Sold to SWIM as heroin, Sup Forums

Sold to SWIM as heroin, Sup Forums.
Can anyone tell me anything about this? Any of you guys ever seen this junk? SWIM usually gets a cream-white/off white powder than burns into a redish goop. This stuff however, turns into some tan/yellow goop.
Any info will be highly appreciated.
Also, drug thread. Share your experiences, habits, and more.

Shameful self-bump :(

Heroin should be tan, not white / cream.

What you had before was probably fent.

Also stop fucking wasting your heroin by smoking it you fucking pussy.

Buy a gram of weed smoke it all.

Lmao kill yourself kiddo

Talk like a fucking human, you goddamn middle schooler

Stop with the SWIM crap on an anonymous image board, it doesn't give any legal protection at all and removes all doubt of your low intelligence.


I can't...

Heroin is for tards, weed only faggot

I thought the white "heroin" was just diamorphine in some powder form created by underground but skilled chemists.
I think my post was properly written and thought out. Your post lacks basic punctuation, like a fucking period at the end of your sentence. Speak like a human.
Anyone can literally post whatever they want. No one says shit about trap threads, yet everyone circle jerks onto their monitors over it.

I hate when people say swim, like some faggot.

I hate when faggots like you can't get past an abbreviation and just answer the fucking question.

Did you just say swim on an anonymous imageboard? What. A. Faggot.

This thread is cancer, first you say swim like you're 14, and then you waste perfectly good heroin.

Fucking kill yourself op.

OP is the biggest faglord in history.
I was having a great day today until I stumbled on this thread. Now I got cancer.
Thanks a lot faggit

Lol why the fuck would you say swim? And no it doesn't look like heroin.

This board isn't entirely anonymous, whether you think it is or not.
Your posts, IP's, etc are all being traced whether you like it or not.
Oh no..! Someone is using a drug differently than you. MODSS
I'm glad I ruined this cunts day.
Because it wasn't me who bought them. I could say "my friend," but that's an overstatement.

Good luck with collapsed veins and infections stupid nigger

Because he's a stoned loser

way to damage control faggot.
i hope a pack of feral niggers has their way with you the next time you try to buy fake H off them.

poor baby :(


Welcome to a site that's not Erowid. We call everyone user here and everyone hates everyone else for being alive. Good job with the high quality photo, not sure what you got though. I mostly do psychedelics but I've done gunpowder heroine and that does not look,like gunpowder. Its too loose. Heroine where I'm from is either black tar or gunpowder these days and it all clumps. It isn't crystalline like MDMA or Methamphetamine. Looks like brown sugar. Have you tasted it? Its weird for it to be so fine, any possibility that your dealer passed you the wrong shit?

Fuck you, track marked peasant. Smoke it like you're dabbing BHO. The highest class of smoking brown.