Rollo did nothing wrong!

Rollo did nothing wrong!

What about all that betrayal and murder?

Never happened.

Name one character that hasn't betrayed their own people, and or murdered innocents?

Aside from based Aethelwulf.

I want Rollo to tie me down and fuck me.

scum with no honour and loyalty, betrayed his own blood and his own people.


He's a literal cuck.

I want a tatoo like that on his shoulder-forearm.

My fucking nigger.

I just binge watched all of vikings and my consensus was lagertha, athelstan, and athelwulf are pretty much the only decent people in the show. Especially athelwulf. I hate his whore wife though. The king of northumbria is cool too.


Then get one, but make sure you're fit, otherwise you'll look like a tosser.

It's okay when Rollo does it.

I want her and Ecbert to marry and rule Britain together

He's the hero of frankia.

They were attacked by an unprovoked force.

>Ragnar gave up this for an ayy lmao

Aslaug is beautiful tho

Who does Ragnar want to fuck more lagertha or athelstan?

He was mad for Applestand

So did Ragnar go to China those 4 years he was gone?

>implying you wouldn't betray and murder your people twice over to marry Princess Gisla

baka senpai

>Morgane Polanski
>probably raped by her father

I feel bad for her

never share your rollo

Hmmm, she IS pretty cute.

I love her bitch face.

>hey babe I speak French perfect now
>oh great I don't hate you any more lets fug :DDDD

She's into being degraded and humiliated.

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

Wtf I love French girls now

Why does rollo hate his brother so much?

She looks like GoT's Yara but actually female.

ce soir? ce soir

I didn't even realize she was related, but you're right. Yikes.

cos he's a bitchboy who didn't realise he had the good life

Daily reminder that Ragnar is essentially a bitchmade, repressed, homosexual junkie cuck and that Rollo did nothing wrong.

Vikings are almost exclusively shitty people in that show. If a character isn't shitty they either haven't had enough screen time to show it or they're dead.

Why is he so perfect, bro's?

That he killed of his own people was highly retarded bit of writing, but he did it nevertheless.

Floki's wife is very nice.

I'll give you everything except cuck. Lagertha is the cuck.

>cucking Lagertha for a fish-lipped manjaw

Why would he do this?

She's ugly and cute at the same time. It's odd.

Why did Arnold fuck that fat Mexican maid? Alpha genetics demand he spread his seed.

too bad the show has made him such a cuck - irl he was a real bad-ass.

>Why did Arnold fuck that fat Mexican maid?

The funny thing is his bastard child is the one that most resembles him and the one he spends more time with now.

He's pretty badass in the show.

Not his fault literally everyone wants to fuck athelstan.

Muito obrigado pola copa

>the one that most resembles him

Yes, that shapless mush of a face sure resembles his angular jaw and sharp cheekbones.

can't see the forest for the trees, typical Sup Forums retard.

I wanted to fuck Athelstan before he had that awful facial hair. There's something so pure about him

Being the founder of the Normans as we know them was a mistake

You wanted to defile him?

Like everyone

Rollo's decedents ruled over England while Ragnar's got cucked by Alfred the great.

Tell me about Paris again user..

any /basedborg/ in?