What would you do if you found yourself alone with a girl who was passed out drunk Sup Forums?

what would you do if you found yourself alone with a girl who was passed out drunk Sup Forums?

I'd probably proceed to not rape her
Maybe get myself a glass of water or something

From a distance it looks like her fucking guts fell out

I'd leave because passed out chicks are boring.

Throw a blanket over it, leave if it's not my place.

Same. I was thinking, how'd this bitch get so fucked up just from drinking

leave her alone
>from a distance
are you a few meters away from your monitor

...? fucki fucki?

Having been in this position I'll tell you most of what happened.... I looked on her phone. Saw that she was cheating on me (or wanted me to think that she was cheating on me). I then emptied the apartment of everything that I could fit in my car. TV, electronics, couch cushions, coffee pot. All kinds of worthless shit.

Oh, I would cover m'lady with the softest blanket close at hand and then stand vigil over her throughout the night to ward away scoundrels.

prepare a bowl of eggs for when she wakes up

Thumbnail looks like gore.

There's something called a thumbnail retard

>>Sup Forums721273481 help my dumb newfriend he needs love

dude, do the dew.

go find a drunk girl who isn't passed out.
they're more fun.

>he doesn't do long distance browsing
how do you get your cardio r-tard?

hahahah alright ya got me

I might have a quick peek under easily-liftable material, but other than that, cover her up with a blanket and leaver her alone. If this was at a party, I'd tell some trusted friends to keep an eye on the room to make sure nothing more happens.

I would give her some eggs to eat

damn, I was so hoping for a gore thread by the looks of the thumbnail


I would rape her.