If you could go back to school what would you do differently?

If you could go back to school what would you do differently?

talk to all the girls i wanted to fuck

take a GED test in 7th grade and gtfo

I would join lots of sports, be more outgoing, actually try to do good and get good grades, and most of all make TONS of friends and meaningful relationships.

kill myself

Columbine v2.0

Nothing. I am still just as much of a pussy faggot now as I was then.


Probably not spent my senior year ditching 7/9 classes a day so I could go chill in the park and smoke bowls all day. Also, probably wouldnt have been poppin 6-10 hydrocodone before school and a couple more at lunch everyday just to get through the classes I did bother to show up to. Shock I even graduated.

Fucked all those ugly chicks that wanted dick that are now all gorgeous in their 30's

I wouldn't have gotten into a long term relationship with the girl I did and would have fucked all those girls who wanted my D instead.

>High School
I'd be a little bit more of a bastard to people, seeing as how i dont really ever see anyone from HS

Nothing. It was awesome. Maybe one thing would be to skip a party that I ended up blackout hammered at, and on my way home I was robbed.

I would have understood that for girls, even the best looking ones, attention is a drug and to understand that means you have a chance with any girl if you time things right.

Although, you could always get friendzoned and become the guy she complains about her bf to.

I guess the only way to avoid that is focus on attractive girls with ZERO access to other guys.

Actually fuck that one girl who was into me at the time. She was really frikkin' cute too, but everyone believed she was a slut, but that turned out to be a rumor spread by a jealous bitch.

Hate myself for being a beta fag there.

Pretty much this. I did talk to them, but only casual small talk. I was too shy to ask them out or something like that.

Appreciate it for the easy ride and good laugh it was.
Pay more attention to the girls instead of only sniffing after the choice few.
Take pictures - no digital cameras in my day and I regret not having a hard drive filled with my sexy schoolgirl cohorts.

Wouldn't have fucked around and would have gotten good grades. Especially in math which I did horrible at. In community college I ended up taking remedial algebra all the way through calc 3 which is what I needed to transfer into a 4 year CS program. Would have been way easier if I hadn't fucked around in high school.

Pic related

Holy shit! My first quad get. Boobs for everyone!

fuck all the girls

In high school I was a well known 3 sport varsity athlete, as well as a part of the Technology Student Association. I would have definitely hit up more women, gone to parties, and been less awkward. (More self aware of my popularity and appearance)

drop out sooner

I would go back knowing that every girl in my class liked me, what a fucking oblivious goddamn retarded fucking fool I was. I honestly should be killed.

Not be a beta faggot again. Greentext related.
>16 at the time
>madly in love with a girl in my class
>way, way out of my league
>amazing rack, big eyes and a really cute smile
>I usually sit right behind her
>her and her other hot friend like to tease me from time to time, because I get nervous as fuck
>months of this go by
>me sort of ignoring them, them probing for a reaction
>I had funny hair, a lock in the back was always sort of pointing up, could never get it to go down, like an awkward head boner
>girl asks me if she can put a hair clip in there to pin the thing down
>I say "h..hokay"
>she turns around, sits on her chair on her knees, puts one hand on my desk, the other is going through my hair
>"it's so thick, I wish I had hair like that"
>all the while I'm staring straight into her cleavage, which she practically pushes in my face
>she leans on my shoulder and puts the clip in
>then sits back down and gives me a super cheeky smile
>the next day I complement her on her shirt
>she actually blushes a bit and says thanks
>do this a couple more times over the next few weeks
>one day her friend is sick, so she's alone
>math class
>she asks if she can sit next to me so we can do the exercises together
>she's having trouble, so I explain how to do some stuff to her
>she says, "you're so smart!" and pinches my knee
>stare at my books the rest of the class
>a week later, her friend is back
>her friend turns around, and says to me "you know, she thinks you're really cute..."
>in total shock at this point, super happy inside
>what comes out of my mouth is "yeah, okay"
>it sounded super sarcastic
>her friend and her look at each other, both kind have kind of a disappointed look on their face
>she asks if she can go to the bathroom and when she's walking out I notice a tear on her face
>literally never spoke to her again after that

don't get friendzoned

Id not be scared to buy condoms and bang all the bitches that wanted my nuts. Apparently it was a lot. Just to chicken shit back then. Fuck you dad for not teaching and leaving.

this but not in this order.

Not get herpes and the clap.

would've taken it in the ass more undoubtedly

id fuck her immediately instead of being beta and missing the chance

Definitely this for sure. Id take as many virginitys as possible. Also i would try to be friends with as many people as possible that way I would have connections for everything now.

Fuck sports, just be active. I've always had to much homework to make time for sports.

Wish I had the balls to do this

Try to fuck more

Not waste almost five years doing useless courses.

Say no to drugs, not get a criminal record. Not hang out with the same dumb asses. Tell a few certain friends how hard life will be if they don't change themselves

Impregnate by best friend

guys cant get pregnant

If they swallow. That's how your mum got pregnant

But I can sure damn try


Drop out immediately and get into the family business a decade earlier.

Pay attention

Dump the girl i dated for most of high achool

Sleep with the freshman that followed me around during senior year

Who is this trap?

that's racist

More learning, more sports,start guitar sooner i guess.

I'm still a massive asshole, so i doubt i could get accepted/invited into any usual school groups, but i kinda regret not becoming ripped with straight A's.

if i can retain my sexual experience I'd go fuck two girls I had a chance with at the time, did oral but was a fucking novice and both times were pretty shit, also just generally fuck around more than i did, as a fairly attractive person i missed so many chances because i was dense fuck

not threaten to shoot up the place

drop out, biggest waste of time in my life

>skip more classes
>find the doctor who actually cured me of my bacne as a freshman instead of a senior
>go to the gym by myself instead of relying on other people and then not going when they don't want to go

Damn user at least you know that you attractive to people

When that French foreign exchange student brings me to the bathroom and offers to give me a blowjob, instead of declining because "we can do this in a more comfortable place later", I would say "Yes."

stop being the class clown.fuck the chick who sat besides me. fuck the junior chick. fuck both my lab partners. score really good in maths so i could get to tutor some kid who has a really hot mom instead of my friend so i can try and fuck her. be sure to fuck my hf in the ass this time. fuck everything that moves. will stay away from smoking. will not stop playing basket balls. will stand up and tell our english teach to fick herself. draw everyday so i can get gud. start programing. baw till dad gets me internet. will not spend my te on poen and masturbation at all. it fuking ruined my body. also will try not bunk classes. thers a lot more too.

am i doing it right?

how did masterbaiting ruin your body?

Accept that the only thing I can change when it comes to my shit situation is me and thus focusing on improving that- rather than whining and bitching about how I'm not accepted by my peers.

I'd work out, get a part time job, masturbate as opposed to staying 'pure', spend my lunch breaks in the library and not be such a cunt towards my poor teachers.

Fortunately that is what I'm doing now, although its comes a little late for my poor teachers- I was such a shit.

All boys school, so no fucking for me and even then I was aware how ugly all us high school kids were- at most I would innocently flirt but nothing beyond that.

drop out

i was a skinny fuck. i gained 15 kg after a no fap thing in three months. i also started boxing and still do now. the diffrance was huge. fapping is not all bad once in a while but it was 3 times a day for me at that time. also caused acne. faping causes body to heat up 3 deggrees more. also ised to have week knees. i went from 45kg to 62kg in three monthes. from anoroxic to muscular and bulky. my face was also like a ghost and my skin looked very sickely. now its kk. my face also became human. my week knees hurt no more and i dont look like a sickely african child. i did fap after that but intensity was usualy 1-2 times a week.

Everything lol

I kept quiet, i kept my head down and flew under radar unnoticed and passed all my test in a school full of; niggers, thugs, inner city "youths".

It could have been worst, it could have been hell but i stayed away from everyones field of view

I'd have more fun. Didn't seem like the information I was given then was of much use.
So could have had more fun to remember now.

When that girl said she was WET, I would not say HUH?