All right what the fuck Sup Forums

all right what the fuck Sup Forums
is this what we are now ? a fucking porn board with the occasional rekt thread ?
let's fucking do something for fuck's sake, collectively stop jerking off for a second an do something
what about that raid reddit idea that was on Sup Forums yesterday ? why don't we follow up ?


how 2 stop jerking off?

>stop jerking off a second

yep that's it
why did i expect anything anyway... i should know better


Titty City

kk that's it im killing myself
>inb4 stream it fag
i probably will


take it Almighty Kek, let me bask in your chaos
your kingdom is merely a shadow of what it once was

Organizing Sup Forums is like herding cats, and feminine penis is catnip. Good fucking luck.

well recognizing the problem is the first step to solving it
so technically we just made progress

yes, my child. the children of whom were created from my holy seed have lost their way. even the grandest of ancient memes are dying, and i fear i will soon be next. what, you ask can kill an immortal meme god? cancer. newfaggotry has reached a startling high, whilst high quality original content is a dying concept. the land of random is nothing but a sad, desolate cesspool. what was once thriving with bountiful splendor has been reduced to ruin and decay. lord kek has spoken his words, i return now to memespace for my thinking hour. if i am to quell this heresy i must devise a plan. take care my child, may kek be with you.

I will be awaiting your plan with great impatience, i will forever lurk hoping that it happens during my lifespan
may kek cleanse Sup Forums of cancer, today and forever !

No thanks op.

why tho
are you not bored
do you not want Sup Forums to be great again
we gotta do something the normies are taking us for granted

Sup Forums was never great

moot killed raids with the gb rule


you fuckers are depressing

no shit? mods are banning people for making threads like this.

since when do you fuckers follow rules
what the fuck happened to the independence day raid anons ??

This bitch talks cunty shit all the fuck time. Raid?

no, this is the shit im talking about
these small raids don't do shit
we have to organize ourselves, do something meaningful to balance out the cancer