What does Sup Forums think of my mom?

What does Sup Forums think of my mom?

I'd hit it.

Post nudes

Truck stop whore/10

Get the tits out

With a bat.

Depends on how the tits look.


I would tap you're mom.

Show us her tits OP you fucking bastard!

Looks like the kind of whore I troll bars for when I'm bored. Post more

If she didn't have the trashy tattoo she'd look nice.

Get it over with OP.

If that's her I'd hate to see you

Loved her in Pink Flamingos

OP is shit won't delivar

My mom is a serious chubby and I'll be honest sometimes she gives me a serious chubby

Op your mom looks like a cheap bar whore


I want to see her big saggy tits OP...


Post mom tits

Before we go too far down the "this is bad" line of thinking... cheap bar whores are to be celebrated!

Where else can an enterprising gentleman get a fantastic blowjob and sloppy fuck in a half-dark room for the price of a few Budweiser's?

Not at your fancy ass coffee shop or artisan shopping establishment! No, those women are not cheap and have standards.

Let us celebrate this world we live in for it gifts us women who understand the truth behind "You'll do." and... most definitely... do.

A moment of silence for OP's mom before he shows us her tits my friends?


keep posting, you're fueling my fire for Friday night hoggin'

Op is faggot making us wait. Probably pics he found somewhere, not even his mom..

Making you wait? For what?

I don't have nudes of my mom


Unless you are going to go spelunking you stupid fuck.

What are you doing on Sup Forums then

Post more pics faggot, why you make this lame thread?

Someone find out if this hambeast has a Facebook page or something...

so just GO and MAKE some ffs

come on where are the other pics?

Tattooed trash.