/bbg/ Big Brother General

Jack from BB4 (eternal GOAT) edition

No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway. Have your parents buy them for, you plebs.

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Tiff
Veto: Corey

HoH Nominations: Tiffany and Natalie
Roadkill Nomination: Corey

CANNOT BE NOMINATED THIS WEEK Frank, Bridgette, top qt (Michelle, reddit, etc.)

Other urls found in this thread:


first for tiff

Tiff = Tumblr

Erika was a severely underrated waifu.

First for type thing


Previous Thread: >

thanks ian

What boards would thrle houseguests visit?
Sup Forums

did you watch Frank and Nicole talking about you earlier like I told you to?

>Reddit on Fatty Watch

Tiff = cute

did you see when Michelle got BTFO by Bridgette?

nigger you cant post once then link the thread

She is literally not fat.

Pretty sure she has gained weight since being in this house and it hasn't even been that long.


thanks for making the thread Ian

watch the nbombs

he's OP



>Mental Disorder
>Secret Lesbo Fetish


caramel ice cream scoop and a waffle cone
with strawberries, whipcream, and and hot fudge ontop!
I love it.



>and a waffle cone
she clearly says IN a waffle cone


Youre such a faggot
Dont pretend like you dont lurk all these threads
You should participate

Ian pls stop I don't want you to ruin your life



this pissed meme is so annoying



Paul callin Reddit "BIG" lol

everything paul and paulie say is annoying

>32 replies
>no mention of devin yet

She deserves at least one date for all the shout-outs this season.

feed crashed.

>yfw you've probably talked about the game with him when he took his trip off and was an ay-non

Is there a fly in my pasta?

Lets post cute pictures of Tiffany and someone compile them into a big collage


I not a fan of her, but I say go for it.


Youre gonna spend thebremainder of your prize money trying to fill her up
That bitch CAN EAT

ok that's fair. just don't go somewhere too expensive unless she wins kek yeah right because she'll order too much.

Are you gonna go to the end of the season party?

>yfw he's secretly a /tiff/ bro

have you heard from devin at all lately?

We deserve a CIRCLE JERK. An anonymous circle jerk. Jason can eat the bread.

she'll be 50 lbs heavier after the show so good luck


and Spencer can watch

Isn't corey gay?

>she'll be 50 lbs heavier after the show so good luck
Nigga, Ian is a high test autist.

Every now and again we text. Last time I saw him in person was January 2015.

He's hilarious and a great time.


if you both ended up on all stars 2 would you make an alliance with him

frank said that all stars is very unlikely to happen for a while

any credence to that?

Quack Pack or Bomb Squad?

Have you ever tried to explain Devinposting to him?

Watch Ian become a pawn and then the first boot.

Do you guys think Moochelle can eat more than Howie?

have you told him and Britney or any of the others about us

>ian, dan, brit
quack pack easy

>not having all-stars for season 20 with a $1M prize

Is Corey attempting to hide his boner from Nicole?

i hope paul fucking dies

I feel like Devin would get a kick out the annual obsession he gets from here. Someone bought his old baseball bat off ebay last year.

stfu paul

I'm pretty sure Paul is the biggest poseur i've ever seen.

Seriously, like Corey and Nicole is constant silence, and fucking Leonidas won't stop saying fuck, quietly saying weed, and trying to figure out what a fucking u haul is. I'm getting ass bleeding.

Favorite bands? What's /iancore/?

where is bridgette?

gerald butler is not a manlet

Yeah he is ever see Gamer that shit sucks.

look at her ian, do you really find this thing attractive?

>ian, dan, brit

bomb squad easily

>yfw she'll just bully Ian for being short anyway

she is a meanie Ian stay away

>stop quoting movies

>Paul getting hit with the awning will probably be a gif

>Frank #4 on jokers

we did it

>implying Devin isn't the stop the n bombs poster

I hope Paul doesn't get to see Zingbot.


I'd eat bridgettes cookies

Hopefully Paul will get BTFO by the DE.


I hope Michelle and Paul both die.

i really want davonne to get evicted prejury again

why is bridge so low?

Does that chick who looks like her name is sarah bipolar? she acts fucking insane

>now they're bashing Natalie too

death to this entire group.

because only about 10% of the people have voted so far

the fact she is that high is astounding.

jokers all hate her.


She is a strong woman who heeds the advise of a strong man.

Ian they are talking about you. they called u a dick.

>tiff wants to rub one out


how dare you lie to me.