Finally after all these years got around to watch this, is it Sup Forums or reddit

finally after all these years got around to watch this, is it Sup Forums or reddit

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it used to be Sup Forums but now it's reddit

charlie work episode last year was fucking amazing, though

>implying there's a difference

used to be reddit now it's Sup Forums

mac & dennis move to the suburbs was great too, show is still going strong

Sup Forums, reddit only cares about bazinga and modern family etc cuck normie shit

i fucking love this show

Used to love this show.
Then I grew up and saw everyone around me treating it with fandom.

Reminder that fandom is the act of a degenerate.

me too

never seen fandom for this show.

95% of the people I tell about this show have either never heard of it, or didn't care for the humor.

dont listen to contrarians and newfag cancer itt
i'm on Sup Forums since 2006 and it was always essential sitcom on this board tied with seinfeld, curb and malcolm in the middle

can confirm this

you forgot arrested development

Reminder that unless you are sitting in a vacant, plain, white room staring at the walls, anything you do is degenerate

i actually enjoy the flanderization of the characters as the show progresses and love every time rickety crickets makes an appearance to get maimed by the gang in some new way
however, the last season had some pretty average episodes

piece of shit degenerate show for underages

>Sup Forums buzzwords
>over 18

pleb filter is working through all these years, good

this nigger gets it.

We zen now?

I thought it was the worst ep, i really don't get why people like it so much


Because then they can namedrop Birdman and it's like... art man.

gang power level?






This episode features an uninterrupted seven minute long shot (actually several shots stitched together at well planned edit points such as the closeup on the door), inspired by a similar shot in the HBO series True Detective. Dennis tells the health inspector "alright, alright, alright" in the manner of Matthew McConaughey's character in Dazed and Confused.
Many viewers thought the episode was also a tribute to the movie Birdman, because of the jazzy soundtrack and the fact both used very long takes (in fact, the movie appears to be one continuous shot.) However, this episode was written and filmed before Birdman was released in theaters.[1]

>le random stupid man is god tier




>hating on based charlie
he's the most competent member of the gang, his only failure is his love for waitress

It used to be a great show. They should have ended it after season 7, tho.
Now it's just shit mixed with old jokes.


wrong, it's one of the most consistent sitcoms ever made, it has like 3-4 meh episodes
even seinfeld has like 10-20~

they need to stop making throwback jokes to old episodes and start coming up with new shit.

speaking of which, i fucking hate the episode with the frank's brother


reddit/people who came here in 2014

hell0 reddit

most cancerous thread on Sup Forums right now

I actually came here in 2012.

wasn't browsing Sup Forums at the time tho

>implying he's wrong

>implying there are some non-cancerous threads on Sup Forums right now

lurk more

>Sup Forums is hating iasip now
one word ''summer''

pure unadulterated redditry


if you hate this show, you literally underage fuck who belongs on reddit
the only sitcom still on air worth a damn



The two of you are fucking retards if you think IASIP has been consistent since it's start.
What happenned IN REALITY was that it kept getting better from season 1 to 3-4, peeked and remained top until season seven, then started going downhill. The last season was very, very weak.

Also, please fucking go back.

>Then I grew up
wow, so do you like, watch the weather channel all day now?

Nah, he just turned fifteen and didn't like that everyone else around him liked it

>Used to love this show.
>Then I grew up and saw everyone around me treating it with fandom.
>Reminder that fandom is the act of a degenerate.

translation for normies:
at first I liked this show.
Then I lurked more and realized that all of Sup Forums liked this show too, so I started hating it.
I'm not gonna bother explaining why, but, basically, everything you like is bad.

This is objectively the best scene in the show.


the best scene is the one in the restaurant where frank goes around tables asking random people if they have"banged his whore wife".

hey op how are your teenage years going?

It's a good show. Stop being a faggot.

Watched the first season and dropped it after that. Then later watched some of the best rated episodes and those were... okay.

Really don't see what the hype is about.

Its actually

Frank season 2 - 4
Frank now

t. man who is dead inside

close, but in reality it is

early frank
mac new frank

Nah I like good comedies and try almost everything that's recommended at least for a while.

Because you watch literally everything that's ever been shown on television? No?

Fucking idiot.

So you watch a lot of shit and miss the good stuff that everyone likes. Makes perfect sense!

How about you consider getting a fucking job.

>So you don't sit on your lazy ass all day watching TV?
>get a fucking job

Lol the irony


What the fuck is even your point? Fuck you people are cancer.

>someone doesn't like babbys first comedy show with le funny sex guy

My point is you are a mouth breathing pleb who watches everything because you live a hopeless life, your "taste" in tv is worthless.

Great point. I bet you win all the arguments in the school yard.

it's pretty amazing that it was written before they watched birdman


I love the show. I've tried to get my friends on it unsuccessfully. But they loved The Implication scene, Frank in general, and Pepe Silvia so maybe they just look at watching 10 seasons as too much to get through.

alright alright alright

Nah it's

It's Sup Forums mostly. A few reddit tier stuff creeped in during the later seasons, but nothing that ruins it. It's still good.

>Can you put jews in the yes column?
>They don't wanna be with us as much as we don't wanna be with them

He's wrong, but so is your Sup Forums boogeyman.

1) Dennis
2) early-Mac
3) Frank
4) late-Mac
5) Dee
6) Charlie

>bird tier

personally I think dee ranks pretty high