You have 10 seconds to write a Sony movie

You have 10 seconds to write a Sony movie.

Reboot, remake or otherwise.

meme movie

memes: the movie

Raiders of the Lost Ark, all female cast

I said A Sony movie not all of them. Calm down anons.

all the emojis are now women

I think you just pitched Lara Croft.

he didnt fly so good:the movie

>The Emoji Movie Reboot
>November 2017

Rocky, female cast

Animated le rageface comics



Now give me my bags of money.

Alright. You all remember Fat Albert right? Well let's do a movie that's a reboot of that but instead of all the characters being black they're actually a bunch of white neo-nazis!

Back to the Future Reboot, with Marty as Martha and Doc Brown as Doc Whitey. Martha travels to gloom days of 1990s/2000s to save her parents.

Terminator Arnie in the Jurassic park universe

its a movie about something popular in the late 80s that no one cares about anymore, but throw hundreds of millions into marketing to make people remember and care

Gremlins, except the kid is transgender.

Huckleberry Hound.

Reddit: The Baconing

But it takes me at least 15 seconds to shit.

The Totally Awesome Movie
>Meaningless dialogue alluding to plot that'll never be explained
>Action scene
>'Emotional' scene that tries to seem powerful but falls flat
>Vague allude to bad guy of next movie
>Final battle
>Post credits scene

>Twitter post about how it did 'well' by making 150 million on a 120 million budget and how there 'might' be a sequel but it was actually cancelled

Spider Gwen, Spider Girl or a Miles Morales movie

Sex and the city

But the cast is 4 man.
One is a loud obnoxious nigger working in subway.
One is a nuclear physicist, that has trouble with women.
And two are just filler hot chads.

Set in New York city during the nineties. No financial crisis, they live in two big apartments next to each other. No stds, no worries just new women every episode and some medium term love interests. No gay faggotry.

When do you think you are?

>12 Angry Men sequel named 12 Angry Women
help me cast it, please

big red,
anita sarkesian,
this bitch that lied about her PTSD,
and 9 other feminists.

Live action adaptation of Gunstar Heroes.

Uncharted: The Live Action Movie

Some Sony exec Twitch streaming all the Uncharted games on easy mode.

What's the difference between easy mode and the hardest mode? I can't imagine it's much, do the scenes just act out faster?

It's a live-action movie about Ken Jennings' streak on Jeopardy. Instead of being a sortof dorky white Mormon dude, Ken is a young black teen whose whole life has been a struggle against gang violence.


When will Sony die?

Hellraiser with a different puzzle box (it's sony so let's put a fucking Vaio logo on the box)

The difficulty setting is for the actors, not the viewer.

On harder difficulties, the actors need to physically act out the scenes while voicing it.

>source: my cousin's best friend's neighbor's dog walker's crush is Nolan North

in all seriousness what the fuck are these retards smoking? You could fund 1000 decent indie movies for the price of this piece of shit

>What the fuck are these retards smoking

The Playstation movie.

Seth Rogen voices a CGI PS4 that goes on an adventure to reach his loving owner (James Franco) after being stolen by a black man (Jamie Foxx). They make jokes about blacks and theft the whole movie in a way that's meant to seem satirical but is actually just blatantly racist.

The PS4 meets up with other Sony products along the way, including a Sony Vaio laptop, a digital camera, a PS Vita, and a physical incarnation of the search engine Bing. They are voiced by Rogen's friends and associates, with a cameo by Kevin Spacey as the Vita.

The movie ends with an Avengers parody where the Sony products have to team up and defeat Jamie Foxx. The PS4 reunites with Franco and they share a joint. The other products leave to find their owners as well - promising sequels and with any luck a cinematic universe.

Sony is forever.
It's like a cockroach you can't kill it.

No. We should tkae down SONY. Like Mr. Robot took down Evil Corp. Seriously. SONY is the Evil corp in real world. Boycott anything they produce from now on.

Flappy Bird movie.

>Not "motion capture James Franco" and "motion capture Jamie Foxx"
You had one job.

Last of Us: The Movie

Pixels 2

Maybe even a crossover with Fembusters where they fight vidya ghosts.

Serious question;how Sony(and Microsoft) haven't bankrupted yet? Everything they do is a blunder.

>Movie about a PS4
>It's a blatant Toy Story rip
>Andy decides to part ways with his PS4
>Gets shot meeting a nigger in a parking lot

Co dependant consumer bases.

They are literally unsinkable because people literally have to buy their shitty machines.

The best way to determine whether a corporation has a monopoly on something is to see how poorly they are performing in areas where they are just barely trying to dip their fingers.

it's already a movie