I don't remember any African Gods making cameo's in Norse mythology, was this something new they did in the movie?

I don't remember any African Gods making cameo's in Norse mythology, was this something new they did in the movie?

No Viking on Earth ever saw a black person.


How the fuck are you even capable of caring about this shit?

I assume it was an inside joke.
One of Heimdalls title was "the white god."

>whitest of the gods
>played by Idris Elba
the joke writes itself

they got rich by selling blonde and redhead slaves to shitskins.

I find it weird that it doesn't bother me that there is a black Viking.

Probably because it's played by Idris Elba.


I'm watching it on Channel 4 too.


there wasnt but itd be extremely racist if a black person didnt have a role in a movie, they must be forced into everything even if it completely destroys the whole point of the film

makes sense, doesnt it?

he went so further into white he became a nigger

you lack education. vikings traded with muslims, raided mediterranean, participated in crusades, were guards of byzantine emperors, and even temporary held land in italy.

Why you so mad bra?

>No golden teeth

>sailed to Constantinople and beyond
>never saw a black person
Jesus Christ.

Also, before the thread gets too deep, remember that they made all the "Gods of Egypt" British. I'm not going WE WUZ KANGZ, but the Egyptians weren't white (and certainly not black).


I don't really give a fuck, it's not like there were flying spaceship battles or captain america in Norse mythology either

The only recast which is really stupid is black Hannibal on that history channel series. Now people on normiebook are spewing garbage like "omg Hannibal was black" when Carthaginians were semitic

Here's the loophole:

In the Thor universe the gods are just aliens assuming the role. Like in Stargate.

Thor is underrated tbqh.

Why dont you go to Egypt and say that all their ancestors were black and see what happens.

fuk u white boi. we wuz apokalypses n shieeeet.

What else can you expect from Sup Forumstards/right wing SJWs.

>Why dont you go to Egypt and say that all their ancestors were black and see what happens.
I don't really see how that is relevant to my comment whatsoever. I said the Egyptians were not white, and they weren't black.

Reminder if a movie made an Africian god a white guy it would get completely destroyed by SJW's

Oh wait that already happened, Gods of Egypt.

Justice for me, none for thee.

What African gods are there we could white wash?

I would both be mildly pissed and die of laughter if someone made a Static Shock movie and cast a white dude as the titular character.

you realize constantinople was white before the shitskin invasion right?

African gods were white

He was the coolest guy in the movie so i don't find the choice horrific