What are some good Asian movies?

What are some good Asian movies?

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i like wong kar wai, in the mood for love the most


do you have a chinese chart buddy

Shichinin no samurai (Kurosawa, 1954)
Rashômon (Kurosawa, 1950)
Ikiru (Kurosawa, 1952)
Tôkyô monogatari (Ozu, 1953)
Ugetsu monogatari (Mizoguchi, 1953)

This is Oldboy right? I wanted to watch this film but wasn't sure. Is it really good? If it's any lower than 9/10 I don't want to bother.

You some kind of weeb?

It's really good senpai

It's great. the other two movies aren't as good but

End of eva
Porco rosso
Perfect blue
Girl who leapt through time

Those Korean films about detectives located in tiny Korean villages are comfy as fuck.

>Shichinin no samurai

Just say seven samurai you autist

whats the point in watching 1000000000000000 years old movies?

Just watch the Spike Lee version.

I've watched a lot in the list but i don't think i've seen that one. which is it?

Don't listen to this guy watch the film version not the joint version

I don't remember the names of them all, but there is a bunch of similar films. Memoirs of Murder is the one I can remember, but there is a bunch more like it. The Wailing is similar too.

There is a bunch more like those films, but I can't remember Korean names.

oh alright Memories of Murder didn't come to mind but i guess it does fit the decription

You should just get out before someone spoils it

Most Korean movies are pretty stupid. They have an obsession with revenge and NTR.

what is this expression trying to convey?

haha so old ... GRANDPA XD

The Yellow Sea

Stunning movie. Go watch the trailer and get sucked in.

t. cuck

get the vengeance trilogy and watch all three in one day nigga

Love Lesson 2013.

whats the point of red color?

oldboy stands head and shoulders way above sympathy for mr vengeance and lady vengeance;, he should watch it first rather than get burned on sympathy for mr vengeance imo

Ok watching it next, and getting out until getting spoiled.

Is the guy from sympathy a complete literally retarded and i just missed it due to language barrier or what?

i couldn't enjoy the movie due to this dumbfuck

The Way Home

The Host

He's deaf, if that's what you meant. He's also supposed to not be too bright.

Hayao Miyazaki films

Korean films try to be too emotionally manipulative and rely on shock value.


Spring, Summer, Fall, and Spring is good, though.

pure korean kino

Anyone know that Korean detective film where he gets framed and has to solve it..."____ day" or something along those lines?

Also if anyone has a list of those Korean cop drama/crime flicks can you drop?

Hwayi: A monster boy
The nameless gangster
A new world
Hard Day

Does the Raid count, its indonesian, best action movie of the last 20 years

No Mercy gets left out of the Korean movie discussions a lot, but it's a great thriller/crime movie.
Definitely check it out.

how long is a piece of string?

Asia is a big place.

Personal MOTY

WHY has nobody mentioned sion sono

Because he mostly sucks.

When is it coming out in good quality?


720p isn't good enough?

>no the man from nowhere


Save the green planet is pretty based


Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is better than Oldboy you plebs.

For OP, watch Joint Security Area and try not to cry.

new world
the suspect
a hard day
the divine move
no tears for the dead
a company man
a tale of two sisters
white: melody of the curse
saam gaang
saam gaang yi

Thanks anons

I tried two releases and they were pretty bad for 720p.

Proof? Like have you seen all of his work? Because I have

>Asking for proof of an opinion

Thanks a lot user.




A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

OP: youtube.com/watch?v=ycfdfinG_P8
ED1: youtube.com/watch?v=hXDNGS9V4Us
ED2: youtube.com/watch?v=m4DyTjrruVo
PV: youtube.com/watch?v=JcVGDV67L-g
EP 1: youtube.com/watch?v=o_rz1bluG_k
EP 13: youtube.com/watch?v=JLUjMWRCzic

This is a pretty solid korean low-level crime film, had a really unique vibe

can you fuck off?

nice meme :^)
now back to

I like Lee Chang Dong movies

Peppermint Candy
Secret Sunshine

I love them aswell.
What's your personal favorite?

Poetry is probably my favourite.

Fuck man thank you so much for posting this!

is there more than 9 seconds of his?

Also Confessions.

His films always leave me feeling like shit


Isn't that like in most korean movies? A lot of the thrillers and dramas have a bad or bittersweet ending. I guess that's the appeal for me because I usually don't enjoy happy endings.

Can you explain this meme to me? Did Sup Forums make it?

bittersweet endings > bad endings > good endings

Can anyone recommended me some good wuxia and 1970-1990s Chinese horror?

is there a similar list for hong kong and japanese movies? i don't have that many korean movies on my watchlist anymore.
i only watched some wong kar wai and kitano movies and love exposure so far.

Love Exposure

Castaway on the Moon was fantastic.

Pretty good, even though I mostly like older stuff ...

"Asian movies" is very vague, OP ...
Do Anime count ?
80's and 90's Hong-Kong Action-cinema was pretty sick. Have you seen John Woo's stuff ?

Was this any good?

Also, A better tomorrow and The Protege are two solid chinese films.

Thank you for posting this.

I loved this movie.

it's hipster shit and the CGI blood is insufferably terrible

hipster in what way? it seems really stupid and over the top in an entertaining way.

I second this, don't bother watching the Spike Lee, watch the original

The Torture Club(2014)

Anyone know the Hong Kong movie about (I think) arms smuggling? near the end they're in Vietnam I think it is and the cowardly character of the trio is being forced to execute people for some reason.

Pretty sure it's an 80s/90s HK movie.

I really recommend Castaway on the Moon. It's like the Tom Hanks version of Castaway but comfier

Pather Panchali

This. It's such a heartwarming movie.

Nevermind, found it I think. It's Bullet in the Head

The films of Abbas Kiarostami.

Best Asian mystery movie(s) of all time?

Also ''Mother'' is good too, if it hasn't been mentioned

Anyone seen Moss(iggi), i wanna discuss the ending i didn't understand?

Was it the woman's plan all along? Did she kill the people in the church?

Great film

there was this this korean girl in my class at CC and when she had to pause to think of the english translation of a word she would go "tee hee", it was nuts, like something out of a anime

>Korean films try to be too emotionally manipulative and rely on shock value.

my biggest problems with them desu

>that Boris soundtrack

Violent Cop
Boiling Point
The Cure
Beyond Outrage

kitano-san is goat

Pretty mediocre desu.