*I'm a black woman with God Tier debate skills*

*I'm a black woman with God Tier debate skills*
Topic :, Mike pence idiotic tweets

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I put his ass in his place Lmao! Dumb ass -, -

For a group that's goal is a nation that doesn't see color you sure remind people you are of color a lot

Um.. How?

Keep going

That's pretty much it. I stopped reading when he said slavery is exaggerated -_-

>I'm a
Nobody cares
Nobody. Cares.

You aren't the guy without profile pic?
Fuck outta here nigger

No I'm the black girl who put him on his place

In his place *

No one is believing you

>I should be doing work
>but I'm gonna call muh white oppresors racist

This is why you're on welfare, Keke.

You don't think a girl can debate as well as me? Fucking sexist. You're probably white lmao

Not on welfare, I just think Mike Pence is a complete idiot. You're mad I won Lmao?

sage goes in all fields.

Stop it op

The fuk you talking about nigga?

Why can't Yall give credit where credit is due? I thought you guys were low key intelligent??


some slave owners felt bad about it.. you can't hate every white man, and you can't hate every black man... there's always good and bad.

the saying always goes if it smells like a bad meme/ it's usually a bad meme.

How come on a woman actually does something substitutive like win a debate you guys always try to downplay it like what the hell

oogle boogle ohh oh oh ohh oh ogla boogla?

You're just "high key" stupid.

You didn't win anything?
All you did was complain and argue with feelings.

sage goes in all fields.

How wasn't I logical? I stated facts, what did I say was wrong?

If you're the guy without profilo pic then you're right

I'm the girl Smh -_-

This site is obviously racist. Yall are some illogical motherfuckers. I argued my point with facts. Pence is a idiot racist

Your first point is silly to begin with. Black history months is a 'celebration' mostly limited to the USA. Which pertain to the black history of african-americans in the USA. nobody here in the EU actually actively celebrates anything like that. You wanting it to extend to the reach of every black person ever lived is just your personal opinion. It's not a fact.

Second point
Completely emotionally driven. People can celebrate what they want, it's that freedom of speech thingy. You not personally agreeing with what someone is tweeting is not a solid argument. it's you getting mad that the subjects you want to get attention, aren't getting attention.
Have you ever considered that there's more to the world that the USA. It always seems to be like that, when people like you discuss 'white people' in general. Silly stuff like saying they have no culture etc. It shows you're completely basing your views on your limited surroundings, with no actual knowledge of any of the cultures and heritages from around the world, completely devoid of slavery etc.
People from all around the world treated people from all around the world as 'Livestock' in those times.(which is an extreme exaggeration, as stated by the person you're 'debating'.
White people enslaved white people,
White people enslaved black people,
black people enslaved white people,
black people enslaved black people.
The irony being white people eventually abolished slavery under heavy protest from black slavemasters in Africa,but that's not relevant.

Third point:
You're just policing his tweets, deciding what he can and can't say. The tolerant left in full showmanship,kek.
You can bitch and moan about it sure, but that doesn't make it a solid arguement.

do with this what you will, but your statements are mostly based on personal opinions and views,not facts.
You wanting stuff to be a certain way, does not make it so.

Feelings aren't facts

Is this supposed to be satire of the "independent black woman" stereotype?
Or are you just a fucking retard?
Either way, I appreciate how overly aggressive you are, OP. Bet you get free shit all the time just by being a loudmouthed jackass.

So are you all for Trump and Pence then? How can you possibly justify his blatant racist views?

Here you go nigger.

I'm it getting free handouts Wtf stay on topic dumbass

But he wasn't treating white people as cattle and whipping them and raping their women

Subject remains hostile and aggressive in order to avoid answering the question posted.
Have you considered Tumblr? They'd love you over there. Maybe Reddit? If you didn't want people to disagree with you, you came to the wrong place.
It's not that you're "black" or a "woman", which remains to be proven, it's that you've come here looking for attention as such and not one person even bothered with Tits of gtfo.

Does he have to? To be a slave owner?

Hey OP, can you stop typing in Ebonics? I'm having trouble understanding you.

Then why on Facebook everyone agreed with me and the other dumbass got 0 likes in his comments?

Yall are just taking his side because he's a guy Smh. I'm disappointed in Sup Forums

>Judging the 'correctness' of your statement on likes.

black history month lmao

This isn't my first language and I can't understand what you're saying, can you spell in proper English?

>Is completely sure of her 'arguments'
>gets a reply
>ignores every point made and just starts virtue signalling.

And people wonder why they're not liked..

>> people agreed with me? That means I'm not alone. You were the only morons that didn't. Everyone on Fb called him out for being an idiot. I have people on my side

Yes, Facebook is an excellent source of rational, well thought out material, the literal new age of philosophy. If you value your beliefs according to Facebook likes, I'm sure you'll go far in life.
I'm either bated hard as fuck or you really are a mouth breathing retard.
Some people here hav tried to be rational and ask questions and all we've gotten is
>this site is racist
> y'all some ignorant motherfuckers
You should start this thread again in Sup Forums, those guys like a spirited debate on race, gender relations, and equality.
Or Tumblr.
Or Reddit.
Or really anywhere else.

God damn you're oppressed.

Idk how some of my text is green but w/e and Idk what questions I'm ignoring???

how about this

>*I'm a black woman with God Tier debate skills*

...said every mouthy hood rat ever

Yo Wtf!!!!

Jesus there's like four or five questions posted. Read your own thread.
Also, can you type like a human?
You know, people here would be willing to debate if you made any good points. It seems you just want people to agree with you despite lack of evidence, and for being a "black woman".
No one cares about your race or gender here, this is the harsh truth. You get no special treatment here because of race or gender, unless tits are shown with a timestamp.
Let me translate:
> You ain't said shit that means shit.
> You aint done shit that means shit.

I swear to Christ. Fine. I'll do the legwork here.

Question you ignored.
Not a question, however thoroughly ignored.

You're not a great debater. You're an asshat who came here for attention and got ruffled when you weren't met with praise for the special snowflake you think you are. No one gives a shit if you're black or female. You want attention for being black or female? Give us a reason to give a shit while proving that you're either.

Or a fucking top tier troll, in which case , 10/ fucking 10, good job.

Why would people agree with me if I made all "emotional" arguments? That doesn't make sense. Pence celebrated a white man for black history month like Wtf

People weren't saying this on Fb both guys and girls liked my points and said I made good points

Because the average human doesn't distinguish between an appeal to emotion and actual conclusive evidence.

You know what fuck four Chan
I'm gone

Because they share the same emotions..?

So Yall are all geniuses.. I see more intelligence on Facebook. You guys are the "average ones"

If you'd like to return while not expecting attention for your race or gender, you're welcome anytime. We're all anonymous, after all. No one would know it's you.

You'll be missed dearly.
Godspeed, raging retarted black bitch.

bye felicia, maybe you'll have your shitty opinions validated elsewhere.

No, you see more people who agree with you, which you have incorrectly dubbed "intelligence".


>Pence celebrated a white man for black history month like Wtf

Good for him.

stupid niggers

This was a fun thread

What a dipshit lol
>not falling for white guilt bullshit
>shes also an obvious racist
>i just fell for the bait ogod

Considering just about every culture endorsed slavery at one time, and oh, it's still happening in Africa. But white people are the ones to blame. K

its like the nigger feminist equivalent of a vegan