What's the best board to ask about doing drugs? I'm afraid of weed but think if I try it I'll become normal

What's the best board to ask about doing drugs? I'm afraid of weed but think if I try it I'll become normal.

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420chan and no you will probably stay a furry faggot or become even worse

But I just want to stop being autistic in social groups

doing weed will not make you normal. If anything it will make you even more anxious. you need a healthy mind to be able profit from weed.

What if I drink liquor before so I'm calm?

Pretty much that

Liquor and weed when combined for the first times is not good. Where are you from user?

weeds not scary but it probably wont make you less autistic. im kinda socially awkward and when i smoke it makes me less interested in talking to people usually. smoke by yourself and try and if you dont like it dont smoke again. dont smoke and go out in public your first time just hang out with friends or by yourself and play video games or whatever. weed is a lot less "impairing" than alcohol, so if you've drank before you'll be fine as far as that goes. you will be fully 100% "in control" of yourself, it's not like you're gonna do weird shit and not realize it like you might do on some psychedelics. I'm assuming that's probably what you're afraid of?

Also this guy is stupid, getting cross-faded is fun as fuck. My first time was liquor and weed and except for the fact the people I was smoking with were assholes, the thing went great. Got the munchies and ate some of them little tiny fries they have at steak and shake. Shit was ballin.

I'm from Los Angeles

what's the name of the character in this picture

>But I just want to stop being autistic in social groups
Weed makes you "autistic" at the long run in the sense that deprives you of empathy and nimbs your hability to socialize. Also weed smoked regularly induces depression. I smoked every day for 5 years and i can tell you, apaet from that there is studies that back my claims. Also as some user said, if you want to enjoy weed do it as an adult (sincerely you sound underage) and when you have a healthy mind.

go away retard if you're too stupid to crop and reverse image search and too selfish to even make a pretend attempt to help the OP with his problem you deserve to go horny

>deprives you of empathy
no lol

the rest? yeah if you smoke all day every day as a fix for your emotional problems you're gonna end up not fixing the underlying causes and get even more depressed. true.

but weed doesn't "deprive you of empathy". it's not a fucking borg implant.

I'm 20. Had shitty friends who abused it so that's why I'm phobic

Pot is an entry level drug. It does almost nothing to you, just try it.

As a psychology student whose thesis is focused on drugs i can tell you that weed right now its close to being a "hard drug" than the mostly harmless thing it was 20y ago. Weed right now has a thc % way higher than it used to be. In the ninetees it was about the 6-10%, right now is between the 20-26%(at least in my cunt).
That said, try it, be moderate and dont fall for the "smoke weed everyday" meme, it can be dangerous for your mental health

c'mon man i'm just trying to bust a nut here

journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0149764 - there is a good scientific study to back my claims

"does almost nothing to you"

nah bro you get pretty fucked up especially your first time. but you won't be "impaired" in the sense that you will be able to control yourself fully. some people have mild hallucinations like tracers or mild auditory hallucinations their first times, but most people never hallucinate at all (hence the replies ill probably get saying "lol weed doesnt cause hallucinations retard") and it goes away completely after the first few times if it ever happens, so i've experienced at least. you'll get hungry, horny, then sleepy. possibly some variation on the order. video games and music are pretty damn neat when you're high, that's what i'd suggest if you're an antisocial basement dwelling weirdo like you seem to be. dont do something uncomfortable for you like going out to socialize with strangers, until you know how weed affects you.

it's not just a sudafed or whatever, it does affect your mental state enough that it's probably not smart to do dangerous tasks that require concentration. irresponsible to say otherwise.

without even reading this study (because come on did you really expect me to click that shit and read a fucking academic journal on my free time? fuck you retard i don't care that much) i can tell you that you're a dumbass and there's absolutely no way they can objectively measure the levels of "empathy", an abstract psychological concept, before and after drug use. you're gay.


That being said, it's time for me to light up Girl Scout Cookies

Funny thing I know a man who used to man a crane fucked up on weed and opiates. He got fired after 20 years of doing that

foh with your strain nonsense

im not saying its not possible but its pretty fucking stupid. i bet he woulda been an even more kickass crane operator, hitting buildings with that big old ball with SERIOUS precision, if his shit wasn't so retarded.

Read the study

k i just did and its totally gay and false.
happy now?
lets agree to disagree.

It took you less than 3 minutes, nice!


Ability to empathize, measured as a behavioral response, appears consistent across groups for positive emotions. There was an expected reduction in ability to empathize with neutral expressions in all groups compared to positive and negative valence emotional faces. P3 effects did not reach statistical significance however there was a trend towards a greater P3 response for empathic responses to negative emotions compared to positive and neutral emotions in both groups. Further, while cannabis use was associated with differences in P3 during sex and emotion identification, empathic processing of the same facial expressions resulted in a reduction of these group differences. This supports previous discussion of the role of attention on emotion processing differences in the P3 for cannabis users [30, 31, 32] such that empathic responses draw on different processing mechanisms that are more emotionally-driven and less reliant on attention. Although not statistically significant, this effect was greatest in chronic users. Further research is needed to understand the relationship between cannabis use and task-driven emotion processing as related to empathic processing of facial expressions.

^greater displays of empathy for negative emotions, same or greater displays of empathy for positive emotions, and an "expected reduction in ability to empathize with neutral expressions" which means that being high makes it harder to analyze neutral expressions, probably because it's hard to fucking concentrate on "analyzing faces" when you're baked and just want to get paid for the scientific study you just got roped into doing.

Also would like to add that the little part about "p3 effects did not reach statistical significance" seems to disagree with your statement that this was a study which supports your arguments. If this study agreed with your ridiculous claims, it probably wouldn't preface this section (very small, in relation to the other sections!) with a disclaimer which effectively says "disregard this shit, we're just extrapolating tiny fluctuations to try and say SOMETHING because the data is not conclusive at all on this front". You're a gay idiot and you baited me into skimming your gay study. You win, I guess? But you're wrong.

if you do it alone that's when it begins to escalate. keep to smoking in social groups rarely and it'll be fun. I kills your initiative if you start to smoke frequently. 8 year constant use here. try it. keep to blazing with your friends and don't buy it for yourself. just shoot your friends something for smoking you up.

it can become problematic if you turn it into a habbit. maintain frequency of use to 3-6 months and you'll be fine. take up drinking if you want to be more social. it's chill

Weed is not for everyone especially weak minded people, like yourself.

No offense.

weed "literally" doubles your drunk. FACT

Weed ducks me up worse than alcohol tbh. If you want to try a social drug, snort some coke or meth, you won't be able to stop talking to anyone that will listen

fucks you up worse, possibly depending on how much you drink. Weed is kind of all or nothing, you can just have one drink, in theory. In practice that never works for me so I end up stumbling drunk if I do drink. What I meant by that, however, was that he will be "in control" more with weed. Alcohol, if you get blackout drunk, which it sounds like you've never been if you think weed is harder, you will do things you do not have any recollection of or effective control over. Like texting your mom a picture of your dick because you drunkenly read it as Mona instead of Mom. Or slicing your fingertip off trying to make soup and chopping celery like you're wolfgang puck on a bender.

Weed won't make you do anything you wouldn't normally do, except that you'll be hungrier and hornier than usual. And you'll remember it, for the most part, although it might be a little fuzzy the next day like when you get buzzed from 2-3 drinks or whatever. You won't remember what you did five seconds ago though, like where you put the remote. But you'll find it and laugh about it. It's not a scary thing like waking up after a blackout and rushing to the mirror to make sure you're uninjured and then to your phone to make sure you haven't completely ruined any relationships or gotten yourself fired.

speaking of... Adderal is the perfect anti social drug. look up add and talk about "focus" problems for a script. will help you more than anything. you could also try DXM. just a little bit like 50ml will "normalize" you for a while. I self medicate with small amounts of dxm from time to time as a anti-depressant. works wonders if taken safely

tip: never drink more than 1 bottle a week (liver)
medical ingredients should ONLY list -dextromethorphan hydrobromide
(in lesser doses up to 100ml can contain Guaifenesin and remain safe)
pour a few ounces into some Gatorade and just sip on it for awhile. not all of one time

enjoy :D

What are you, some kind of pervert?


Lol I know the feeling all too well user, last thing you memember is thinking maybe you should slow down then next minute being regaled with tales of your drunken stupidity, yeah can't argue with you there but for me weed gets me fucked way quicker and more unexpectedly and I just want to go home and sleep. Weed isn't my drug I guess, it's alright if I'm alone but I hate being high if I have to be around or talk to other people, alcohol and Stims are much better for socializing

Next minute you wake up and are soon regaled*

weed is tight

I'm pretty autistic myself, but when i'm high i usually more chatty at work and better in social groups. It affects everyone differently but theres a drug out there some where that will click.

>strain nonsense
ya because all coffee is the same, amiright?