As an Asian guy, I'm tired of seeing Asian girls with black guys

As an Asian guy, I'm tired of seeing Asian girls with black guys.

Do these girls not care about their families' opinion?

gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8

Bait or not ....Non black girls that date black guys have self-esteem issues, no exceptions. I'm not racist, I don't dislike black people, this is just a fact.

Sup Forumslack user here. The only Asians that give me any time of day are usually SEAs or those whose families have become for the most part Americanized. Bitches straight off the boat or a couple of times removed are uppity as shit.

You can actually say the same for most girls who date outside of their race. It's inherently self-loathing do not want to be with people that are most like you.

no honor in fucking niggers i have to agree and im not even a chink

Thats bs but ok anons


Why is it BS? If someone has self confidence in their race and culture they want nothing more than to continue that race and culture. The shit isn't rocket science, you just fail at realizing the blatantly obvious. This goes for black girls who date outside their Race too, if they were really proud of their blackness they would want nothing more than to date other black people.

Then what about individuals who date across the entire spectrum? Your point would be valid if people existed on both extremes. I know people that fucks their own race and also others.

Asian girls usually don't date niggers unless they're ugly as fuck or really fucking stupid with a smelly pussy. Ive seen this chinese girl date this nigger for years she finally figured out that he was a nigger and she never went back to black.. same with a lot of other races.

Most people who mix date across entire Spectrum. That's the norm not the exception and it changes nothing, my original point is still valid

You're not Asian, you're as white as it gets. Stop your fucking shilling and your stereotypes.
Also, saged.

r/asianmasculinity tears are tasty

And why did it have to be in the extreme to be valid that in itself is retarded life is very rarely about extremes it's almost always gray areas. You trying to debunk me by saying only extreme examples validate my point is retarded because in most cases does extreme examples don't exist

Obviously not as much as you do. Don't worry, you'll break free of your parents, become your own person and get laid someday.

Op can't compete lmao


Just FYI I'm mixed race I'm not speaking from a point of racism I'm speaking from a point observable facts.

Stop projecting

Where can I find more like this: Japanese women getting fucked by large cocks?

You're a fucking idiot if you're proud of something you cannot control. Your narrow perspective on the world shows how disconnected from reality you are.

Tiny cock asian butthurt?

Asian women are built for the bbc

Go to /gif/ right now there is a thread all about Jap girls getting fucked by black dudes.


> doesn't understand how or why someone could be proud of something they cannot control.
> misses the point about perpetuating one's genes.
> claims others are disconnected from reality.


whats your opinions on asians dating white guys?


I'm tired of seeing blacks in general... I though Trump was fixing that?


kinda shitty thing to say as i am not white

white girls and white men are seen as a prize by non whites and it's true

also black guys hate black girls and think they are inferiror to every race of women in and see other race of women as a prize and better not making this up have met many black guys and they think this

Give some reasoning then as to why race mixing is bad and why someone should be proud of their race, nationality, ancestors etc.

Kill niggers !

Fire Shall Come

My beautiful Afro - American over here...

when he say he would fix that?

he said he would fix the muslim problem and hes working hard on it.

oh brother





White guy here with the similar experience actually man.

The only exception is I've had a lot of luck with fairly fresh Koreans.

I think asians don't really mix with non asians toooo often

t. worried, insecure Asian guy

is this a thing in america? in sweden, gooks are redpilled and avoid niggers like the plague.
>i've never seem nigger on gook irl

Shows gif of nigger with normal cock

they love it

Hmm seems ok to me . Anyway the only superior race are Whites and Chinese. The rest are shit anyways , especially smelly Indians, mudslime shit and stupid niggers

Don't worry my friend. Black race is slowly but surely diluting away because they prefer every other race except themselves. Black people are only people who prefer more whites, arabs, hispanics or asians than other blacks. Other races prefer more their own race than other races.

She's hot. Any more pics?

Digits say you're right.


And plebs who save thumbnails

Fucking failGET

But checked

what did it say?

>look above you fucking retard

sauce plox

What if people dated other people for reasons outside of self loathing of their race and bbc's? What if relationships were based on like, mutual attraction?

I am a white guy.
I am tired of seeing black guys.

Do you know how races develop? Therein lies the answer. Since this thread will likely be gone before you read the reply, my answer won't be extensive.

Why race mixing is bad: It isn't inherently bad, and I didn't suggest that it is. It can be problematic, as there are multiple health conditions associated with it. "Races" developed through hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, as humans adapted to their environments. Randomly combining them can have negative consequences. Asians have statistically higher IQ, great phyiscal health, and lead long lives. It would make sense to want to perpetuate those genes.

Being proud of your race: I won't go into the others because this conversation was limited to race. Pride can mean "A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect." Some people view their race as being a part of them, which arguably it is. This is how someone can be proud of their race. If you know you statistically have stronger capabilities in certain areas, I can see someone being proud of that. I don't, but that's not how pride works.

Intelligent people consider the genes of others when considering to procreate. Race is not dispositive, but it's a factor unless you're so afraid of being politically correct you don't care what happens to your offspring.

A brief reply.


Meme magick will destroy the negroes.



nice. post more.

She's a bbc slut?

Nice quints+1 bro

she used to be during school.

Fuck she's hot. Nice tits too.

Any more "revealing" pics?

>Race is not dispositive, but it's a factor unless you're so afraid of being politically correct you don't care what happens to your offspring.
No, only retarded people like you care. You're race means nothing to what you've achieved in your life, you said identity-politics chugging neckbeard. Maybe you should get out of your mother's basement trying to make your skin becomes even whiter, you pasty grey fuck.

i wish

post more.

She dated niggers?

haha asian family so shes never "dated" any, if you know what i mean lol

How do you know she liked them then?

Post more feet pics if you have.


you know someone pretty well when you're in the same class as them for 7 years and have mutual friends

Lel who fucked her? Give details?

I know you sure are when you see two people who aren't the same race together.

Reminder people who complain about "muh race-mixing" are just another kind of autistic neckbeard shippingfags.

This is a true Ben, I am Ben, this mystery face keyboarder is not like former Ben Grandfather! Would you like to be a Ben? Part of family Ben?

Hispanic user here. I've hooked up mostly with white women, although asian chicks have been getting my attention recently. I can tell you that all of the white chicks I've hooked up with like the opposite factor, as do I. Some of the dads of the women pulled me aside and told me straight up they'd rather have me date their daughter than black dudes. Maybe it's a social stigma, maybe it's hidden prejudice, but I've found it easier to date white women when I know they've been pursued by black dudes.

Don't know why the hell the pic came out sideways. Anyway, just flip it in your photo editor.

someone who dosnt care about dick size

Quit making shit up.

You're a fat Mexican who faps to white people.

Fuck off.

Who can blame them. Asian women can't be satisfied by tiny Asian cocks. Some Asian women can be satisfied by my tiny 7 inch white penis but most Asian women need a 9 inch penis or above. That's why the flock to black men and occasionally to Italian men.

>blacks + arabs

Whens the last time you saw a nigger and a sand nigger together? Fucking failget much faglord?


Welcome to the club. White people have felt this way for years now.

First, find the internet. Once there, find the google.

Upon completion, kill yourself.

Don't worry dude. Asian girls girls fuck niggers way more than white girls do.


B-but muh samurai though!

Lol silly
But seriously, maybe it's the "opposites attract" idea, or the asian girls want to defy their parents, and they figure they can do that best by dating a black dude.

I found the internet and I found the google, but you left no instructions on how to actually find the actual videos. Lol oh well I'll look. Thanks user. :)

This is true 40% of Asian women marry outside their race. If I was an Asian man I would never want to live in the US. An Asian guy has to be rich, in shape, and have a degree from a top ranked university to just compete. And even then skinny fat white boys who graduated from community college still fuck more women then them.

No, in Canada and the US people are given the choice to live their lives the way they want, and to do whatever they want with themselves. Not to be held down by bullshit constraints. If a girl wants to be fully satisfied with a big dick then that's her choice. Asian guys are so beta and have 4 inches cock.

Melanin can only be spread so thin, they contribute to their own extinction, how fitting.

Yeah fucking triggered

No need to state how you are. We all know you go here to post how all those problematic mixed-race couples offend you.

Yup. So don't stress about it. Just remember...

For every one white girl burning coal, there are four times as many Asian girls burning coal.

And white women helped Trump.

That's true but white guys race mix more than white women. Asian and Hispanic women go after white guys like crazy and if white guys keep breeding them then America will turn in Brazil.

Not the other user, funny how in one form or another niggers find a way to destroy themselves, and libshits cry "muh cultural enrichment."

I think the actual term for that is a nigger mentality. It's just dumb shit that gets perpetuated in poor black culture. It's the same force that drives black people to buy jordans and ugly gaudy shit.

It's just a matter of your environment. I wasn't around other black people (except for my family) on account of me not really looking black, so I never picked up those traits.

I don't often see white guys race mixing.

Its usually non nig women with niggers.