It comes in pints?

It comes in pints?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck yeah Pippin, up the beers!

What was the deal with all the jump cuts to the other people in the pub staring at them? Was it to infer that they were spies of Sauron? I ask because I haven't read the books and it never comes up again in the movies.

you wouldnt stare if a bunch of abnormally short manboys with hairy feet and no shoes walked into your local?

are you hobbiphobic user? Fucking shitlord.


Tomatos, sausages, nice crispy bacon...
We saved some for you, Mr. Frodo.

It's just showing Frodo being paranoid.

I come in pints



>ywn fuck a sexy hobbit


post her BJ



Ooooh, that was close!


>Pippin's actor literally pissed himself because the firework explosion was way louder and more volatile than he was expecting

>that slow grin

Just stop my heart right fucking now.

what did he mean by this

Rewatched the extended edition of Fellowship and Two towers, fuck I missed those movies. So sad to see how The Hobbit movies were treated, the humor in lotr is charming and not forced, like the Hobbit.


I'm not sure, but it looks like it hurts him.

That ass is pretty bad, bitch needs to lose a few pounds and pump out a few squats

It comes in shit movies?

>Implying Gimli wasn't reduced to comic relief

Yeah but it was still charming, and he was actually cool, the way he interacted with Legolas.
The Hobbit just multiplied that by 100x, like everything has to be a "le funny dwarf culture". The jokes are forced, even Bilbo has to be a jokster.


But he was at least a funny comic relief.

>In my youth, Legolas firing arrows while skateboarding with his shield was the coolest shit
>Realize how goofy it was as years passed
>Can't help but love it now

I wonder if Jackson had more people telling him 'no' during LotR as opposed to the Hobbit. Or if he just stopped caring.

The director wanted the place to feel unfriendly and rugged.

he might've gone to far in a few places

back to your containment zone.

why the fuck would I want to go there

Dragging one book out for 3 movies isn't easy, but he probably took the job so no other could ruin the middle earth saga.

The only good thing about the Hobbit series, is that the first hour of The Fellowship has a lot more meaning. Like the interaction between Gandalf and Biblo, and Frodo and Bilbo. Almost eye-watering when you think about what Biblo and Gandalf went trough together.

It comes from Reddit?

Hey remember when Elrond and Saruman killed all the Ringwraiths

sometimes I think I should just get it over with and watch the third hobbit movie, but then I see things like this.

what the actual fuck

See, shit like this. The IDEA behind it is earnest; it'd be neat to see Elrond in action, or some more magic. But then they just go so goddamned overboard with it, and in a fanfic scene no less.

Saruman is so reminiscent of Clones Yoda right there. It's sad.

My absolute gripe, though, and one I think a lot of others stems from is the fact that not a single enemy or villain in the movies are costumed. The entire trilogy is 50% cartoon

>Never thought I;d die side by side with an elf
>And what about side by side with a friend?
>Aye, that'll do

Yeah one of my main gripes with the films. But honestly they are fucking great. We could not possibly have hoped for a better filmatization of the Lotr trilogy.

Also it was made at the perfect time in film history so it didnt become CGI capeshit.

Hobbit trilogy should not have been made though. First movie was kinda ok, but the rest where shit. And fuck the book is like a fourth of the size of one of the three books in the Lotr trilogy so how the fuck.

Hobbits are also not a very common sight outside of the Shire.

It's the usual "going to a village pub where everyone knows everyone but no one knows you effect" so everyone gives a evaluating look.

You know what's so weird, is that PJ didn't like the super flashy lightning and energy blast type wizard fights, he didn't like magic being shown so liberally.

That's why you have the weird fight in Fellowship where Gandalf and Saruman knock each other around the room, because he didn't want them just shooting magic bolts at each other or whatever.

Flash forward to the Hobbit films and it's full God of War type stuff.

Hobbits! Four Hobbits!

The book states that there are several Hobbits living in Bree permanently. Thats about as far as they go though.

Fellowship of the Ring is such a comfy film.


Cant think of a comfier film.

It is. Definitely one of the comfiest.

For sure. And definitely one of my favourite all time films.

Yes. I love TT and ROTK dearly, but they're a lot more war like and complex with multiple running plots, etc.

FOTR is just straight fantastical journey.

Seems like they left that out of the movie to make the place feel even more distressing, which it does.

It's like a poor Russian village, with mud roads and everyone looking rugged as all hell. Just add the weather of England in there and there's your Bree.

And most horrifyingly of all, there's a Kiwi in the road

People never cheer at movies in the cinema here, or applaud or anything. So the only occasion was Fellowship of the Ring in 2001, when Aragorn fights the Uruk captain that just killed Boromir and finally beheads it, there was an actual cheer and some young kid yelled somewhere to my far right "GO ON, STRIDER!".

To be fair to that kid, it was a pretty great moment. But made sure I can't take it seriously ever again.


Great performance Viggo let's do another take for luck

>not a single enemy or villain in the movies are costumed
Off the top of my head, I can think of some costumed enemies

- Most of the Orcs at the Battle of Azanulbizar
- The warg riders during the Radagast chase
- Some of the Goblins in the Goblin Town sequence were actors in costume with CGI faces
- The one English-speaking Orc caputred by the Elves (who actually looked great)
- The orcs that Bard's militia fight during the Battle of the Five Armies

Peter I can't get up these god damn steps

how does it coming in pints make a difference to their ability to get drunk?

Just can't do it, I'm sorry.

if it only comes in quarts or whatever you'll have to keep going to the bar to ask for more, getting pints cuts your cooldown time in half

Lower price for 1 alcohol.

because if you're used to drinking something in a certain measure, switching systems means you get not enough or too much

t. 1984

Christopher Lee sounded like the most based man alive.
>Corrects Jackson on what it sounds like when a man is stabbed in the back

Pippin is just being greedy, he wants the bigger drink.

You can have one small beer or one medium (large?) beer. Choose wisely.

yfw lee was tolkiens buddy


>reading comprehension

at least he had an arc with legolas

This is consistent with the books. The first one is just a straight story, the second is split in two, and the third is a clusterfuck

underrated, made me belly laugh

I wasn't insulting th second two films, I was just noting they have a different broader format that isn't the same kind of slow comfy feel of FOTR.

The second is split into at least four plotlines anyway, though some merge at points.


>Good good Viggo, keep it up, four more takes and we'll be ready to do one last take.

Looking at it again I think it's one of the few good things that came out of the Hobbit at all. Not over the top for me.

Yes, yes, great take Christopher


Yup, in the UK you get it a lot in the student towns if you accidentally wander into a locals pub

For his pure nerve and outstanding courage, I ask Viggo Mortenson for 60 more takes.

hey guize have u seen this 1337 vid?


For a while

Just one more Elijah, for old time's sake

>PJ demonstrating to the animators and modellers what he wants the Ents to do during the attack on Isengard
>Mimes being an Ent soccer kicking Orcs into the distance, grabbing Orcs and twisting their heads off like a corkscrew, smashing two Orcs together, etc.

>Finally it takes a great deal of stupidity to forget your waistcoat while returning from lunch and ruining an entire day of shooting, and so I ask for 10 more takes from Mr Sean Astin

Haha bro this has been on newgrounds for years


>Peter Jackson say something and then does the opposite

What a shocker! The man is a fucking hack.

What! i only go on newgrounds to play Bush Shootout!!!!

Great job Sean, you really sold Sam's pain at chasing after Frodo

Let's do 20 more takes and then we'll wrap for lunch

I remember watching him in some university talk in Ireland that was filmed just a few months before he died, well into his 90's.

It was so bad for him at that point he needed to to have a dude next to him to say the question into his ear when the student posed it, yet incredibly, when the topic of LOTR came up, Christopher's mind was as sharp as ever. He knew shit off by heart that only the most die-hard Tolkien fan would have known (and this is all stuff he memorized pre-internet), he went into explaining the Istari, what they ACTUALLY were, how many of them there were, where the fucking Blue Wizards went to and why they did it, even I struggle to remember the name of the Blue Wizards off by heart, so the fact that a very old man that's had the kind of life he's had can immediately rattle off this lore-info off-by-heart was incredible to me.

He really loved those books.

Peter I need help, I think my ribs are broken, I fell from my horse, what can I do?

Elves don't feel rib damage, Orlando, I think a few dozen takes should numb the pain. Up up, let's go.

I hate you Peter Jackson

Just wait there in the water, Sean. We'll float out a sandwich to you. We're low on napkins from mopping up all of Billy Boyd's piss so I hope you enjoy your bread a little soggy.

what is this peter jackson meme

is it new?

What are orc restaurants like?

kill yourselves you fucking dwarf fetishists

It's happening live as we speak.

Didn't he cut his foot during that take?

Endless breadsticks



>Maggoty Bread: 10 coins
>Rat: On Special Request

Main Courses:

>Meat: Out of Season
>Maggoty Bread: 14 coins


>Maggoty Bread: 19 coins
>Bit of Hobbit Flank: For Display Only

Mordor Orcs gave rave reviews. Isengard Uruks were more polarized.

I quite liked this shot too. It's quite good aesthetically apart from the fact that it's just a giant cartoon and then there's Thranduil and his fucking stupid moose

Yep. Stepped on a sharp rock, went right through his Hobbit foot. It's why he falls into the water.

PJ tended to use the takes where they got injured.

>Do you know of the athelas plant?
>O aye it's a weed!