Dear misinformed roundfags:

Dear misinformed roundfags:
Explain how this fits into your sphere theory. Looking forward to your pathetic attempts to explain away logic and reasoning.

Other urls found in this thread:

Quads confirm earth is flat.

And...the final nail in your theory's coffin

Wasted quads

This guy, he gets it.

Those dubs aren't wasted though

Stop same fagging

What a useless pile of cock cheese you are, you're a myopic individual

I don't get it

>wrong maths
>explain away with logic and reasoning

you've never been to highschool right?

>how does gravity work

Yea, no.

The calculations are correct, and apparently a bit out of your league, I suggest you stay on the sidelines for this discussion

>>explain away with logic and reasoning

Did you kiss your mother with that mouth?


they don't think it be like it is... but it do

A planes gyroscope operates on gravity you autist.

>out of your leage
>multiplication and division with seemingly arbitrary numbers
ok whatever you say champ

This proves nothing

Wrong, only an earth style gyro uses gravity, rate, tied, and space gyros do not.

Come on rounders, start thinking for yourself and quit spouting off dumb shit you read.

proves you're a fukken gonzo

> you autist
> flat earther
KKK nigger

It's true you know

>assumes entire length is a single straight line
>assumes there's no curvature on the bridge, provides no evidence of claim.

>clearly shows there is no drop over the span

Comprehension issues?

there is no such thing as a space gyro

a gyroscope is a gyroscope

Yes, they prove their stupidity

what are variable-length support structures

omg man this is fucking good

>thinks that's the entire 104 mile span.
you know most of of the bridge is over land right?

Yes and no, I misspoke. The mounting is different, so hence the operation is different.

Rate gyro can move in one plane (not the plane of rotation) and the movement in the third plane is used to measure the precession. You will see this type of gyro in a Turn Coordinator or Turn and Bank indicator (old models).
Tied gyro moves in all three planes but kept in one plane by an outside force, usually air jets in case of the Direction Indicator (Gyro compass)
Earth gyro has freedom of movement in all three planes but is held in one plane by Earths gravity. You will find this gyro in an Attitude Indicator.
Space Gyro moves in all three planes and is stabilized to a fixed point in space. You will apparently see this gyro move due to the Earths rotation while in fact its not moving at all, space wise.

It makes no difference. There would be drop regardless of whether it's over land, sea, or your fat fuckin ass.

Jesus christ you're useing your ignorance of aerospace technology as proof of your dumb ass tinfoil hat shit posting. Read a book you stupid fuck my God

I'm fascinated about this flat earth thing. But does the world still rotate if it's a disc?

>picture says from end to end
>doesn't show both ends, or even the majority of the bridge
>b-but l-look it's f-flat, my Internet circlejerk conspiracytard forums were right!

You might wanna stop watching youtube """""documentaries""""" made with text to speech and Windows movie maker you gullible fuck

Do us a favour and off yourself
omg this going crazy

My mum loved looking into these fat earth people. Here are some things I remember her telling me about it:

Galileo convinced everyone that the world is round, but later on people discovered he was wrong. The governments of the world do what they can to suppress this truth, because people would freak out if they did.
The stars are satellites.
The edge of the world is a frozen wasteland (one of the poles), to keep people from wandering out.
Something about aliens.

No. The sun is tiny and cycles around the flat, round earth which means everything we know about physics and chemistry is wrong, especially gravity, and there is a big scary question about why no one has seen the edge of the earth.

These threads genuinely cause tears, shit is so fucking funny.

Quads of autism.

Spherical drop relative to what reference point???? That math+hypothesis assumes that it was built ON A SPHERE on a FLAT EARTH. Nigga don't make sense

You forgot one
>beliveing this shit makes you fucking stupid

>There would be drop regardless
You mean like, you could see the bridge vanish behind the earth?
Like, a "border" between the sky and the earth far in the distance?

Thats a crazy thought

yeah okay, because gravity totally starts pulling AWAY from the ground on earth..

tell me dont you think if this pic were true that the plane would just gain speed and fly off into space. fkn grade A morons everyone of you.

What retarded child did the math on that pic?

I'm almost impressed at how much shit you can make up.

The implication of the plane continuing "straight" into space would be that the atmosphere continued on at a constant pressure. In the real world, the atmosphere gets thinner as you gain altitude. A plane in steady flight maintains an equilibrium between the angle of attack of the wing and thrust of the engines that keeps the plane within a level of atmosphere where its rarity is more or less the same, but uses occasional minor trim when local pressure and density varies slightly.

you know this thread is why god doesn't love us
some of us are really fucking stupid

threads like this is why you guys have Trump as president

Four things I'd like to see flat earthers explain

1) how do solar and lunar eclipses work on a flat earth

2) how does the earths magnetic field created and work on a flat earth

3) how do the northern or southern lights work on a flat earth

4) how do seasons work on a flat earth

How come I couldn't see Europe from the top of the CN tower?

this, also how does antarctica be real


how cant we see mt everest from everywhere in the world ?

why can i only see mt baker from the top of mt cyprus?


"around" would assume the earth is round... just fyi


Antarctica is the edge of the Earth obviously, nobody's actually been to the south pole. Why do you think the people that "discovered" it all died before they could make it back? Hmm?

Flat-earthers: 1
Heretics: 0

There is a base at the south pole and people go there all the time (and come back).

This graphic has the sun wrong. Flat earthers actually believe the moon and sun are the same size and revolve over the earth.

Haze, fog, clouds, stuff in the way
Not that hard to comprehend

spotted the autist

In case this is b8, acting stupid is not good b8. Any asshole can do it.


Actually if you look at the pictures of the "south pole" base and properly recalibrate the angle of light intrusion from the sun you can cross-reference it with known parallax metric systems and determine that the picture taken could be no further out from the equator than the 35 degrees latitude

The earth is round. [kinda ovoid; not perfect sphere]
Not that hard to comprehend.

I'm not a flat earther but,

Why debate with them if you don't believe them? You could treat them as trolls and not feed them. But you don't. The fact that you need to try to argue with them leads me to believe their theory might actually have some merit instead of being bullshit that you can just laugh at and ignore.

So it's dark there 6 months out of the year because...?

all nonlogic aside, what kind of bullshit calculation is that?

length ^ 2 * 8/12, the constant to calculate spherical drop?

Prove to me that the world isn't hexagon shaped.

I'll take the bait.

How come I can see the stars on the horizon but not mountains in the way, or even buildings from cities a thousand miles away.

hey, that's true
why are we even debating this guys
why can't we just laught out loud and type 'fuck off' to these people?

Here's the deal: there are two types of Flat Earthers: trolls, and literal Bible interpreters. Somewhat surprisingly, we usually encounter the latter on Sup Forums, and they post almost every day. They have the freedom to make shit up (lie) because truth and understanding are not their goals, and they end the arguments with "prove me wrong." This nefariously places the onus on you to spend your precious life's time to provide information already available that they haven't and won't consider. By disavowing any science or proofs put forward and continuing to make shit up, they "win" by eroding your patience. It is simply impossible to keep up with having to explain away the barrage of the violations of the most basic principles of geometry, math, science, and logic. They aren't interested in critical thinking or putting in the requisite effort to do the science. They regularly refuse to respond when they can't fabricate anything that would pass even their own red-faced test. They are blind to 3D visualization. They concentrate on believing what their leaders tell them while calling you a "sheeple," and will not allow any sense to mar their fractured perception of the universe. They believe they are right, and they want you to become as stupid as they. There is simply no arguing. Like trying to paint over mud, you just end up with a dirty brush.

>dubs and quads
>still a fucking faggot

If the earth really is flat, I can kick a soccer ball and it will just go forever

Becasue these idiots truly believe what they say, and are a strong force in deciding what goes into textbooks for schools. The institutional denial of evidence and the simultaneous advocation of a mythology personal is precisely what leads to things like Trump as a president - no critical thinking. Just take what the authority says as gospel, and be done with it. They are essentially Luddites.

which side are yo on?

It's not, they just conveniently only take pictures when it's dark. Nice quads btw

>spherical drop of thousands of feet every 100 miles

just eyeballing it that is super wrong

like I'm hung over and just sat down and I know that's wrong

flat-earthers don't even actually exist and this whole thing is a fucking troll

Thats like asking why you can see the tree behind your house but not the grass
Try again

Can confrim, have actually done this before

But instead of a soccer ball it was my gf, and instead of kicking her I let her take some time to think about what she really wanted

So then it's a conspiracy?

Why would Earth be the only flat planet in a solar system of spheres?

have you ever seen another planet and that it's actually round? it's made up and you just believe it

actually you cannot even see that the moon or sun is round. why do you think does the moon look the same from everyone's point of view?

No, that's the sphere earth you're thinking of. Flat earth = science

Anyway I'm sure you realize now I've been shitposting since the antarctica thing. It's hard for me to believe anybody who posts about flat earth on here isn't trolling

Yup, got a telescope. Neat little thing. Let's you see all kinds of shit.


> neckbearded fat ass theories calling out fat asses

Flat earth theorist can't explain tides and the expansion of the earth's shape from the pulling of the moon's gravitational force

Then why did you say that bit about only taking pictures at night?

>have you ever seen another planet and that it's actually round? it's made up and you just believe it

Yes, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn, through a telescope. All very round.

>actually you cannot even see that the moon or sun is round. why do you think does the moon look the same from everyone's point of view?
With a solar filter you can track the sun spots over a period of hours and see them a move with the rotation of the sun. As for the moon, timelapse photography shows it's not the exact same face all the time, it actually wobbles a bit.

Moons are called satellites you fucktard. There weren't mechanical satellites during gallello obviously

Suppose it's all a lie, and the earth really is flat.

What should we do about it?

The math is actually approximately correct - if you were to build a completely straight plank starting at ground level off an earth-sized sphere (~4000mi) the end of it would be ~6400 feet off the ground.
It seems crazy but remember when you're standing on the ground the horizon is only about 4 miles away.

Curve it

>Flat earth theorist can't explain tides
science doesn't know everything yet, it is a process of further and further approximation of truth and if you think science can already explain everything you're a retard.

>and the expansion of the earth's shape from the pulling of the moon's gravitational force
come on now, wtf is that even supposed to be and how would you measure that? oh yeah right the earth warping into the sky, I know that.

Are you sure it's not 7 miles?

Keep posting on the internet until everyone knows the truth.

fucked up the link to your post

There is no need to be like that.