What does your natural odor smell like Sup Forums?

What does your natural odor smell like Sup Forums?

Mine smells similar to wet wood

Weed or maybe a skunk

tomato sauce

Same as you

My odor is sweat. Like my sweat just smells like sweat. Idk I didn't get the flavor packet for my sweat like you

bags of sand

I'm skinny but my skin is greasy as fuck.

Mine is literally like weed

tears and semen

After I work out and if I wasn't super clean before that I smell like ferrets dumped in skunks.

Isn't that weird?
I don't smoke either
I'm going to go take a shower but first....
You like the smell???

rancid Butter and used electronics

Fish food. idk why

people smell other people's odor VERY differently.

The same principle applies to perfume as you may hate perfume someone uses. Or think they use too much.

so all those girls you never picked up just thought you reeked

When I get in the shower, I smell like wet dog.

hot dogs

I smell like a rusty knife

Fresh diced red onion

I smell like smegma all the time. After a few days I dig inside my gooch and pull out a nice light brown cream cheese spread. Smells like cream cheese too. I work in food. I literally dig my piss and shit smothered hand into the customers food after doing this. Shit is so funny watching them eat.

Sweat and testosterone

Stale sweat and cigarettes. I'm quite the catch

sometimes it smells like bacon, or maple syrup

get in here


Interesting question user. I think i smell like sweet wood


>implying I try to pick up girls

Lol that was your first error user

I wouldn't know, I actually wash.

onions and hashish

>I work in food
youre about to work in grave


Calcium and dust.

i smell like me, my parents and my brother smell similar. its like yeast or bread, not bad but not good

i like how my knees smell

i love the smell of my hands and arms after they have been in the sun

i also love the smell of my hair when it gets wet from rain. my cats have a similar smell when they get wet

I like it but I don't always smell that way sometimes I get a straight sweat smell and I dont like it as much