Why do people shit on this show so much? It's actually pretty funny

Why do people shit on this show so much? It's actually pretty funny.

It's mediocre.

But it's certainly not as awful as people would have you believe.

first 2 seasons are legitimately funny. then they got gfs and the show lost all of its credibility and humor

Not an MRA or anything but in all honesty it went to shit when they added a third female lead and made the show half about the girls and half about the boys, when the boys (with the exception of leonard) are all much, much funnier than any of the girls

I thought it was for teenage girls from the start

Because it's popular


I wanna see Bernadette's big fat tits, can any of you arrange that, thanks

I thought it was really good when they were actually autists with no hope of getting gfs.

Now they're not nerds at all, they're just hipsters.

I agree that it's funny, but naturally quality goes down over time. Still ok though.
I can think of worse examples: Two and a half men. First season with Kutcher I was like 'uhh ok it's goofy but let's see'. After that it was just too painful to watch.

It doesn't have to do with the GFs. Yes they may be unfunny, but the reason people shit on it is basically that it got too repetitive and settled with its 2 first seasons success and stopped trying.
>See Zimbabwe maymay


she ruined the show

It used to be funny, now it's just has some jokes that work but not like at the beginning.

I'll just leave this here.

>Us nerds right
cautismct is acting u

this fucking ugly bitch shouldn't be allowed near a fucking camera, goddamn fucking jews

God damn she's hot

lots of reasons. the worst is people who claim it is appropriating nerd culture. half of them are literal Sup Forums mras that don't even realize their hypocrisy, and the rest were never nerds and are doing exactly what they claim to hate the show for, again being hypocrites. this level of cognitive dissonance is mind boggling to me.

next there are the nerds that say it isn't realistic because they have girlfriends. even physicists have girlfriends. and having them in relationships with work girls and neighbors is pretty realistic. I hate these virgins too.

then there are people who hate the show because of the audience. they consider physics jokes and comic book references as far to inteligent for normies. these people are fucking stupid and merely projecting since yea, as a popular show, they are smarter than a large portion of the audience. but these are the morons who brag about being in the 25th percentile.

there are friends of mine who don't like it who nit pick about actual physics or biology, I give these people eye rolls but I can understand their complaints as they are actual physicists and biologists.

the only critisism I have is that the show is extremely cookie cutter bland and I can predict most of the jokes

>half of them are literal Sup Forums mras
What? The only reason Sup Forums would hate this show is because of da j00s

>Spousal support

Its not ironic enough


she's hotter than penny
she has a nude scene in her new movie i just cant find it

Anons, how many times were you compared to 'sheldon' in college?

It still hurts.


What emotion are they trying to express in this photo? Autism?

Fuck off. Worst shit I've ever seen. Three episodes didn't so much as slightly curl my mouth in the beginning of a smile. Even worse than friends.

I'm sure it's the DC shirts that make it worse. That or if you're tall lanky and obnoxious which I doubt that last part is.

>Muh Sup Forums
>Muh MRAs
>Muh normies

Trying too hard to fit in

I like computers and I'm not a brainless normo who wants to get shitfaced drunk every night.

That's why they call me sheldon. Insufferable, I ended up dropping out.

The show tries too hard to make it look like these guys are such hopeless nerds yet they're quite successful, have a great social circle and they mostly have common interests. I do detest the fanbase and their "nerd cred" bullshit. Just because you hate the kardashians and love Marvel flicks doesn't make you any less a normie.

The first couple seasons weren't that bad. The disneychannel level of laugh track grates on my sanity really bad though.


Eh, normies. Just surround yourself with some friends and ignore them. Your hobbies aren't anyone's business.

oh shit pls no

Only thing I enjoy about the show



"""""""""nude"""""""""" scene with a body double


It's the kind of show that appeals to the lowest common denominator, and I am not part of that audience

i heard it was real from an interview i read cause she did it with husband, cant fucking find the scene though

I would bazinga her to zimbabwe

god damn she's so cute

she looks like she enjoys cattle mutiliations, just getting knee deep in cow guts and slathering it all over her body.