Hitler was one of the best leaders in the world

Hitler was one of the best leaders in the world
>Reduce unemployment from 7 million to 3.7 million in first year
>Introduced wellfare
>Lead the country out of economic depression while the west was suffering from it
>Abolished interest on loans
>First anti smoking campaign
>Introduced laws to protect nature and wild life
>Priority was given on educating the youth and free wellfare for pregnent women
>Free health care
>Was a great patriot who willing went on the front lines multiple times
>Crime was non existant at his time

Seriously western media is cancer, the victims of holocaust are also greatly exaggerated. He want wanted the country to be aryan because aryan is a hindu word for farmer in this case he was representing the common man which was a farmer not because he wanted blue eyed white skinned blonde people. Swastika is a hindu symble for peace. Nazi aren't evil monsters they are people with orders and the term nazi is for national socialists party. The media and your education system tells you to hate hitler so you do so but did you ever try to think why did he hate jews? The jews were the ones who were against his type of government, they were the reason germany lost ww1 and the country was in this condition. Hitler was against marxism and communism which the jews were supporters of. He wanted drive jews out of germany.

Shorter version: Hitler dindu nuffin, he was a good leader.

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I have know this for years! no one ever wants to hear the truth tho, Hitler is evil blah blah blah
Sieg Heil!!!!

Tell me more, OP. you seem pretty intelligent.

It's almost as if national SOCIALISM was a far left ideology

so far it swung back to the right

He was awarded the second class iron cross in 1916 and first class in 1918 for repeatedly voluteering for the front lines, he volunteerd for the most dangerous tasks. He was a true patriot to the nation.

The reason he lost was because his personnal doktor fucked him up with all these drugs

He couldn't make sane decisions on the eastern front

I'm genuinely interested and willing to take answers seriously, how come Germany allowed the holocaust to get blown out of proportion? How is america viewed in germany now and how does that line up with how hitler era germans saw america? Same? Different?

>How come Germany allowed the holocaust to get blown out of proportion?
Its greatly exaggerated. He just wanted the jews to leave his country

> How is america viewed in germany
Don't know, not german, just a man who has done his research


I just don't understand how Germans who know the western propaganda of the holocaust is false would openly agree and accept it?

people put the estiamte for the holocaust at around 800,00 theirs a lot of missing pieces like the lack of evidence that the ovens used to burn jews were burning enough, 2 ovens were kept on most of the time?, and also the large amount of coal that would have been necessary to burn 6million people, while also fighting a wall is questionable.



See there are people who really understands hitler and there are people who follow him because they think he wants a blue eyed blonde haired white skinned nation. The latter part is complete bullshit seriously you need to hang yourself if you believe this aryan bullshit set up by the western media. In ww1 and 2 white, blacks, browns all were fighting side by side with germany

>best leader in the world
>killed self like a fucking pussy
pick one

>killed self like a fucking pussy
>escaped scot free and lived out the rest of his life comfortably wealthy in Argentina

Pick one.

This stupid Thread again. OP kill yourself you dumb cunt

Hitler is seen as evil. If they agreed to that germany would be seen as evil. The newer generation is brought up to believe they had a terrible history of genocide. The germans who voted for hitler are still alive and they tell their memories of what a leader he was and how great was germany in the 1930's

See this is the thing, winners write the history. He willing went on the front lines many times, got his arm wounded but refused to return, got gased so his face swelled and had temporary blindness but still wanted to participate in the war. He was promoted corporal for his bravery but always volunteered for the most dangerous jobs. For all we know that suicide thing could be bullshit

Fuk off oven dodger

> he want wanted

The truth's been out for a while now. He went to Argentina after the war.


My question is... if Hitler only wanted the jews out of Germany, the holocaust didn't occur, and only regular fighting occured... what was the fighting about!?

He was fighting communism

It was mostly because of the poverty inflicted on Germany by the Versailles treaty.

It's like political correctness in America: everyone knows niggers steal shit but if you say that out loud it's a 1984-style crime.

You have to remember German was an occupied country for several years, not only were nazis extinguished from society but anything outside the victor's version of history was banned from public circulation. Anyone who believed otherwise was banned from teaching, writing, or making comments about it in public. So 60 years later you have a super PC society. U.S. occupation laws are still technically in effect in Germany too.

Basically he didn't want muh country to be bullied around anymore, the West agitated him, boom. For fucks sake why would Britain and France want an industrial giant in Central Europe that's not their ally, and who they fucked over by time at the end of ww1?


America wasn't a communist country back then, how come America didn't side with Germany? We seemed to have had the option. Is America bad now compared to then? Or is it like Sup Forums?

Sadly the world will never know this. Zionists control everything you learn what they want you to learn, you believe what they want you to believe. Your thoughts are not your own any more

Because America had treaties, business deals and what not with England, Belgium, and a debt from France they've yet to pay off since the Revolutionary War.

Also: Jews.

Dude maybe site your sources cos most of what you said was bullshit

Not trying to troll, serious question, if the Zionists control everything, how come this literature exists at all? Are they phasing it out now?

Dude America has been a business since the second president. It was a war primarily of financial interests - communists were seen as alright as long as they were played off against an economic competitor and not themselves. Things like the fate of civilization don't matter to them. That's how this country has always done it, funding some kind of batshit force of evil until it comes back to bite them (communists, taliban, etc) then they have to fund a new batshit force and let the future generations take care of it.

That's an exaggeration. Really it's more of a "are you mainstream media or a crackpot tin-foil lunatic?" and there's no quarter in between. And they own the mainstream media. After all who gives a shit what a small minority thinks as long as they're played off as lunatics and treated like lunatics at every opportunity.

I wonder where does the illuminati fit in all of this

I don't know, but we can only hope that the internet is too big to control every website that gets uploaded, eventually things fall through the gaps


Absolute horseshit compared to Bismarck

National sozialismis just an other form ans every kind of sozialism is ruining every country it controlls
There are plenty of examples

That feel when Wilhelmine Germany was so stupid that it let its own country be pulled from underneath it.

Every modern country has socialistic policies. In fact the way the U.S. functions right now is far more "socialist" than nazi Germany's was. socialism as a rhetoric for third world mafias doesn't count my friend.


Pls; he pretty much kept the status quo of capitalism at any cost; that cost being genocide and global war. He never changed anything but instead was hell-bent to keep things as they were. In other words; a classic case of populist politics. Present yourself as a rebel but really keep things intact./ thread

Exactly. People don't understand that hitler was propped up by American bankers as a bulwark against soviet communism. Even Ford was manufacturing some of his vehicles

Welfare and healthcare were introduced by bismarck in the late 1800s.. So the next time you try to convince people of your nationalist-crybaby ideals, check your facts first fam.

You get the gold medal for being stupid.

>Kill millions of jews, homos, niggers and aspies
>Crime was non-existant

It's a crime not to kill them.

Never make excuses for Nazis; they sure as hell won't make any for you !

>Free health care
and right there you lost me. nothing is free, that's just what socalism claims.

hitler really was no different from stalin, they're only different in their opinion about should be killed or not, and the fact that stalin was way more bloodthirsty than hitler.

you could easily reverse the argument and claim stalin was one of the best leaders in the world (he wasn't).

if you claim hitler was good, the you indirectly claim stahlin was good too, and that makes you a leftist.
>all weak subhumans need strong leaders

Facts are difficult for the delusional to deal with. IBM also made the machines that counted the people being put in the ovens. Theres even a book written on it

Deutsche Dubs sagen die Wahrheit.

>nothing is free
Socialist here, this is so true. Getting tired of bernie fans who think free healthcare and education will just magically appear out of thin air. It won't.

These people would be over a hundred years old by now. What the fuck nigga, can't even into simple arithmetic.

it may have been free, Germany's currency was completely debt free, they had the power to literally print as much money as they needed too the notion of money being limited is a western ideology due to the fact that any increase in the circulation of money is immediately met with rise in interest rates.

Are you implying the majority of people are anything other than "weak subhumans" who nice in to pressure? You edgy fuck name one successful society without hierarchy.

You obviously have the freedom shades(R) on so you can't see anything. Hitler was an idealist who wanted to reform Germany and gain honor (however twisted). Stalin just wanted to hold onto the power he had managed to get; he was originally a priest in training and rising through the ranks was something natural to him. Go scream about your leftist boogeyman somewhere else

Increase in money supply leads to increase in inflation; price level. Interest rate increase are just a tool to cull inflation.

Lol I'm not arguing that that's false but American companies giving Germany business is completely different from the big corporations pulling political strings and you know it. Just look at U.S. involvement in the Russian civil war you think they were afraid of the commies? Please.

>introduces welfare
>"free" healthcare
>against communism
wew lad

>jews muh sheckels
>jews support communism
wew wew laddie...

>reduced unemployment from 35% (1933) to 0.5% (1939)
>raised the birth rate from 1.8 to 4 children per couple
>raised the wages from 70% to 85% of its 1928 level
>made degenerate modern "art" illegal

>The reason he lost was because his personnal doktor fucked him up with all these drugs
>He couldn't make sane decisions
Just like Michael Jackson

So hitler was a nigger actually?

Yeah, that's why he attacked France and England and had a deal with Stalin

Funny thing is there are similar conspiracies about both of their deaths, especially that the doctors had something to do with it (intentional). Not that I give a fuck since it can't be proven

Lol what else would you do if France and England declared war on you? He sat back for a few months trying to make peace but Britain wouldn't back down her declaration of war.

the moment when people realize that they should take responsibility for their own lives, instead of relying on others, like a big ponzi scheme, the game of politics is in serious danger.

hitler was indeed a smart and very insightful man, but in the end he was just a psychotic megalomaniac that wanted absolute control to micromanage society the way he saw fit, failing to realize the same thing stalin:

humans aren't an collective. we're individuals since we got an consciousness, unlike animals.
>all humans have individual needs
>there's no -one-size-fits-them-all
>utopia never existed, nor will it ever exist

The fuck dude. 1930 was like 85 years ago.

>they had the power to literally print as much money as they needed too

That's how the German hyperinflation started before Hitler

> the notion of money being limited is a western ideology due to the fact that any increase in the circulation of money is immediately met with rise in interest rates.

Interest rate is like the price of money. If you increase the supply of money, the interest rate goes down. Supply and demand.
In fact that is how central banks control interest rates, by injecting or withdrawing money into the bond market until interest rates are at their target.

>>reduced unemployment from 35% (1933) to 0.5% (1939)
What was unemployment rate in USSR? Zero?

Talking about hitler

You mean after he attacked all the communists in Poland?

It was a defensive action

Hey youre right but you're taking your points to a reductio ad absurdum. Hitlers leadership style it actually quite distant from micromanagement because he simply believed in delegating powers to underlings, with them trusting they're underlings, etc. and if they didn't get results, they got replaced. It's just how it works in the military. Also take note his measures weren't any more "offensive" to national livelihood than FDRs measures. The system worked and boosted the economy. His only problem was being too emotional/panicking when his winning streak stopped and surrounding himself with more and more yes-men, which caused an administrative collapse that crippled the military.

Wherever there are humans there are weak being led by strong - yes we do all have consciousnesses that doesn't mean we're all "equal" in our abilities though. All humans DO have the same needs and people who have always lived in wealth can never understand this fact.

The point is unemployment rate going down to 0.5% is not impressive in a fascist economy.
In USSR the unemployment rate was zero, because if you didn't have a job the government would give you one. But the economy and wealth of the average person in USSR was shit. I'd rather have 6% unemployment in a free market economy.

you can't /thread yourself newfag

>>Reduce unemployment from 7 million to 3.7 million in first year

Which is bullshit. The Nazis fired Jews and political opponents from positions within the government and replaced them with with unemployed people who were favorable them. They created new unemployed people.

>>Crime was non existant at his time

Except for crimes against humanity, of course. Also the Nazis were corrupt as shit.

Yeah, because Poland had a reason to attack Germany? After everyone knew Hitler had built up his military massively, and Polish military was super weak? Poland wanted to commit suicide?
More like Germany sent troops disguised as Poles to seize a German radio station, so Hitler could convince Germans that the Poles started it. Pretty weak false flag operation.

That employment transfer is a tiny minority out of the whole population, like a few dozen thousand.

You're forgetting Britain promised to declare war on Germany if she attacked Poland? And that huge tracts of German land were now part of Poland? And that its be nice to get rid of this burgeoning irredentist monster right next to me? They thought Britain would come right in and help Poland on a two-front war: sadly they learned that the British government doesn't give a shit about poles.

Because we are England's bitch. Since the Jew Rothschild ran the banks

IIT autistic basement virgins blame jews for every wrong in their life

if you talk about basic needs, then yes. but that about it. humans are very different. what works for me, might not work for you. for that reason alone big, centralized government doesn't work.

group of individuals with similar needs/opinions can get together an form a society and run it pretty smoothly.

but in a big society, individuality gets trampled in order to stir people in a direction that makes the majority happy (and avoid civil unrest), leaving an considerable amount of citizens dissatisfied from feeling forced into something they don't support/like.

a good society starts with satisfied citizens, and that starts with allowing people to divide according to their own preferences and have the freedom of choice when i comes to laws, regulations & taxes.

it's simple praxology. people feel more inclined to contribute when they're not forced into, instead given a choice that comes along with a clear setup pro's and con's.