Just sitting here...

Just sitting here, smoking a blunt made of Daedric Poison and Jarl Herer weed while getting head from my loli sex slave and worshipping Sithis.

Took me goddamn forever to figure out how to get all the drug patches and loli sex stuff installed, but life is looking pretty good over in Skyrim right about now....

Cannabis Skyrim + Slave Trainer + Skyhighrim + SkyKids + Loli patch for SexLab (it normally blocks loli characters) + Religion (for Daedra worship)


non-stop drug-fueled demonic loli sex orgies.

Other urls found in this thread:



Gonna need more screenies for proof of concept. Strictly research purposes!



If that's what you call a loli, you're gonna need some more mods.

The drug visual from Skyhighrim are pretty dope, too.

This is white cap mixed with weed from Cannabis Skyrim, but mixing the two isn't recommended for sex because pic related and you can't see anything; one or the other recommended.

Skyhighrim also adds herion, cocaine, acid, psilocybin, amphetamines, and the ability to finally get drunk off of all the alcoholic beverages laying around Skyrim.

This is just one of the NPCs from Skyrim made prettier with SkyKids and enslaved using Slave Trainer.

She's small, there's no boobs, she's loli enough, I'm happy enough.

But you can make smaller characters in the character creator, as well as probably mod some NPCs into the game. I downloaded the loli sex bathhouse, but haven't gotten a chance to try it yet.

Any mods you'd recommend?

I haven't touched Skyrim in over a year, so I can't remember mod names.

smoke Skooma, worship Sithis

But there are more legit loli ones?

Pretty cool setup you've got right there.

I sure as hell don't remember any of yours except sexlab, so yea, I've been using others.

loli mods


You don't remember SkyRids? Really? Did you use CotS, or something else?

Thank you.

I also like Immersive Weapons, Immersive Armor, Apocalypse Spell Pack, Stranger Danger, Immersive Creatures, Sacrosanct, and Deadly Mutilation for actual gameplay.

Come to think of it, these screens make her look a lot bigger than she actually is. She's much smaller in-game.

Yeah, but I think I found the working loli SexLab patch on ATF, which is a must.

SexLab normally blocks lolis, but the patch (which is for 1.59, but works for 1.62) removes that limitation.

SkyKids is THE loli sex mod to use, since it includes ports of all other loli races, plus there's aforementioned SexLab patch for it.

I used this:

Which one? SkyKids is the main one on that.

Children of the Sky, SkyKids wasn't on the list back then.

Ah. A CotS port is included in SkyKids now, and there are a bunch of extensions and such for the SkyKids port on some thread on ATF.

I haven't tried the CotS characters yet, but I'll give it a shot.

Elins also look really cute (also included with SkyKids), and I haven't tried those yet, either.

Can someone send me link to thes loli patch please

Hold on, I'm having a hell of a time finding it,

During all my modding adventures I never did get to see my dreams of watching a giant fuck a loli come true.

Just Google skyrim loli guide, some rando has an entire website dedicated to skyrim lolis and you!

Any bestiality mods yet for Skyrim?

I've only found furry

Actually, just go here:


You have to register, but there's a lot of stuff on there that even I didn't know about, plus a 1.62 SexLab AIO SkyKids package that doesn't require an outdated patch.

Ha I wouldn't even play skyrim if I couldn't watch my heroine fucked by every wolf, giant, bear and sabertooth she didn't manage to beat

I meant bestiality involving female animals and male humans.

Tired of the animals fucking girls bullshit.

What mudcrab have you been hiding under for the past 6 years?

Nigga that's nasty

Kek I hope to god you don't have any pets

Not really, nothing sexier than a qt 3.14 husky bitch.

3 femdogs I powerfuck on a nightly basis.

Does it make you angry/jelly/buttfrustrated?

>3 femdogs I powerfuck on a nightly basis.
>Does it make you angry/jelly/buttfrustrated?
Stahp, my sides are in orbit!

There's probably a mod for that.

Are you a furfag, or some some sick fuck Sup Forumstard into bestiality?

Fucking dogs I can handle, but furfaggotry is fucking creepy, man... I'd take a dogfucker over an asexual furry for a freind any day of the week.

there's a handful in this pack



>asexual furry
where'd you find one of those?

Actually, this one is much better.

Fair enough. But you get what I mean... even if the furry WAS asexual, I'd take the non-furry dogfucker first.