Finally I have a high quality computer as I always wanted, now what ?

Finally I have a high quality computer as I always wanted, now what ?

video games

prepare for mocap

Which ones ?
Also im poor ad fuck

Delete System32

there is a thing called you know

Mocap ?

haha funny and original !

Not really into screwing the developers

Post Moar of her pls

why did buy a high quality pc if you diden't know what to do whit it

Go outside

download Teaching Felling


if you're not gonna buy the game anyways it doesn't matter you cuck

Play games.

Spend your next bundle on a good chair and desk if you don't have them already.

If you have those then spend your next bundle on high end recording equipment like a camera and a mic

Install Gentoo

play Overwatch

play Dune II

Install Oregon Trail.

Go outside.

Not OP butt here does

I meant here goes

sauce ?






Geniva or missgenii

Explain "high quality computer".