Being a white male should be the greatest thing about america.what the fuck happened

being a white male should be the greatest thing about america.what the fuck happened

Quite ironically, white males happened.
Source: a white male

The femanons and darkies get listened to now.

"being a white male should be the greatest thing about america"

what does that even mean, "being a white male" isn't even a quality of america

if i asked someone "hey, describe the US"

no one would say "oh well the greatest thing about it is being a white male", that doesnt describe the US at all

Zionists happened

Niggers and feminazis joined together as the social justice retard squad.

>implying it still isn't the greatest thing

yoooo wat is uup idubzzz

It is. Being a white male is fucking awesome. We don't realize how good we have it a lot of the time because it's just normal to us, but the fact is, white male privilige is a thing, and it's fucking awesome.

I can go out late at night and no one assumes I'm up to no good. I don't get hassled by the cops. If I get pulled over, there's a good chance I'm gonna get let off with a warning, and I'm sure as fuck not gonna wind up getting shot. Fuck, hookers won't even fuck blacks a lot of the time. Being white is fucking top-tier. The better question really, is since when did being priviliged become a bad thing? Is everyone else really that butthurt that they need to tear down others so they can feel good about themselves?


being a white male is the best category you can be in america. it always has been.

Nothing happened. You're just a white trash cuck. Bottom of the white gene pool, which puts you on an equal level with the best and the brightest women and minorities. So you're threatened by them.

If you're a white person worried about mexicans taking your job, you are a loser of such epic proportion you should be ashamed to admit it.

the founding fathers were white supremacists

correct, its the system of government that was founded by and for white males that was and remains the most prosperous culture with the most liberty as any culture has ever had.

it still is, don't believe the media. Being white is still awesome.


Sup Forums and trumpnazis ruined it by being racist cunts.

>Being a white male should be
>What happened?
You happened. Now social justice thinks we're all shitheads that think like you.

Hippies, drugs, partying, and general apathy by males in the 60s, and 70s, that carried on till now.

poor OP

is he feeling opressed as a white male because breitbart had some click baity headlines?

OP confirmed retarded