Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself

Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Watchmen Opening Credits
>Dr. Manhattan origin

>Man of Steel Krypton Civil War
>Superman defeats the world engine
>Superman learns to fly

>BvS - Beautiful Lie opening
>Zod Attack
>Superman funeral

Absolutely not

100% correct

A stunning riposte!


>>Superman learns to fly

this isn't the bit in spiderman 2 where aunt may forces peter to take 20 dollars

agreed user.

This is.

so people unironically like this movie? Or is this just the typical Sup Forums contrarian thinking? This still remains the only movie I have ever walked out on it was so long and pointless an hour in when nothing of meaning had happened I decided to leave and didn't regret it.

I respectfully disagree

Although the movie wasn't the best, in my opinion, this was beautiful.

The directors cut, imho is great, as it sticks more to the book.

The theatrical cut is pretty mediokre.

Director's Cut in general is held in high regard apart from some butthurt mcucks

I really fucking hate the slow down / speed up action style of Watchmen and the 300.

>14 posts
>12 posters
Since, it's always +1, that means 4 posts ITT are from the same person.
they are?

I absolutely despised Spider-Man 3 and I agree. This was the diamond in the proverbial goat's ass.

These two are mine:
I just happen to really like the 'First Flight' scene.

The director's cut has half an hour of fucken shit comic bullshit. It goes for fuken 3 hours. Never again.

that's the ultimate cut you fucking retard, not the directors cut.

>that look of despair when he realizes what he's become
>failing to grab the locket the first time
>that music throughout

This deserved to be in a better film.

autistic cretin


Man they were some hotheads. The last capeshit saw was spiderman 3 circa. 2007 and want to keep it that way

Didn't Raimi only want Sandman to be the villain in Spiderman 3? Fuck Sony for forcing in Venom into the movie. Everything prior to Peter getting the Black Suit is great and still retains the spirit and atmosphere of Spiderman 2 without being a cluttered mess.

What about when Superman saves people?

This scene is actually very good. And Zack left it out of the theatrical cut of the movie.