Letterboxd General /lbg/

Kill yourself edition.

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kys OP



>When you want to kill yourself, you just kill yourself.
What did she mean by this?

Don't ever speak to myrmician in a disrespectful manner in front of me again.

t. jackieray's shitposting irc samefaggot boyfriend

Then stop shilling them you fucking autistic IRCfaggot

t. jackieray's IRC/skype/discord butt buddy

Ausnigger hours are the worst

>dead hours
>last thread was only on page fucking 5
Myrmician you should keep your autism contained on the IRC so you don't embarrass yourself.


It's just myrmician and that other ausfag IRC boyfriend of his that's to blame

Quality thread.

How am I shilling it if someone asked to see my favourites?
Fucking idiot.

It's not even me. We've been through this before. You keep blaming me for the shitposting, I post a screenshot proving it isn't, then you shutup. I'm too tired for your bullshit today.

Also, the irc is dead. No one even uses it. I haven't been to it in over a week. What does that even have to do with anything anyway? All you do is come here and spam that irc shitpost rubbish. Does it upset you so much that some of us use it now and then to watch movies together?
Absolutely pathetic.

Hello, cisgender friends!


I just watched Sing Street too, the ending took me by surprise and not in a good way. It was a nice watch overall though, kinda weird for a kid who couldn't afford new shoes to have about 100 different outfits though.

she looks like she could beat the shit out of me t.bh


I personally think it's good that they ended it like that. Really it's an escapist coming-of-age film. Realistically there is no way they'd make it to England, and they'd be fucked even if they did, but I didn't mind as it fit in with the main idea of the picture.

Agreed there's no fucking way the kid had that many clothes without resorting to stealing.

Jesus fucking Christ. I wish someone would just be straight up and honest with that thing and tell it it looks like my male real estate agent but with hair is that is still living in the '70s.

Absolutely fucking disgusting, how do these cretins live with themselves


are you dumb?
it's obviously them shitposting then blaming you just to rile you up

my twink ass looks more like a girl than that

I though it was building up to someone 'noticing' their band and giving them a proper chance at music or at least a paid gig. Not jumping on grandad's fishing boat and motoring off to England, although thematically I agree it does make sense and fall into place with the rest of the movie it just seemed so over the top that it lost me. I loved the cast though, the band was so comfy and even that dickhead from the local estate actually had a place by the end. Why is the girl so cute and his brother so cool? He never did turn up for his solo ;__;

Why does it feel like everyone is in love with The Double Life of Veronique lately?

literally just me spamming it

post pic



New to letterboxd go easy im still a lil raw from last lbg thread.

hahaha oh wow

is this what happens when you call the suicide hotline in china?

pretty good, i know friendo

How does this make you feel /lbg/?


I honestly thought they'd make a bigger deal about his solo. I thought initially when he was writing those lyrics at the end he was planning a song to play and just forgot to leave on time.

>ywn have a 80's gf and travel around the world playing rock music with your bros

it isn't fair


The key is to follow people on /lbg/, gain some on your own, and then leave immediately afterwards. This place is a shithole that's not worth bothering staying in. We're all just stuck here because we put off actually watching films.



Good taste

why she look like Mr. Rosso from Freaks and Geeks

What did she mean by this?



Hitchcock and Kubrick are entry level

>Better movies
>Nolan, Wes Anderson

Who is that?

Retarded. She's for BLM, yet has no issue fucking over Solomon Northup, by retelling his important story with a woman. Because...woman.

Has she ever shown herself?

Are you retarded?

this is >her profile


Tree of life seems like the type of film only white men can like!?! I just can't

>Two giants who changed what cinema could do and inspired hundreds of acclaimed directors to pick up the camera

>bad because popular

when will this meme end?

Entry level ≠ bad.

They are entry level. They are the first thing people jump to when getting into film to try and understand it.

They are great directors though. They're just entry level.

What are some movies about having a qt gf?

scott pilgrim vs the world

Preferably less reddit, like Breathless or something

what's a good movie to watch on a sick day?


the assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford

Entry level is pretty much a sign of guaranteed (good) quality director.

and now he removed his ratings

was it autism?

won't be long until he deletes his lists/reviews/account again (again)

>giving 0.5/5 to both Intolerance and Birth of A Nation

majority of /lbg/ 2pleb2join non-rating master race.


tfw no delete all button for ratings
fuck doing it manually

>I'm gonna remake this and call it woman with a movie camera fuck off dziga vertov

This has to be a troll account right?

how many ratings

no intention of doing that f,am(ily)


it's called a "joke" you autistic weeb


follow me, I'm an film expert

>woman with a movie camera

so it would be an hour of poorly framed selfies?

kill yourself


sure seems like it

Hope he deletes his life soon! :3


delete your life while you're on a roll, faggot

i just want to watch movies all day forever

your ratings trigger me, julien donkey user ;__;

>wake in fright
>5 stars

What made you watch The Sun's Burial?
Have you seen many Oshima?

so piss colored

good flick

Red is better

its my 6th or so of his films, just wanted to check out some of his earliest stuff, and am also watching cruel story soon

women holocaust when?

Neat. I delved into a lot of his older films when I was making a taiyozoku list. His abstract/punk stuff went way over my head, but I really enjoyed some of his other works.
Pleasures of the Flesh was one of my favourites.
I've still got to see Death by Hanging.

hey guys is radiodad still posting in these?


Followed. I remember when I was new to /lbg/. just 4 days ago

Still the best taste in these threads that I have seen so far. Not many people post profiles it seems.


whats the discord friends?


Why are Brazilians such patricians?




Why are there so many angry people on Sup Forums

why don't they just try being not angry instead

Y man :(

Ty user I still need to finish logging l my films but I've been busy

Will start dating new watches soon also

Eurocrime does not interest me.

>br monkeys

speak English boy

Daily reminder to watch more classics and stop being such an embarrassing pleb.


reminder that limiting yourself to only classics is silly and counterproductive.

Nothing wrong with watching them, but by watching ONLY classics you'll never truly understand why they are classic.

>by watching ONLY classics you'll never truly understand why they are classic.
that makes no sense

>sit down at 1 AM and put on Heaven's Gate
>don't know the runtime
>end up falling asleep after 3 hours


how's it going? Anybody do anything/watch anything good over the weekend?

Also - who here's volunteered/worked at a film fest before? What was it like?