
how do you make women horny?

My girlfriend likes pressure... Like I make a fist and press it up her vagine and she crossed her legs around d it and squashes it. Really turns her on.. She also like my "manly hands" on the bottom of her stomach and top of legs

With dank memes ofc

I don't

I don't. If anything, I do the opposite.

Treat them like the children they are

The stuff that makes women horny in the bedroom is the stuff that makes their lives hell in the real world. They're creatures of conflict. They flog their skunk guts to being objectified, degraded, and raped, but that sort of treatment in the real world fucks up their career ambitions, sense of self-worth, and safety.

It sucks to be a woman.

>dank memes
you need to be 18 to post here

Have money or be famous

Introduce them to your brother.

Very carefully

tease them with money
call them whores
slap em around a little

fucking backward ass savages. most women belong in a dump truck.

Best way is to get a girl in a position where you _could_ take advantage of her, and then don't do it. She will trust you. Trust makes women horny.

Your gf wants fisted. It's interesting. Snatch goes back to tight in a day or two. Do it user.

Why you need to make them horny when you rape them ?

I walk in the room.

lick their pussies

>implying you don't live absorbing dank memes

someone awser this seriously please i want to know

Post your current location.

>pic rel

Honestly, it's mostly talking. You have to create atmosphere for it, it sucks. Then when you go for an embrace, be forceful with her. Firm direction, like you know exactly what you want.

Show my face.