How would you describe MDE's brand of comedy?

How would you describe MDE's brand of comedy?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ironic Right Wing Hullabaloo

Post ironic wankery

what filthy frank wished he could be

Post-post ironic patrician humour for undercover leftists

Meta ultra-ironic post modern. I always get the feeling its taking the piss out of its audience for finding it funny. Like they have a genuine disdain for people that find thier shit funny, which on some level I can empathise with. Get a similar vibe from filthy frank desu.

I dont even find him that funny but hes the most interesting out there I hope world peace does good I know im going to watch it

Ironic right wing shock comedy memes for really depressed right wing teens

He's not rly a comedian or involvednin comedy. He's an alt right troll who is sometimes on purpose and not on purposely funny

the comedy of hate. the anti-laugh


1 sketch leaked from his new Adult Swim show World Peace, pretty good sketch, just ignore the 3 fuckers commentating and laughing

Terrorism isn't comedy



Crypto eco web terrorism



Essential redditkino.

You're not erasing anything. The world will know your tyranny an' your cruelty-- HEH OWWWWH!! What? Hee hee hee hee hee, aah-hee-hee! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEEEH, HOO, OOOH, HEH-HEH, OOOO...

Hoobloohooo! Blululululululuh... No.. NO! NOOO... BLULULULULULULLLULUUP... Ahh-heeh-heeh... Alright, I wasn't even recording!

fuck off with your /pol self promotion you faggot sperg

>sam fucked a dumb /r9k/ 15 year old and then discarded her like cheap waste

Can anyone stop this God of a man?

Unironically this

epic irl shitposting for the banepost generation

my humor is superior starter pack

fucked her ANUS bro

A masquerade.

They actually think that they are better than the average millenial, but they embody the millenial malaise perfectly. Much like RLM, they are much too insecure about their actual personality to ever express anything closely resembling sincerity. Irony has become their sheild against a culture so rich in information that it lacks any form of guidance whatsoever, what you choose to enjoy is becoming the sole way to determine your self-worth. With this will come ironic enjoyment, you can enjoy whatever you want without having your choices scrutinised. You aren't enjoying the product, you are merely enjoying the sense of schadenfreude you derive from the realisation that you are somewhat aware that there is something better. That you don't know why there is something lacking will not, of course, be revealed. Ultimately, irony requires only a modicum of effort and intelligence, it is much more difficult to write jokes that are amusing and express a genuine observation or concern that many people have. The humour before ironic posturing relies upon a subtle combination of recognition and subversion. The classic WC Fields joke that he is free of all prejudice because he hates everone equally is a pefect example. MDE lack the skill and drive to create a character as funny, sympathetic and irreverent as Field's comic persona. Overall, they are a sympton of the age. They are not an answer to it and I would advise you not to aspire to be like them.

what's the story here?


Same with h3h3.

Taking this pasta for later, thanks man.

Charles is getting big

The girl in the pic used to post pictures of herself on some board (I dunno which, I just know about her because of her involvement with Sam). Sam fucked her, and text messages later came out which suggested that he's talking about her in this video

which is where the 'ane' thing comes from

She was just some damaged camwhore that went on /r9k/ that got orbited on there by a few people that ended up meeting Sam somehow, appearing in one of his vids very briefly, and then getting fucked and discarded by him.

Sam has a history of fucking girls that are under 17 and discarding them. Though when it's a tranny he's really polite and gentle.

filthy frank is tryhard reddit annoying garbage though

Does anybody else notice that Sam Hyde is an intensely ugly person? Not in personality or anything, but just his face. Look at it

in what videos does she appears man? i want to kek at that wjore.


I wouldn't say ugly, but he certainly is unique looking. Especially considering his mastery of facial expressions to go with his style and humor.

He thinks its funnier to be ugly/weird looking. That's why their facial hair is always so shitty

People read too much into the ironic distance they force into all their videos, its just a filter to confuse SJW normies.

they do some genuinely entertaining stuff though

God this repulsive neckbeard is so disgusting. His pale pasty skin, his fat, his acne...Maybe if he wasn't so gross to look at I could tolerate him better.

nah, this nigga is just ugly af

Leave ANkara alone uo asshole

Like hot cum

Bet you don't get as much pussy as he does because you don't shop at BOSTON ROSS

where did it all go wrong


He is one dedicated man
I always assumed these were Ashley, but I guess the narrative now is that they're Marky.

Ironic Sup Forums memery

>watches filthy frank
>thinks shitty opinions matter
>is a shameless summerfag

> a masquerade

> a redditor

my mommy is cool
my mommy is cool
and my mom will treat you riiiight

Where do I start? I watched the World Peace teaser but have no fucking idea who these people are otherwise.
get at it

Does anyone remember the tranny from /soc/ that Sam tried to fuck? I saw her in chaturbate a couple weeks ago and I'm trying to find her user name again

sewer pipe gunk




Why? He's a genuinely funny and charismatic guy.



I still don't know what Nick brings to the table. Dude looks 45. Hanging with these 30 year olds making dumb videos. What's the story there?

american 'comedy'

Its a world filter you dip

hi leafy!

Told her not to eat anything but she still ate something so she had a turd in her ass

He's funny

autistic kid komedy

George wishes he had a career in music though

all those videos and pictures of marky having sex that we will NEVER see.

can we all agree that 2 wet crew is the only good youtube comedy show and leave it at that?

>real interest is music
>too much of a coward to really try and do something serious
>makes "ironic" meme music to avoid getting criticized

Sam Hyde looks *like that*?!

Unfunny retard who should kill himself

Nick is cool, I love when he laughs during the videos and they let the take in

scrolling by I straight up thought that was a ripped Adam Savage.



You're aware that 99% of what he says is ironic and not actually true? That also includes that comment.

Jerma is not that funny but charismatic, that's for sure. Some of this pictures were slap after for pure troll purposes.

xD so le ironic and funny!!

Nihilistic degeneracy-embracing humour for disenfranchised redpilled young white males who want to see the world burn

I like these boys. Hyde is a bit of an insecure hypocrite but he's a funny chap and I like that he has the passion to hate mediocrity rather than just wallow in it.
Rochefort is probably the best comedic actor. His roles as middle class dad and working class dad in Stunna and Ideas Man respectively are A+
Charls has the best lines and I love the Murderer Charls video

I didnt say I like MDE. All I'm saying is that he isnt actually racist.

He's slightly older than Charls and Sam, he just looks way older.

Him and Charls are actually buddies going back years, Sam's the young newbie in their group. In fact judging by how Sam speaks in some of his vids, I'm pretty sure he basically modeled his style of humor and general outlook on the world after Nick's, he seems to hold him in this reverence, almost.

And it makes sense, if you watch MDE Whypz, Nick's ability to naturally talk to people and fuck with them is pretty skilled.

That's arwenchan i dont think she had anything to do with Sam


living the fucking dream

oh boy you are late, ask for more in /r9k

Yeah once I read the rest of the thread I realized, just needed more proof haha

When did she meet him?

I don't get it, that seems pretty sensible to me. What's racist about it?

A couple years ago when she was 15. I believe she's 18, now.

Has this man been reported to the police?

dates are not clear, probably before the /b nudes

Posting the writers meet videos, everybody out of character

he's savage alright