

>Can anyone tell me why is this shit so deep for me?
That's because you're an idiot.

No, just go back to watching the latest Marvel movie. It's better for everyone this way.

OP here, I've been reading about Oddissey 2001, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with this thread, but It's not like I knew anything about the movie, maybe if I had known that it was a movie with metaphysical implications, symbolism and shit I'd have enjoyed it.

Whatevs dudes, I'll go watch dude where's my car.

Try to remember that on Sup Forums people are usually insulted for sharing their thoughts about why they enjoyed a movie.
This exact topic has been posted many times with the same insults at people who happen to admire the movie.
Don't expect much sympathy if by some small chance you're actually interested in understanding more.

It's only challenging and boring to those who aren't questioning their existence, their place in the universe, humanity and nature. - Dream I just had

Is saying 2001 is boring one of the biggest memes on Sup Forums?

It's about evolution you dip, and how we as humans do NOTHING to get to our next step, whatever that may be.

>tfw i'm smart and i don't like 2001 and these people are making me look stupid

Don'y worry OP, wannabe patricians on this board pretend they understood the film the first time. They browse reddit and blog sites to grasp the "meaning" of this film before shitposting about their perceived IQs despite being wikipedia scholars/college dropouts.

It should be. That would symbolize the pure essence of ignorance that lingers here within Sup Forums on a regular basis.

>he didn't get it

its pretty stunning when you realize it was made in the SIXTIES

but definitely skip the first 30 minutes

enjoy your debt slavery while I'll be paying 0 dollars in late fees getting an education on the interwebz

get some weed and youll probably enjoy this flick

This would be a more accurate depiction of how the earth would appear from the moon than the bullshit they fed us


You're probably not here anymore but for others, watch the film multiple times or read the book at some point, it should clear things up.

Ignore the retards who claim they understand everything about it their first time through

Also this

Rewatch it. Now you know what to expect and won't be distracted by wondering where it's going. Now you know the scope of the film

the monolith represents the 4th wall.
the movie was about americas 21st century need for a wall in space.