Lads can someone explain why the woman started crying?

lads can someone explain why the woman started crying?

Other urls found in this thread:

Give me an context op, is this a tv show?


She just created another creepy beta orbiter.

autism has prevented me from ever watching this clip fully

Nathan For You

who is this affection of my erection?

Empathy, she noticed his tears and she couldn't help it.

What an angel.

>Nathan for You thread

new season when?

Why did this meme die?

Cuz the season ended.

Nathan's married actually.

She realizes this is not an exercise anymore and the sight of a man as lonely and emotionally starved as Nathan pains her.

She most likely thought her life was in danger.

>he's so well known nowadays that it's impossible for him to create new episodes

The same fate as Da ALi G Show.


Still can't believe the fucker made borat and then BrĂ¼no so close to each other.

Borat was huge how did people not recognize him?


She probably believes its some Lee Strasberg James Dean method acting shit when it's actually him sperging out

because it was fake?

What emotion is this face trying to convey?

>Nathan's married actually.
Not anymore he got divorced back in 2014 the marriage didn't last long.

No it wasn't. The majority of Bruno was not staged

Reminder the show is all staged.

why is this funny? why am I laughing?


It annoys me that this is now common knowledge.
That was going to be my wisdom I was going to impart on my eventual son.
My secret tip to never trust women with unnaturally colored hair.

Now everyone knows it.

>mfw my ex had dyed red hair but it looked semi-natural
>turns out she was a walking mental case of self-esteem issues and it was a horrible relationship that dragged on for almost 2 years long distance


It isn't actually

Every account from people on the show have been he's even fucking weirder in real life and tones it down when the camera is on

>>mfw my ex had dyed red hair but it looked semi-natural
>>turns out she was a walking mental case of self-esteem issues and it was a horrible relationship

We all know that feel bro

but n4u is scripted and they're all actors

She didn't even shave her asshole senpai...

This, I just can't watch cringy shit like this.

>Reminder the show is all staged.
no it's not

the movement member here, don't laugh

Good healing material

>the movement member here, don't laugh


I can not believe the Baboon part. This shit is nuts.

These. I know it's a comedy, but I can't watch that bit without getting massive feels.

i had to pause it a few times but i powered through.

>jungle children
>steve jobs

>you'll just have to fill in the blanks yourself


you gotta be fucking kidding me.

best scene coming through

>I worked with a jungle child named dende, he was unfortunately kidnapped by a baboon and eaten, this motivated me.


the ones with the private detective are the best ones.

This is some leftist garbage.


Jesus, never knew that.

Explains so much about the """""character"""" he """"""plays"""""

>I worked with a jungle child named dende
dende... FUCK LEL how the fuck did I miss that one

thanks man, this is a good read

Borat was a reused old clips of the ali g show

>the last "i love you" she says
>no woman will ever say this to you like that

it fucking hurts lads

best comedy on TV

Are you literally me? The exact same thing happened to me too.

It hurts more when you lose that woman. Fuck...


In the immortal words of Jon Anderson.

Owner of a lonely heart. Much better than the owner of a broken heart.

Fuck guys, how can it still hurt after a fucking year?

People only say this stupid shit if theyve never loved someone

I'm sorry to say user, it never goes, you just learn to deal with it

memories fade slowly

First post was enough buddy, this is Sup Forums television and film, not lets make anons depressed.

I'm friends with jack on normiebook, shit he posts is hilarious

Shit, let's see Christopher nolan do that!

>had a friends with benefits for a few months
>would meet up every other weekend after we were both tanked and fuck
>she gets a bf and drops me
>realize how much she meant to me after she no longer wants anything to do with me

i just get drunk and watch basket case repeatedly now.

hot off the presses

I realize not all BLM "agree with the tactics" but these fucking people need to rein in the nutters in their ranks or the evil white devil fist will come down like a hammer.

Super long hair dyed a pastel tone tends to be the exception.

The friends with benefits works only if you have sex just a couple of times. Feelings get always in the way

literal no one, you can find five of her within a minute in any city

>master roshi as avatar
>says in interview he worked with a kid named dende that was eaten by baboons

the guy's a DBZ freak, I like him already.

his appearances on comedy bang bang (podcast and show) are all worth hearing for diehard nathan fans.

Fuck, I wanna read


No glasses = safe

wtf they are different plates, I hate Nathan for You now

shut the fuck up

good eye

Yea, the way some of this is shot has kind of seemed like it may be at least partially faked. Ari Shaffir "The Amazing Racist" did the same kind of stuff.

This is one of my favorites.

(Burkahs provided)

>the movement member here
What went wrong?

Review or Nathan 4 U?

oh shit brb

Nathan For You easily

And they all make THIS face

>what brought down building number seven
top kek
obviously staged tho

that meathead looks like billy bob thornton

>Its called Nathan FOR YOU

Because of Sup Forums i cant take this shows name seriously anymore

Don't know what you mean by that

normies only say stupid shit like "it is better to have loved and lost, than to never be loved at all" if they've never been never loved at all

You need to create change in your life, promote change in yourself, otherwise you're still that same hurt person

It can be little things at first, and soon you'll be someone else, and that pain will all be someone else's memory

t. someone who felt that shit for a year

why are they all mouthbreathers

>pink hair
>emotional wreck

gee i wonder


How can people watch this and not have a spike of anxiety?

That was fucking brutal and now I hurt inside

Never heard of that dude before, but damn if this Asian chick didn't turn me on. That temperament.

>"I'm more american than you are JEW!"